在这篇短文中,我将撰写有关如何使用 nextjs 构建中间件的文章。
我最近使用 nextjs 构建了一个完整的后端服务,我对 nextjs 的进步感到非常震惊。
您需要具备 javascript 和 Nodejs 的基本知识才能阅读本文。
1。使用以下命令从终端创建一个 nextjs 项目
npx create-next-app@latest
2.通过在终端中运行 npm install 安装必要的依赖项
我们将只安装一个用于身份验证的包库,即 jose,替代方案可能是 jsonwebtoken,但是 nextjs 中间件在浏览器上运行,因此边缘运行时不会实现一堆Node.js API
npm run dev
4。创建 middleware.js 文件
在项目的根目录创建一个 middleware.js 文件,如果您使用的是 /src 目录,请在 /src 目录中创建该文件
// /middleware.js export const middleware = async (req) => { try { } catch(error){ console.log(error) } }
// /middleware.js import { NextResponse } from 'next/server' export const middleware = async (req) => { try { const header = req.headers.get('authorization'); if(!header) return NextResponse.json({ status:'error' statusCode: 400, message:'unauthenticated' }) const token = header.split(" ")[1]; if(!token) return NextResponse.json({ status:'error' statusCode: 401, message:'You are not logged in' }) } catch(error){ console.log(error) } }
7.使用 jose
// /middleware.js import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'; import * as jose from 'jose' export const middleware = async (req) => { try { const header = req.headers.get('authorization'); if(!header) return NextResponse.json({ status:'error' statusCode: 400, message:'unauthenticated' }) const token = header.split(" ")[1]; if(!token) return NextResponse.json({ status:'error' statusCode: 401, message:'You are not logged in' }) const { payload } = await jose.jwtVerify( token, new TextEncoder().encode(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_JWT_KEY) ); // your encoded data will be inside the payload object. } catch(error){ console.log(error) } }
// /middleware.js import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'; import * as jose from 'jose' export const middleware = async (req) => { try { const header = req.headers.get('authorization'); if(!header) return NextResponse.json({ status:'error' statusCode: 400, message:'unauthenticated' }) const token = header.split(" ")[1]; if(!token) return NextResponse.json({ status:'error' statusCode: 401, message:'You are not logged in' }) const { payload } = await jose.jwtVerify( token, new TextEncoder().encode(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_JWT_KEY) ); const requestHeaders = new Headers(req.headers) requestHeaders.set('user', payload.id) } catch(error){ console.log(error) } }
// /middleware.js import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'; import * as jose from 'jose' export const middleware = async (req) => { try { const header = req.headers.get('authorization'); if(!header) return NextResponse.json({ status:'error' statusCode: 400, message:'unauthenticated' }) const token = header.split(" ")[1]; if(!token) return NextResponse.json({ status:'error' statusCode: 401, message:'You are not logged in' }) const { payload } = await jose.jwtVerify( token, new TextEncoder().encode(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_JWT_KEY) ); const requestHeaders = new Headers(req.headers) requestHeaders.set('user', payload.id) return NextResponse.next({ request: { headers: requestHeaders } }) } catch(error){ console.log(error) } }
// /middleware.js import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'; import * as jose from 'jose' export const config = { matcher:[ // contain list of routes you want to protect, e.g /api/users/:path* ] } export const middleware = async (req) => { try { const header = req.headers.get('authorization'); if(!header) return NextResponse.json({ status:'error' statusCode: 400, message:'unauthenticated' }) const token = header.split(" ")[1]; if(!token) return NextResponse.json({ status:'error' statusCode: 401, message:'You are not logged in' }) const { payload } = await jose.jwtVerify( token, new TextEncoder().encode(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_JWT_KEY) ); const requestHeaders = new Headers(req.headers) requestHeaders.set('user', payload.id) return NextResponse.next({ request: { headers: requestHeaders } }) } catch(error){ console.log(error) } }
我希望这 10 个步骤对您有所帮助,请在评论部分告诉我您对此方法的看法,并随时分享是否有更好的方法来实现这一目标。
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