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表紙 > プログラミング > How to Add MySQL Database to the DataSource Dialog in Visual Studio 2012?

How to Add MySQL Database to the DataSource Dialog in Visual Studio 2012?


How to Add MySQL Database to the DataSource Dialog in Visual Studio 2012?

Adding MySQL Database to the DataSource Dialog in Visual Studio 2012

When working with Entity Framework and MySQL, the absence of a MySQL DataSource option in the DataSource Dialog can be a hindrance. This article addresses this issue and provides a solution.

Although MySQL Connector v.6.5.4 is installed, the MySQL Database cannot be added to the DataSource Dialog for Entity Framework. To resolve this, it's crucial to understand that official Visual Studio 2012 integration for MySQL will be available with MySQL Connector v.6.5.5 and later 6.6.x versions.

As a workaround, you can follow a trick highlighted in a social.technet.microsoft community thread. The thread recommends using a vsix file from http://cl.ly/JqXO and double-clicking it to install the extension.

Once installed, the MySQL Database should now be visible in the DataSource Dialog.

Using Visual Studio 2012 Professional:
<img src="https://i.sstatic.net/86h5P.png" alt="DataSource Dialog with MySQL">

Using Visual Studio 2012 Express:
<img src="https://i.sstatic.net/vbLTA.png" alt="DataSource Dialog Express with MySQL">

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