"Nǐ huì shuō yīngyǔ ma?" is the polite question to ask "Do you speak English?" in Chinese. Used in various scenarios, it's an essential phrase for meeting new people or verifying comprehension. Variations of the question include "Nǐ jiǎng yīngyǔ ma?" for
学习中文:中文老师教你如何用中文说“我不喜欢那个”中文(简体):我不喜欢那个拼音:wǒ bù xǐhuān nà ge发音:wǒ bù shìhuān nà gē英文翻译:I don't like that用法:“我不喜欢那个”这句话用来表达对某事物或某人的否定或不喜欢。它可以在各种场合使用,既可以...
学习中文:和中文老师学说“我想去那个地方”简体中文:我想去那个地方拼音:Wǒ xiǎng qù nà ge dì fāng发音:wǒ xiǎng qù nà ge dì fāng含义:我想去那个地方用法:“我想去那个地方”这句话用于表达想要前往某个特定地点的愿望。它既可以用在正式场合,也可以用在非正...
学习中文:如何用中文问“请问厕所在哪里”简体中文:请问厕所在哪里?拼音:qǐng wèn cè suǒ zài nǎ lǐ读音:请(qǐng)问(wèn)厕(cè)所(suǒ)在(zài)哪(nǎ)里(lǐ)英文翻译:Excuse me, where is the restroom?用法:“请问厕所...