Step 3: Implement Document Scanning in JavaScript

With the environment ready, the next step is to implement the relevant functions in JavaScript.

Get Devices

Enumerate the available scanners.

const ScannerType = {    // TWAIN scanner type, represented by the value 0x10    TWAINSCANNER: 0x10,    // WIA scanner type, represented by the value 0x20    WIASCANNER: 0x20,    // 64-bit TWAIN scanner type, represented by the value 0x40    TWAINX64SCANNER: 0x40,    // ICA scanner type, represented by the value 0x80    ICASCANNER: 0x80,    // SANE scanner type, represented by the value 0x100    SANESCANNER: 0x100,    // eSCL scanner type, represented by the value 0x200    ESCLSCANNER: 0x200,    // WiFi Direct scanner type, represented by the value 0x400    WIFIDIRECTSCANNER: 0x400,    // WIA-TWAIN scanner type, represented by the value 0x800    WIATWAINSCANNER: 0x800};let queryDevicesButton = document.getElementById(\\\"query-devices-button\\\");queryDevicesButton.onclick = async () => {    let scannerType = ScannerType.TWAINSCANNER | ScannerType.TWAINX64SCANNER;    let devices = await getDevices(host, scannerType);    let select = document.getElementById(\\\"sources\\\");    select.innerHTML = \\'\\';    for (let i = 0; i < devices.length; i  ) {        let device = devices[i];        let option = document.createElement(\\\"option\\\");        option.text = device[\\'name\\'];        option.value = JSON.stringify(device);        select.add(option);    };}async function getDevices(host, scannerType) {    devices = [];    let url = host   \\'/DWTAPI/Scanners\\'    if (scannerType != null) {        url  = \\'?type=\\'   scannerType;    }    try {        let response = await fetch(url);        if (response.ok) {            let devices = await response.json();            return devices;        }    } catch (error) {        console.log(error);    }    return [];}


Acquire Image

Scan documents from the selected scanner by specifying the pixel type, resolution, and other settings.

let scanButton = document.getElementById(\\\"scan-button\\\");scanButton.onclick = async () => {    let select = document.getElementById(\\\"sources\\\");    let device = select.value;    if (device == null || device.length == 0) {        alert(\\'Please select a scanner.\\');        return;    }    let inputText = document.getElementById(\\\"inputText\\\").value;    let license = inputText.trim();    if (license == null || license.length == 0) {        alert(\\'Please input a valid license key.\\');    }    let parameters = {        license: license,        device: JSON.parse(device)[\\'device\\'],    };    let showUICheck = document.getElementById(\\\"showUICheckId\\\");    let pixelTypeSelect = document.getElementById(\\\"pixelTypeSelectId\\\");    let resolutionSelect = document.getElementById(\\\"resolutionSelectId\\\");    let adfCheck = document.getElementById(\\\"adfCheckId\\\");    let duplexCheck = document.getElementById(\\\"duplexCheckId\\\");    parameters.config = {        IfShowUI: showUICheck.checked,        PixelType: pixelTypeSelect.selectedIndex,        Resolution: parseInt(resolutionSelect.value),        IfFeederEnabled: adfCheck.checked,        IfDuplexEnabled: duplexCheck.checked,    };    let jobId = await scanDocument(host, parameters);    let images = await getImages(host, jobId);    for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i  ) {        let url = images[i];        let img = document.getElementById(\\'document-image\\');        img.src = url;        data.unshift(url);        let option = document.createElement(\\\"option\\\");        option.selected = true;        option.text = url;        option.value = url;        let thumbnails = document.getElementById(\\\"thumb-box\\\");        let newImage = document.createElement(\\'img\\');        newImage.setAttribute(\\'src\\', url);        if (thumbnails != null) {            thumbnails.insertBefore(newImage, thumbnails.firstChild);            newImage.addEventListener(\\'click\\', e => {                if (e != null && != null) {                    let target =;                    img.src = target.src;                    selectedThumbnail = target;                }            });        }        selectedThumbnail = newImage;    }}async function scanDocument(host, parameters, timeout = 30) {    let url = host   \\'/DWTAPI/ScanJobs?timeout=\\'   timeout;    try {        let response = await fetch(url, {            method: \\'POST\\',            headers: {                \\'Content-Type\\': \\'application/json\\'            },            body: JSON.stringify(parameters)        });        if (response.ok) {            let jobId = await response.text();            return jobId;        }        else {            return \\'\\';        }    } catch (error) {        alert(error);        return \\'\\';    }}async function getImages(host, jobId) {    let images = [];    let url = host   \\'/DWTAPI/ScanJobs/\\'   jobId   \\'/NextDocument\\';    while (true) {        try {            let response = await fetch(url);            if (response.status == 200) {                const arrayBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer();                const blob = new Blob([arrayBuffer], { type: response.type });                const imageUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);                images.push(imageUrl);            }            else {                break;            }        } catch (error) {            console.error(\\'No more images.\\');            break;        }    }    return images;}


