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How to Implement Delays in Unity for Gameplay and Event Sequencing?

Posted on 2025-02-06

How to Implement Delays in Unity for Gameplay and Event Sequencing?

Detailed explanation of Unity delay implementation


Creating delays in Unity is essential for managing game flows, sorting events, and simulating real-world behavior. Here are a few ways to achieve delay:

1. WaitForSeconds/WaitForSecondsRealtime

  • StartCoroutine
  • : Declare a coroutine function.
  • WaitForSeconds
  • : Pauses execution for a specified time (affected by game speed).
  • WaitForSecondsRealtime
  • : Pauses execution for a specified time (not affected by game speed).


IEnumerator WaitForSecondsExample()
    // 旋转90度
    transform.Rotate(Vector3.right * 90);

    // 等待4秒(不受游戏速度影响)
    yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(4);

    // 旋转40度
    transform.Rotate(Vector3.right * 40);

    // 等待2秒(受游戏速度影响)
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(2);

    // 旋转20度
    transform.Rotate(Vector3.right * 20);

2. Time-based loop

  • using while or for loop of
  • : gradually increase the timer until the desired value is reached.
  • yield return null
  • : Pause execution of one frame.


IEnumerator TimeBasedLoopExample()
    // 旋转90度
    transform.Rotate(Vector3.right * 90);

    // 等待4秒(受游戏速度影响)
    float timer = 0;
    while (timer 

3. WaitUntil/WaitWhile Function

  • WaitUntil
  • : Execution is not suspended until the condition is true.
  • WaitWhile
  • : Pause execution when the condition is true.


IEnumerator WaitUntilExample()
    // 等待玩家分数达到100
    yield return new WaitUntil(() => playerScore >= 100);

    // 加载下一关

4. Invoke Function

  • Invoke
  • : Schedule a function to execute after a specified delay.
  • InvokeRepeating: Similar to Invoke
  • , but the function is called repeatedly at specified time intervals.


Invoke("FeedDog", 5); // 5秒后调用FeedDog()

InvokeRepeating("MovePlayer", 0.5f, 0.2f); // 每0.2秒调用MovePlayer(),持续0.5秒。

5. Delay based on Update()

  • Time.deltaTime: Used to measure the time between frames.
  • Timer variable
  • : Increment each frame until the desired value is reached.
  • if statement: Check whether the timer reaches the required value and execute the necessary code.

void Update() { timer = Time.deltaTime; if (timer >= 5) { // Execute the code after 5 seconds timer = 0; FeedDog(); } }
void Update()
    timer  = Time.deltaTime;

    if (timer >= 5)
        // 5秒后执行代码
        timer = 0;
Solve your problem:

To create a delay when displaying text in your script, you can use the following code:

IEnumerator ShowTextWithDelay() { TextUI.text = "Welcome to the Digital Wizard!"; yield return new WaitForSeconds(3f); TextUI.text = ("The highest number you can choose is "max); yield return new WaitForSeconds(3f); TextUI.text = ("The lowest number you can choose is " min); } StartCoroutine(ShowTextWithDelay());
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