在试图使用已内置的CSV模块读取Python中时,CSV文件中的Unicode Decode Decode Decode Decode decode Error读取
当CSV文件包含特殊字符或Unicode的路径逃脱时,此错误发生在此错误时,Python的UnicoDeescape Codec无法解码。字符串用小写“ r”预先通往CSV文件的路径,以表示原始字符串。这将防止Python解释特殊字符为逃生序列。 data = open(r“ c:\ users \ miche \ miche \ documents \ school \ school \ jaar2 \ mik \ mik \ mik \ 2.6 \ vektis_agb_agb_zorgvergverlener slashes
用前向斜杠替换文件路径中的后斜线。这是解决Windows环境中的Unicode解码问题的常见解决方案。data = open(“ c:/users/miche/documents/school/school/jaar2/jaar2/jaar2/mik/mik/mik2.6/vektis_agb_agb_zorgverlener) backslashes
SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 2-3: truncated \UXXXXXXXX escape
By applying one of these solutions, you should resolve the Unicode decode error and be able to read the CSV file successfully into your Python program.
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