Custom Breadcrumbs for Bootstrap 5 framework
Abstract: We are presenting code (CSS) for custom Bootstrap 5 breadcrumbs. This is an improved version of the previously published article.
Bootstrap 5 framework is coming with very basic Breadcrumbs implementation. I needed something much better, both visually and more functional. Over time, in my applications, I found it very useful to use Breadcrumbs to enable the user to go back to the higher level, after he drills into details on the particular item/object.
Very important to me was the ability to present TEXT DATA IN TWO ROWS, especially in cases where I am showing some data and ID, like an indication that is the data for some Account, and at the same time providing the Account number.
I was not satisfied with the solutions I saw on the internet, so I developed my own.
While the title says this is a “Bootstrap 5” library, it is completely independent of the Bootstrap CSS and only chosen colors were taken from the Bootstrap CSS to align with the Bootstrap 5 theme. You can use it independently from Bootstrap if you like.
This version incorporates suggestions and code from [email protected] to make the code shorter. I do not necessarily agree with all the suggestions, because I think code human readability is more important than shorter code. So, I made my own new version.
Also, this version uses Bootstrap Icons [1] instead of Font Awesome Icons.
Here is what the final result looks like, together with the demo code that generates it. I created breadcrumbs strips in 3 sizes (large, medium, small), with optional usage of icons. Colors can be chosen at will, and the hover effect is present by default, unless explicitly disabled. The hover effect is usually disabled for the last breadcrumb because that is the current selection in effect.
Here is the HTML code that generates the above rendering. Any web developer should be able to read the HTML code and match it to the above picture to find the variant he/she likes.
If you want to use icons, you can install the free version of Bootstrap Icons [1], and refer to it, similar to how it is done in this example. HTML code for icon usage is a bit complicated because we needed to separate icons and text into 2 separate elements so they could be styled independently.
Large size, info case
Large size, info case, with no hover effect on the last button
Large size, Rainbow
Large size, icons usage
Medium size, info case
Medium size, info case, with no hover effect on the last button
Medium size, Rainbow
Medium size, icons usage
Small size, info case
Small size, info case, with no hover effect on the last button
Small size, Rainbow
Small size, icons usage
Here is the CSS, no JavaScript is needed. I deliberately used the class name “breadcrumbs3” to avoid name collision with the Bootstrap 5 original class.
/* breadcrumb3.css */ /* by [email protected], using partly code from [email protected] */ .breadcrumb3-lg, .breadcrumb3-md, .breadcrumb3-sm{ /* colors taken from bootstrap.css Bootstrap v5.1.0 */ --bs-primary: #0d6efd; --bs-secondary: #6c757d; --bs-success: #198754; --bs-info: #0dcaf0; --bs-warning: #ffc107; --bs-danger: #dc3545; --bs-light: #f8f9fa; --bs-dark: #212529; --bs-gray: #6c757d; --bs-white: white; --bs-black: black; /* changeable colors */ --_bgcolor: var(--bs-info); --_color: var(--bs-black); --_arrowbordercolor: var(--bs-gray); --_hover-bgcolor: var(--bs-primary); --_hover-color: var(--bs-white); } @media (max-width: 767px) { /* making it responsive, using CSS Flexbox with column (vertical) direction*/ .breadcrumb3-lg, .breadcrumb3-md, .breadcrumb3-sm { display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .breadcrumb3-lg .breadcrumb3-item { width: 80% ; border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px; padding-left: 25px ; } .breadcrumb3-md .breadcrumb3-item { width: 80% ; border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px; padding-left: 20px ; } .breadcrumb3-sm .breadcrumb3-item { width: 80% ; border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px; padding-left: 18px ; } } /* large size breadcrumb3-item -----------------------------------*/ .breadcrumb3-item { position: relative; display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; color: var(--_color); background-color: var(--_bgcolor); height: 40px; line-height: 18px; font-size: 18px; text-align: center; padding-right: 10px; padding-left: 25px; text-decoration: none; } .breadcrumb3-text { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; } .breadcrumb3-icon { display: table-cell; text-align: center; line-height: 25px; font-size: 25px; padding-right: 10px; vertical-align: middle; } .breadcrumb3-item:first-child { border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px; padding-left: 15px; } .breadcrumb3-item:before, .breadcrumb3-item:after { content: ""; display: block; width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 20px solid transparent; position: absolute; margin-top: -20px; border-bottom: 20px solid transparent; left: 100%; top: 50%; } /* all this to create edge on arrow, creating gray arrow in background */ .breadcrumb3-item:after { border-left: 15px solid var(--_arrowbordercolor); margin-left: 1px; z-index: 2; } /* this is arrow itself, overwriting gray arrow */ .breadcrumb3-item:before { border-left: 15px solid var(--_bgcolor); margin-left: 0px; z-index: 3; } .breadcrumb3-item:hover:not(.no-hover-effect) , .breadcrumb3-item:focus:not(.no-hover-effect){ background-color: var(--_hover-bgcolor); color: var(--_hover-color); } .breadcrumb3-item:hover:not(.no-hover-effect):before, .breadcrumb3-item:focus:not(.no-hover-effect):before { border-left-color: var(--_hover-bgcolor); } /* remove keyboard navigation focus rectangle */ .breadcrumb3-item:focus-visible { outline: none; } /* medium size