// IIFE Goal: Create a new scope, return the data just once. All of data inside IIFE will be private as it would inside the fn scope. // Using this way, we don't need to call it separately. And it ensures its called only once. // IIFE is created only once, goal is 'NOT TO REUSE' by executing it multiple times. // Result of running an IIFE is stored, or else it will disappear simply. const ShoppingCart2 = (function(){ const cart = []; const shippingCost = 10; const totalPrice = 237; const totalQuantity = 10; const addToCart = function(product, quantity){ cart.push({product, quantity}); console.log(`${quantity} ${product} added to cart. Shipping cost is ${shippingCost}`); }; const orderStock = function(product, quantity){ console.log(`${quantity} ${product} ordered from supplier`); }; // Need to return something, in order to return a public API. For that, an object is returned containing stuff which needs to be made public. return { addToCart, cart, totalPrice, totalQuantity }; })(); // Everything inside the above module is private to the module. // The above fn returns the object mentioned inside return statement and assign it to the ShoppingCart2 variable mentioned at the start of fn. This IIFE is returned then long ago. // All this is possible because of closures. Hence, addToCart can acccess the cart variable. ShoppingCart2.addToCart('apple', 4); ShoppingCart2.addToCart('pizza', 5); ShoppingCart2; ShoppingCart2.shippingCost; // inaccessible.
除了原生的 ES6 模組和模組模式之外,JS 還支援其他非 JS 原生的模組系統。前任。 AMD、CommonJS
前任。 Node.js 中自始至終都使用 CommonJS 模組。最近ES6模組已經在Node.js中實作了
npm 儲存庫上的所有模組仍然使用 commonJS 模組系統,因為 npm 最初是為 Node 設計的。直到後來,npm 才成為整個 JS 世界的儲存庫。因此,我們基本上只能使用 CommonJS。所以,CommonJS 在 Node.js 中的影響仍然需要關注
就像 ES6 模組一樣,CommonJS 中 1 個檔案就是 1 個模組。
ES 模組最終將取代所有模組系統,但目前我們還需要使用 commonjs。
// EXPORT export.addToCart = function(product, quantity){ cart.push({product, quantity}); console.log(`${quantity} ${product} added to cart. Shipping cost is ${shippingCost}`); }; // IMPORT: is similar to ES Modules but would use a require fn. // require is not defined in browser env but its defined in node env as its a part of commonjs const addToCart = require('./shoppingCart.js')
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