首頁 > 程式設計 > 如何使用CSS在引導程序中堆疊不同的高度?



How to Stack Divs of Varying Heights in Bootstrap Using CSS? 

Utilize visible classes for responsive stacking:

Utilize the .visible-sm, .visible-md, and .visible-lg classes in conjunction with clearfix.這樣可以確保根據屏幕尺寸適當清除浮子。
  1. 示例實現: 附加說明:

  2. Ensure that the clearfix class is applied outside of the columns to effectively clear the floats

  3. By implementing this technique, you can achieve a responsive stacking of div elements with varying heights within the grid system of Bootstrap.這種方法提供了與Bootstrap兼容的純CSS解決方案,以滿足最佳佈局可視化的需求。

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