breadcrumb3-item -----------------------------------*/ .breadcrumb3-md .breadcrumb3-item { height: 32px; line-height: 15px; font-size: 15px; padding-left: 20px; } .breadcrumb3-md .breadcrumb3-icon { line-height: 20px; font-size: 20px; padding-right: 7px; } .breadcrumb3-md .breadcrumb3-item:first-child { border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px; padding-left: 12px; } /* all this to create edge on arrow, creating gray arrow in background */ .breadcrumb3-md .breadcrumb3-item:after { border-top: 16px solid transparent; border-bottom: 16px solid transparent; border-left: 12px solid var(--_arrowbordercolor); margin-top: -16px; margin-left: 1px; } /* this is arrow itself, overwriting gray arrow */ .breadcrumb3-md .breadcrumb3-item:before { border-top: 16px solid transparent; border-bottom: 16px solid transparent; border-left: 12px solid var(--_bgcolor); margin-top: -16px; } /* small size breadcrumb3-item-sm -----------------------------------*/ .breadcrumb3-sm .breadcrumb3-item { height: 24px; line-height: 11px; font-size: 11px; padding-right: 8px; padding-left: 18px; } .breadcrumb3-sm .breadcrumb3-icon { line-height: 16px; font-size: 16px; padding-right: 5px; } .breadcrumb3-sm .breadcrumb3-item:first-child { border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px; padding-left: 10px; } /* all this to create edge on arrow, creating gray arrow in background */ .breadcrumb3-sm .breadcrumb3-item:after { border-top: 12px solid transparent; border-bottom: 12px solid transparent; border-left: 8px solid var(--_arrowbordercolor); margin-top: -12px; margin-left: 1px; } /* this is arrow itself, overwriting gray arrow */ .breadcrumb3-sm .breadcrumb3-item:before { border-top: 12px solid transparent; border-bottom: 12px solid transparent; border-left: 8px solid var(--_bgcolor); margin-top: -12px; } /*breadcrumb3-item colors ------------------------------------------*/ /* we like specificity, to avoid namespace collisions */ .breadcrumb3-lg .info, .breadcrumb3-md .info, .breadcrumb3-sm .info { --_color: var(--bs-black); --_bgcolor: var(--bs-info); --_arrowbordercolor: var(--bs-gray); --_hover-bgcolor: var(--bs-primary); --_hover-color: var(--bs-white); } .breadcrumb3-lg .primary , .breadcrumb3-md .primary , .breadcrumb3-sm .primary { --_color: var(--bs-white); --_bgcolor: var(--bs-primary); --_arrowbordercolor: var(--bs-gray); --_hover-bgcolor: var(--bs-success); --_hover-color: var(--bs-white); } .breadcrumb3-lg .warning, .breadcrumb3-md .warning, .breadcrumb3-sm .warning { --_color: var(--bs-black); --_bgcolor: var(--bs-warning); --_arrowbordercolor: var(--bs-gray); --_hover-bgcolor: var(--bs-primary); --_hover-color: var(--bs-white); } .breadcrumb3-lg .success, .breadcrumb3-md .success, .breadcrumb3-sm .success { --_color: var(--bs-black); --_bgcolor: var(--bs-success); --_arrowbordercolor: var(--bs-gray); --_hover-bgcolor: var(--bs-primary); --_hover-color: var(--bs-white); } .breadcrumb3-lg .secondary, .breadcrumb3-md .secondary, .breadcrumb3-sm .secondary { --_color: var(--bs-white); --_bgcolor: var(--bs-secondary); --_arrowbordercolor: var(--bs-gray); --_hover-bgcolor: var(--bs-primary); --_hover-color: var(--bs-white); } .breadcrumb3-lg .light, .breadcrumb3-md .light, .breadcrumb3-sm .light { --_color: var(--bs-black); --_bgcolor: var(--bs-light); --_arrowbordercolor: var(--bs-gray); --_hover-bgcolor: var(--bs-primary); --_hover-color: var(--bs-white); } .breadcrumb3-lg .danger, .breadcrumb3-md .danger, .breadcrumb3-sm .danger { --_color: var(--bs-white); --_bgcolor: var(--bs-danger); --_arrowbordercolor: var(--bs-gray); --_hover-bgcolor: var(--bs-primary); --_hover-color: var(--bs-white); }
Here we will give some hints on how CSS works, although this is pretty simple CSS code and mostly is self-explanatory.
A very popular trick on how to make triangles with CSS is used here. The point is to abuse CSS's ability to render borders and make it render a border that is of the shape of a triangle. You do that by creating a block element with zero width and height and colored border on one side that acts as an arrow, and two transparent borders on two adjacent sides.
Since the triangle itself is a border, we can not create a border on it. So, the trick to create a border on the triangle/arrow is to create 2 triangles and render one over the other with minimal offset aside. That way we create the border appearance.
You can look into CSS code into selectors (.breadcrumb3-item:after) and (.breadcrumb3-item:before) and you will see that we there create 2 triangles, one gray and one info-color over it. Look carefully into CSS rules for the first (margin-left: 1px; z-index: 2;) and for the second (margin-left: 0px; z-index: 3;). You can see a slight offset and rendering of the second triangle over the first one.
Pseudo-elements (:before, :after) have just the purpose of attaching those triangles to the .breadcrumb3-item element.
Here we will provide a tutorial example code, just to show how triangles are created. Here is a tutorial code:
Note how gray arrow is created from red borderNow we will change red to transparent to keep just arrowNow we have only gray arrow, with 1 pixel offset to the rightSimilarly we have blue arrow, without that offsetNow we overlap 2 arrows, to get border effect for the arrow
And here is the result of the execution:
Any better programmer should be able to match code samples to produced results.
It might look complicated to find the proper Bootstrap Icons icon for your application but is really pretty easy. Icons are indexed by keywords, so you need to search for your keyword first, then choose (in this example free) the icon of interest, and then copy its ID- class into your app. Here are screenshots showing that process.
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