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何时以及为什么要在C ++ 11中使用线程 - 本地存储?


When and Why Should You Use Thread-Local Storage in C  11? 
在C 11

Thread-Local Variables: A Deeper Dive

When a thread is created, a separate copy of the thread-local variables is assigned to it. These variables can be accessed by all threads, but any modifications made to a particular thread-local variable are only visible to the thread that created it.

Thread-local variables add a new storage duration category to the existing ones:

Automatic (exists within a function or block)

Static (exists for the lifetime of the program)

Dynamic (allocated on the heap)
  • Thread-local (exists for the lifetime of a specific thread)
  • Avoidance of Thread Interference
  • Thread-local variables are beneficial in scenarios where sharing data across threads could lead to interference.例如,考虑一个随机数生成器,该发生器需要为每个线程维护单独的种子。使用线程 - 本地变量确保每个线程生成自己的唯一随机数序列。


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