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Web 应用安全开源工具列表


保护 Web 应用程序的安全对于开发人员和安全专业人员来说都是一项关键任务。对于初学者来说,理解和实施 Web 应用程序安全性似乎令人畏惧。幸运的是,有许多可用的开源工具可以帮助您构建坚实的安全基础。

本文提供了用于 Web 应用程序安全的基本开源工具的完整列表,非常适合希望保护其应用程序安全的初学者。

1. 静态代码分析


用法:将 SonarQube 集成到您的 CI/CD 管道中,以持续监控和提高您的代码质量和安全性。

Open Source Tool List for Web App Security

Brakeman https://github.com/presidentbeef/brakeman
    Description: A static analysis security vulnerability scanner specifically designed for Ruby on Rails applications.
    Usage: Use Brakeman to scan your Rails codebase and identify potential security issues during development.

Open Source Tool List for Web App Security

2. 动态代码分析


OWASP ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy)
    Description: An open-source tool designed to find security vulnerabilities in web applications during the development and testing phases.
    Usage: Use ZAP to intercept and inspect HTTP traffic, perform automated scans, and identify security issues.

w3af (Web Application Attack and Audit Framework)
    Description: An open-source web application security scanner that helps identify and exploit vulnerabilities.
    Usage: Employ w3af to scan your web application for vulnerabilities and understand their impact.

3. 依赖管理和漏洞扫描


OWASP Dependency-Check
    Description: A tool that identifies project dependencies and checks if there are any known, publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
    Usage: Integrate Dependency-Check into your build process to automatically scan for vulnerabilities in your dependencies.

    Description: Although Snyk offers paid plans, its core features for open source vulnerability scanning are available for free.
    Usage: Use Snyk to scan your projects for vulnerabilities and receive actionable advice on how to fix them.

4. 网络和应用程序扫描


    Description: A powerful open-source network scanning tool used to discover hosts and services on a network.
    Usage: Use Nmap to scan your network for open ports and services that could be potential entry points for attackers.

    Description: An open-source web server scanner that tests for a variety of issues, including outdated server software and dangerous files.
    Usage: Run Nikto against your web server to identify common security issues and misconfigurations.


Web 应用程序防火墙通过过滤和监控 Web 应用程序与互联网之间的 HTTP 流量来帮助保护 Web 应用程序。

    Description: A docker-based, easy to use, self-hosted free WAF that provide real-time web application monitoring and access control.
    Usage: Configure SafeLine to filter and monitor HTTP requests to your web application, blocking malicious traffic.

Open Source Tool List for Web App Security

6. 安全标头

安全标头通过设置强制执行安全策略的 HTTP 标头来保护 Web 应用程序免受各种类型的攻击。

    Description: A free tool that analyzes the HTTP response headers of your web application and provides a grade based on the presence and configuration of security headers.
    Usage: Regularly check your web app’s security headers with SecurityHeaders.io and configure them to enhance security.

    Description: A middleware for Express.js applications that helps secure the app by setting various HTTP headers.
    Usage: Integrate Helmet.js into your Express app to improve security by setting appropriate HTTP headers.

7. 内容安全策略(CSP)

内容安全策略 (CSP) 通过指定可信来源来帮助防止跨站脚本 (XSS) 和其他代码注入攻击。

CSP Evaluator
    Description: A tool by Google that helps evaluate and improve your Content Security Policy.
    Usage: Use the CSP Evaluator to analyze and refine your CSP, reducing the risk of XSS and other injection attacks.

8. 渗透测试框架

渗透测试框架提供了一套用于对 Web 应用程序执行全面安全评估的工具。

    Description: A widely used open-source penetration testing framework that helps in discovering, exploiting, and validating vulnerabilities.
    Usage: Use Metasploit to conduct penetration tests on your web application, understanding and mitigating security risks.

9. 学习资源

教育资源对于了解 Web 应用程序安全的基础知识并了解最新的威胁和防御至关重要。

    Description: A list of the top ten most critical web application security risks, along with explanations and recommendations for mitigation.
    Usage: Familiarize yourself with the OWASP Top Ten to understand common vulnerabilities and how to prevent them.

Web Security Academy by PortSwigger
    Description: An interactive learning platform offering labs and tutorials on various web security topics.
    Usage: Use the Web Security Academy to practice and improve your web application security skills through hands-on labs.

    Description: An online platform offering free and paid courses on cybersecurity topics, including web application security.
    Usage: Enroll in Cybrary courses to gain in-depth knowledge and skills in web application security.


通过利用这些开源工具和资源,初学者可以开始为其 Web 应用程序构建强大的安全态势。持续学习并及时了解最新的安全实践和威胁至关重要,因为网络安全是一个不断发展的领域。从这些工具开始,奠定坚实的基础并有效保护您的 Web 应用程序。

版本声明 本文转载于:https://dev.to/jaryn_123/open-source-tool-list-for-web-app-security-1jhb?1如有侵犯,请联系[email protected]删除
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