"일꾼이 일을 잘하려면 먼저 도구를 갈고 닦아야 한다." - 공자, 『논어』.
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디즈니 드림 라이트 밸리 : Frost & Fairies Star Path Guide

2025-03-22에 게시되었습니다

Every few weeks, Disney Dreamlight Valley introduces a new Star Path ripe with rewards like clothing, furniture, and motifs. You can participate for free or spend valuable Moonstones to unlock even more goodies for a limited time, but only if you complete the right duties and redeem them before time runs out. Each reward is unique, allowing you to express yourself based on the season's theme.

Disney Dreamlight Valley: Frost & Fairies Star Path Guide

With the Frost & Fairies Star Path, you can unlock a variety of chilling designs, warm clothing, and sparkling winter decorations based around festive holidays and Disney's classic fairies franchise. Here's everything you need to know about the Star Path!

Frost & Fairies Star Path Rewards

Disney Dreamlight Valley: Frost & Fairies Star Path Guide

Are you ready to get your village all dolled up for the winter season? With this Star Path, there are more rewards than ever for you to collect and decorate with! Not only are there six pages full of new items to collect for a limited time, but there are also four separate bonus pages with even more content to unlock.

The bonus pages can be unlocked after you unlock all the standard and premium rewards.

While it's free to participate, you can spend 2,500 Moonstones to unlock the Premium Star Path and gain access to all of the possible rewards. Below is everything you can purchase and how much it costs:

Star Path Page

Standard Rewards and Costs

Premium Rewards and Costs

Page One

  • x100 Moonstones (10 Tokens)
  • Small Winter Crystal (10 Tokens)
  • Winter Crystal Chandelier (30 Tokens)
  • Frost Fairy Motif (10 Tokens)
  • First Frost Jacket (40 Tokens)
  • Ice Mahogany Wallpaper (10 Tokens)
  • Frosty Rabbit Companion (50 Tokens)

Page Two

Page Three

Page Four

Page Five

Page Six

Bonus Rewards

Page One

  • Winter Tiara 2
  • Spring Thaw Jacket
  • Winter Crystal Cooking Station
  • Green Winter Crystal Gazebo

Page Two

  • Spring Thaw Crystal Fountain
  • Spring Thaw Dress
  • Winter Pine Crafting Station
  • Green Winter Crystal Swing

Page Three

  • Enchanted Winter Cottage

Page Four

  • 90 Moonstones

Frost & Fairies Star Path Duties

Disney Dreamlight Valley: Frost & Fairies Star Path Guide

To earn the tokens you need to redeem your prizes, you'll have to complete duties like fishing, gardening, giving gifts, and more. Each is written like a riddle or a clue for you to figure out, but some can be tricky.

Thankfully, we've deciphered some of them for you so you can get the tokens you need! They'll give you an idea of what to look for so you can collect every reward. Below are the event-related duties you need to complete to earn tokens:

Some of them will take several days to earn, as they require giving gifts over several days or having multiple daily conversations.





Uproot Night Thorns.

Remove Night Thorns, Splinters of Fate, and/or Inkies. 10 10 Tokens

Practice MINE-fulness.

Interact with mining nodes around the village. 5 20 Tokens

Tackle royal tasks.

Complete daily duties. 5 10 Tokens

Get crafty!

Craft items at a Crafting Station. 5 10 Tokens

Give a Tiny Chef his favorite gifts!

Give Remy his favorite gifts of the day. 4 20 tokens

Whip up a 3-star meal.

Cook 3-star dishes. 5 10 Tokens

Sling plates in any restaurant.

Serve customers at a village restaurant. 3 20 tokens

Talk with Toontown residents.

Have a daily discussion with Mickey & Friends characters. 2 15 Tokens

Spend time with Duckberg's finest.

Hangout with Scrooge McDuck. 5 15 Tokens

Go fish!

Catch fish around the Valley. 5 20 Tokens

Pick some Apples.

Pick apples from around the Valley. 40 10 Tokens

Mine precious gems with a Royal Tool.

Use your pickaxe to mine for gems. 15 20 Tokens

Finish some Dreamlight Duties.

Complete daily duties in the Valley. 15 10 Tokens

Find Memories.

Collect Memory Orbs around the Valley. 5 10 Tokens

Bring a robot his favorite gifts for his collection.

Bring WALL-E his favorite gifts of the day. 4 20 Tokens

Disney Dreamlight Valley: Frost & Fairies Star Path Guide

릴리스 선언문 이 기사는 https://www.thegamer.com/disney-dreamlight-valley-frost-fairies-star-path-rewards-duties-guide/에서 재 인쇄되었습니다.
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부인 성명: 제공된 모든 리소스는 부분적으로 인터넷에서 가져온 것입니다. 귀하의 저작권이나 기타 권리 및 이익이 침해된 경우 자세한 이유를 설명하고 저작권 또는 권리 및 이익에 대한 증거를 제공한 후 이메일([email protected])로 보내주십시오. 최대한 빨리 처리해 드리겠습니다.

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