,您可以使用str.translate方法从字符串中删除特定字符。 This method allows you to specify a translation table, which maps characters to be replaced.line = line.translate(None, "!@#$") # Remove all occurrences of "!@#$"Using re.subline = "Hello world!" line = line.replace("!", "") # Replace all occurrences of "!" with an empty stringThe re.sub method performs regular expression substitution on a string.您可以使用它来删除字符类中的字符。
在python 3中,字符串是Unicode,是Unicode,它需要用于移除字符的不同方法。您需要通过映射Unicode代码指向none的翻译字典,而不是将其作为第二个参数。 line = line.translate(translation_table)
替代方法line = line.translate(None, "!@#$") # Remove all occurrences of "!@#$"
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