Learning Chinese: How to Ask "Is This Price Expensive?"
Chinese Characters: 这个价钱贵吗?
Pinyin: Zhège jiàqián guì ma?
Pronunciation: zhe4 ge4 jia4 qian2 gui4 ma5
English Translation: Is this price expensive?
"这个价钱贵吗?(Zhège jiàqián guì ma?)" is a question used to inquire about the price of something and whether it is considered expensive. It can be used in various situations, such as when shopping or negotiating a price.
Chinese: 这个苹果多少钱?
Pinyin: Zhège píngguǒ duōshǎo qián?
English: How much is this apple?
Chinese: 十块钱。
Pinyin: Shí kuài qián.
English: Ten yuan.
Chinese: 这个价钱贵吗?
Pinyin: Zhège jiàqián guì ma?
English: Is this price expensive?
Tips for Learning:
Practice saying "这个价钱贵吗?(Zhège jiàqián guì ma?)" out loud to improve your pronunciation.
Listen to native Chinese speakers asking about prices to get a sense of the natural rhythm and intonation.
Use "这个价钱贵吗?(Zhège jiàqián guì ma?)" in your daily conversations to practice using it in context.
Additional Notes:
The word "贵 (guì)" can also mean "valuable" or "precious."
To emphasize that something is expensive, you can say "很贵 (hěn guì)", which means "very expensive."
If you want to ask if something is cheap, you can say "这个价钱便宜吗?(Zhège jiàqián piányi ma?)", which means "Is this price cheap?"
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