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Assassin's Creed Shadows has quite a few different castles strewn across its extremely large world. Each castle is going to be a little bit different in how it should be approached, and each one is also going to give you some special, unique loot, too.


Amagasaki Castle is one of the earlier castles that you're likely to run into in the game, and can be handled at pretty much any level, provided you've got a handle on the mechanics, and are willing to be patient. Amagasaki Castle has a ton of enemies inside, as well as five different Samurai that can prove a particular challenge.

How To Find Amagasaki Castle


Amagasaki Castle is located in Izumi Settsu, which is the area on the map that you begin the game in. It's located in the northern section of this area, just across the water from Osaka, and slightly southwest of the Senri Hills.

How To Enter Amagasaki Castle


Amagasaki Castle is, as most castles are, designed to be impenetrable. But, there are still quite a few different ways inside if you're looking for them.

  • There's a tree limb on the northwest side of the castle that extends most of the way toward the wall. Climb the tree and across the limb, and you'll be able to leap from there to the wall.
  • The northwest side of the castle also has a section of rocks level with the water in the moat. You can climb onto those rocks from the water and then use your grappling hook to pull yourself onto the wall.
  • The west side of the castle has another tree limb extending over the moat, similar to the other one on the northwest side.
  • There are two different southern staircases that provide entry into the castle; these are watched but not guarded nearly as heavily as the more prominent entrances into the castle.

How To Enter The Amagasaki Castle Interior


Getting into the exterior section of the castle is the first step, and there are things you'll need to accomplish in this section to fully complete the castle; we'll get into those further below.

But eventually, you'll need to get into the interior section. Passing over the second moat and into the interior section of the castle is a bit more of a difficult endeavor because you'll have enemies to avoid on both sides of the wall, as opposed to just one.

The east side of the interior moat is heavily guarded, but it has a flaw similar to that of a section of the outside. There's a section of rock coming out of the water to the right of the guarded bridge, and you can climb onto that rock and grapple into the interior section from there.


How To Find And Defeat All Samurai In Amagasaki Castle


There are five different Samurai in this castle, all varying when it comes to weaponry and health. Most of them will spawn as three-health-chunk Samurai, meaning you'll likely need to deal more damage to them than one assassination.

Samurai #1


The first samurai patrols the northern area of the castle exterior. This samurai is largely isolated from other enemies, particularly when he's on the section of the wall closer to the interior moat.

It's easy to start a one-versus-one fight with this samurai without interference, and it's best to start this with an assassination to get their health down to one chunk.

This samurai will sometimes start patrolling around the entire castle instead of just the northern area, sometimes making them more difficult to manage.

Samurai #2


The second Samurai is the only other samurai on the exterior section of the castle, this time on the east side. This samurai usually walks out from the interior of the castle, over the bridge with the two large guards, and patrols up and down the area.

Dealing with this Samurai is fairly easy. Take down the enemies to the north of this Samurai undetected, and then whistle or otherwise lead them north. You can take the one-versus-one fight or else combo Kunai/assassinate them to finish them.

Samurai #3


The last three Samurai are all going to be in the castle interior, and most of them are going to have other enemies nearby. You can take them in any order, and if you're too loud, it's possible that two of these samurai are going to fight you at the same time.

The third Samurai is usually going to be stationary on the west side of the interior section. They'll have one enemy above them, two different enemies behind them on different sides of the wall, and one more enemy in front of them, training. You can take out most of these other enemies in stealth, whittling down the eventual fight.

Samurai #4


The fourth samurai is also stationary, this time on the northwest side. There are multiple enemies in front of him and a locked door behind him.

The key for this locked door can be found on an enemy in the exterior portion of the castle, on the west side. Use your observer mode to spot the gold key symbol.

Dealing with this samurai can be a problem because he's going to see much of what you do to the enemies around him. There is an explosive pot near the entrance to the small building ahead of him that can take out a couple of enemies on its own, and once they're moving, you can use that to split up the lower-threat enemies and assassinate them.

Samurai #5


The fifth samurai is actually going to be located inside a building unless they've been lured out by a noise. They're inside the building immediately beside the largest structure that has the viewpoint at the top, on the northeast section of the interior. This samurai is particularly easy to deal with on their own, especially if you've taken care of the enemies outside beforehand.

However, if a fight moves over near the building with this samurai, it can become a massive problem, creating a fight against two samurai instead of one. If this happens, it's usually best to re-enter stealth and try and take the fight one at a time.

How To Find The Legendary Chest In Amagasaki Castle


The legendary chest in Amagasaki Castle is very easy to find, as it is attached to the biggest landmark in the area.

The interior portion of the castle had one particularly tall building, with a viewpoint at the top of it. At the very top of that roof is a trap door, leading into an attic. That attic contains the legendary chest, but it can't be opened until all five samurai have been dealt with.

This legendary chest contains the Tools Master Mask, which gains Naoe a critical hit chance, an adrenaline gain increase, and a unique perk that allows her shuriken to no longer break when impacting on hard surfaces.

Smuggler Supplies


There is also a fairly large bounty of supplies that you can smuggle back to your hideout, as well. Luckily, these supplies aren't too difficult to find. At the bottom of the same building with the viewpoint, which is also the building that has the legendary chest at the top, are multiple Smuggler Resources.


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