方法是可以在对象上调用的 fns
let arr = ['a','b','c','d','e']; // Usecase: Extract till index passed as argument arr.slice(2); // [ 'c', 'd', 'e' ] // Usecase: Extract from [first index] to [second index-1] value. arr.slice(2,4); // [ 'c', 'd' ] i.e Length of array will be end-begin or 4-2 = 2 // Usecase: Extract last 2 elements arr.slice(-2); // [ 'd', 'e' ] // Usecase: Extract the last element. arr.slice(-1); // [ 'e' ] // Usecase: Extract from index passed to leaving the last two elements. arr.slice(1,-2); // [ 'e' ] // Usecase: Create a shallow copy of an array arr.slice(); // 1st way [...arr]; // 2nd way// 用例:从 [第一个索引] 提取到 [第二个索引-1] 值。 arr.slice(2,4); //
// splice: remove the elements begining from the index passed. Mutates the orig. array. // returns: part of the removed array let arr = ['a','b','c','d','e']; // arr.splice(2); // [ 'c', 'd', 'e' ] // arr; // [ 'a', 'b' ] // Usecase: Remove last element of the array // arr.splice(-1); // [ 'e' ] // arr; // [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ] // Usecase: Delete no of elements. splice(index, deleteCount) arr.splice(1, 3); // [ 'b', 'c', 'd' ] arr; // [ 'a', 'e' ]splice:改变原始数组
// 到达; //
// 用例:删除数组的最后一个元素
// arr.splice(-1); // ['e']
// 到达; //
let arr = ['a','b','c','d','e']; let arr2 = arr.reverse(); arr; arr2;
// splice: remove the elements begining from the index passed. Mutates the orig. array. // returns: part of the removed array let arr = ['a','b','c','d','e']; // arr.splice(2); // [ 'c', 'd', 'e' ] // arr; // [ 'a', 'b' ] // Usecase: Remove last element of the array // arr.splice(-1); // [ 'e' ] // arr; // [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ] // Usecase: Delete no of elements. splice(index, deleteCount) arr.splice(1, 3); // [ 'b', 'c', 'd' ] arr; // [ 'a', 'e' ]let arr = ['a','b','c','d','e']; 让 arr2 = arr.reverse(); 到达; arr2;
// splice: remove the elements begining from the index passed. Mutates the orig. array. // returns: part of the removed array let arr = ['a','b','c','d','e']; // arr.splice(2); // [ 'c', 'd', 'e' ] // arr; // [ 'a', 'b' ] // Usecase: Remove last element of the array // arr.splice(-1); // [ 'e' ] // arr; // [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ] // Usecase: Delete no of elements. splice(index, deleteCount) arr.splice(1, 3); // [ 'b', 'c', 'd' ] arr; // [ 'a', 'e' ]let arr1 = ['a','b','c','d','e']; 让 arr2 = ['f','g','h','i','j']; [...arr1,...arr2]; // 第一种方式 arr2 = arr1.concat(arr2); //第二种方式
let arr = ['a','b','c','d','e']; arr[0]; // 1st way arr.at(0); // 2nd way // Get the last element of the array arr[arr.length - 1]; // 1st way arr.slice(-1)[0]; // 2nd way arr.at(-1); // 3rd way arr.at(0); // 'a' arr.at(-1); // 'e'“随着时间的推移,你会根据它们的用法记住它们。”
// Looping over array using forEach method. let account = [2000,-300, 400, -200, -500, 1000, -300]; // Loop over an array using for-of for(let money of account){ if(money > 0){ console.log(`Deposited ${money}`); } else { console.log(`Withdrawn ${Math.abs(money)}`); } } // .entries(): returns an array of arrays. // return the output as index-value pair. // first element must be index, second element must be element-value for(let [i,money] of account.entries()){ if(money > 0){ console.log(`Transaction ${i 1}, Deposited ${money}`); } else { console.log(`Transaction ${i 1}, Withdrawn ${Math.abs(money)}`); } } // Loop over an array using forEach which requires a callback fn. // forEach will call the callback fn, and not we. // forEach will pass each element as argument in every iteration. account.forEach(function(money){ if(money > 0){ console.log(`Deposited ${money}`); } else { console.log(`Withdrawn ${Math.abs(money)}`); } }); // Iteration 1: pass arg1 to CB-fn(arg1) // Iteration 2: pass arg2 to CB-fn(arg2) // Iteration 3: pass arg3 to CB-fn(arg3) // ..... // ..... // forEach will pass each element, index, array as argument in every iteration. Order of arguments matter, not the no of these arguments i.e first element should be the current-Element, second element should be index, third element should be entire array which is being looped-over. // first element must be element-value, second element should be index, third element must be entire array. This is how its different from array.entries() account.forEach(function(money, i, arr){ if(money > 0){ console.log(`Transaction ${i 1}, Deposited ${money} into ${arr}`); } else { console.log(`Transaction ${i 1}, Withdrawn ${Math.abs(money)} from ${arr}`); } });
// 使用 forEach 方法循环数组。 让帐户 = [2000,-300, 400, -200, -500, 1000, -300]; // 使用 for-of 循环数组 for(让账户资金){ 如果(钱> 0){ console.log(`已存入 ${money}`); } 别的 { console.log(`提现${Math.abs(money)}`); } } // .entries():返回数组的数组。 // 将输出作为索引值对返回。 // 第一个元素必须是索引,第二个元素必须是元素值 for(let [i,money] of account.entries()){ 如果(钱> 0){ console.log(`交易${i 1},已存入${money}`); } 别的 { console.log(`交易${i 1},提现${Math.abs(money)}`); } } // 使用 forEach 循环数组,这需要回调 fn。 // forEach 会调用回调函数 fn,而不是我们。 // forEach 将在每次迭代中将每个元素作为参数传递。 account.forEach(函数(钱){ 如果(钱> 0){ console.log(`已存入 ${money}`); } 别的 { console.log(`提现${Math.abs(money)}`); } }); // 迭代 1:将 arg1 传递给 CB-fn(arg1) // 迭代 2:将 arg2 传递给 CB-fn(arg2) // 迭代 3:将 arg3 传递给 CB-fn(arg3) // ...... // ...... // forEach 将在每次迭代中将每个元素、索引、数组作为参数传递。参数的顺序很重要,而不是这些参数的编号,即第一个元素应该是当前元素,第二个元素应该是索引,第三个元素应该是正在循环的整个数组。 // 第一个元素必须是元素值,第二个元素应该是索引,第三个元素必须是整个数组。这就是它与 array.entries() 的不同之处 account.forEach(函数(钱, i, arr){ 如果(钱> 0){ console.log(`交易${i 1},将${money}存入${arr}`); } 别的 { console.log(`交易${i 1},从${arr}中提取${Math.abs(money)}`); } }); 何时使用 for-of 和 forEach:
forEach:无法突破它。 continue-break 在其中不起作用。总是会遍历整个数组,并且无法阻止它。
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