MySQL JSON: Searching Objects Based on Key Values
MySQL tables often utilize JSON columns to store complex data structures. When working with JSON, a common task is to retrieve a specific object based on a key-value pair. However, finding the object directly may not always be straightforward.
JSON Schema Example:
Consider the following schema:
CREATE TABLE `fields` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`label` varchar(64) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`options` json DEFAULT NULL,
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
With sample data:
INSERT INTO `fields` (label, options) VALUES
'My Field',
'[{"text": "Grass", "value": "1"}, {"text": "Synthetic (New Type - Soft)", "value": "2"}, {"text": "Synthetic (Old Type - Hard)", "value": "3"}, {"text": "Gravel", "value": "5"}, {"text": "Clay", "value": "6"}, {"text": "Sand", "value": "7"}, {"text": "Grass/Synthetic Mix", "value": "8"}]'
Suppose we want to retrieve the string "Grass" from the options JSON array, knowing that its corresponding "value" is "1." Using JSON_EXTRACT() alone requires the index of the array, which may not be readily available.
Solution 1: Using JSON_SEARCH() and Horrible String Manipulation
This approach combines JSON_SEARCH() to partially find the index and then removes unwanted parts from the string:
JSON_EXTRACT(`options`,CONCAT('$[',REPLACE(REPLACE(JSON_SEARCH(`options`, 'one', '1'), '"$[', ''), '].value"', ''), '].text'))
from `fields`;
Solution 2: Using JSON_TABLE()
MySQL 8.0 introduces JSON_TABLE() to simplify this task:
select field_options.* from fields cross join
'$[*]' columns(
text text path '$.text',
value text path '$.value'
) as field_options
where field_options.value = 1;
Alternative Approach: Relational Data Model
For simpler data structures like this example, consider storing the data in a relational table with columns for key and value pairs, allowing for direct search:
SELECT * FROM field_options WHERE value = '1';
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