A Closure 是一种 Javascript 功能,其中包含在另一个函数(外部函数)内的函数在外部函数外部返回并调用。
当内部函数保持对其作用域(即词法作用域)之外的变量的访问时,就会形成闭包; 即使在外部函数执行后也可以访问外部函数的变量和参数。
const taxCalculator = (vat ) => { return function taxableAmount (amount) { const tax = amount * vat / 100; return tax } } //alcoholic drinks have their on VAT, lets say 16% const alcoholTax = taxCalculator(16) const alcoholA = alcoholTax(1200) // an Alcohol that costs 1200 const alcoholB=alcoholTax(800) // an Alcohol that costs 800 //non-alcoholic have their own VAT, let say 12% const nonAlcoholTax = taxCalculator(12); const water = nonAlcoholTax(500) const Juice=nonAlcoholTax(300)
在 React js、JavaScript UI 库中,事件处理程序在 JSX 上内联声明。
function ActionButtons(){ const actions = ["Create", "Edit", "Delete"] const handleAction = (action) => { switch (action) { case actions[0]: //do something break; case actions[1]: //do something break; case actions[2]: //do something break; default: // do nothing break; } } return ({ actions.map(action => )}) }
function ActionButtons() { const actions = ["Create", "Edit", "Delete"]; const handleAction = (action) => { return function () { console.log(` ${action} Action button clicked`); switch (action) { case actions[0]: //do something break; case actions[1]: //do something break; case actions[2]: //do something break; default: // do nothing break; } }; }; return ({actions.map((action) => ( ))}); }
注意我们如何直接在 OnClick 事件上调用 handleAction 吗? 另请注意,我们重构了handleAction 函数,以便它返回一个带有开关执行必要操作的函数?
这是在 Javascript 中处理事件的一种巧妙方法。您觉得怎么样?
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