「労働者が自分の仕事をうまくやりたいなら、まず自分の道具を研ぎ澄まさなければなりません。」 - 孔子、「論語。陸霊公」
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Why Am I Getting MySQL Error #1089: Incorrect Prefix Key?


Why Am I Getting MySQL Error #1089: Incorrect Prefix Key?

MySQL Error #1089: Incorrect Prefix Key

MySQL users may encounter error code #1089, indicating an invalid usage of prefix keys. Let's delve into the specifics of this error and its resolution.

Error Description

The error message "#1089 - Incorrect prefix key" can appear when attempting to create a prefix key on a column in a table. Prefix keys are designed to index a specific prefix length of string columns, allowing for faster searching on those prefixes.

Understanding Prefix Keys

Prefix keys are useful for optimizing searches on columns that have common prefixes, such as names or addresses. In the example provided:

PRIMARY KEY (movie_id(3))

the intention is to create a prefix key on the first 3 bytes of the movie_id column. However, this syntax is incorrect for primary keys, as it only applies to indexes.


To fix the error, remove the length specification from the primary key definition:

PRIMARY KEY (movie_id)

This will create a standard primary key on the entire movie_id column. Primary keys are essential for uniquely identifying records in a table and enforcing referential integrity.

Note: It's worth noting that the use of prefix keys on primary keys is generally not recommended, as it can result in a performance bottleneck. Prefix keys are more appropriate for index definitions, where they can improve search performance on specific prefixes of string columns.

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