Rotate Image

Rotate the scanned image by -90 or 90 degrees.

let rotateLeftButton = document.getElementById(\\\"rotate-left-button\\\");rotateLeftButton.onclick = () => {    let img = document.getElementById(\\'document-image\\');    img.src = rotateImage(\\'document-image\\', -90);    selectedThumbnail.src = img.src;}let rotateRightButton = document.getElementById(\\\"rotate-right-button\\\");rotateRightButton.onclick = () => {    let img = document.getElementById(\\'document-image\\');    img.src = rotateImage(\\'document-image\\', 90);    selectedThumbnail.src = img.src;}    function rotateImage (imageId, angle) {    const image = document.getElementById(imageId);    const canvas = document.createElement(\\'canvas\\');    const context = canvas.getContext(\\'2d\\');    const imageWidth = image.naturalWidth;    const imageHeight = image.naturalHeight;    // Calculate the new rotation    let rotation = 0;    rotation = (rotation   angle) % 360;    // Adjust canvas size for rotation    if (rotation === 90 || rotation === -270 || rotation === 270) {        canvas.width = imageHeight;        canvas.height = imageWidth;    } else if (rotation === 180 || rotation === -180) {        canvas.width = imageWidth;        canvas.height = imageHeight;    } else if (rotation === 270 || rotation === -90) {        canvas.width = imageHeight;        canvas.height = imageWidth;    } else {        canvas.width = imageWidth;        canvas.height = imageHeight;    }    // Clear the canvas    context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);    // Draw the rotated image on the canvas;    if (rotation === 90 || rotation === -270) {        context.translate(canvas.width, 0);        context.rotate(90 * Math.PI / 180);    } else if (rotation === 180 || rotation === -180) {        context.translate(canvas.width, canvas.height);        context.rotate(180 * Math.PI / 180);    } else if (rotation === 270 || rotation === -90) {        context.translate(0, canvas.height);        context.rotate(270 * Math.PI / 180);    }    context.drawImage(image, 0, 0);    context.restore();    return canvas.toDataURL();}

Delete Image

Delete all scanned images, including the main image and thumbnails, and reset the data array.

let deleteButton = document.getElementById(\\\"delete-button\\\");deleteButton.onclick = async () => {    let img = document.getElementById(\\'document-image\\');    img.src = \\'images/default.png\\';    data = [];    let thumbnails = document.getElementById(\\\"thumb-box\\\");    thumbnails.innerHTML = \\'\\';}

Step 4: Interop Between C# and JavaScript for Saving Images

Saving images directly in JavaScript is restricted due to security concerns. Therefore, we need to interoperate between C# and JavaScript to accomplish this task.

  1. Create a JavaScript function to convert the scanned image to a base64 string.

    function getBase64Image() {    var img = document.getElementById(\\'document-image\\');    var canvas = document.createElement(\\'canvas\\');    canvas.width = img.naturalWidth;    canvas.height = img.naturalHeight;    var ctx = canvas.getContext(\\'2d\\');    ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);    var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL(\\'image/png\\');     var base64 = dataURL.split(\\',\\')[1];     return base64;}
  2. When clicking the save button, set window.location.href to trigger the OnWebViewNavigated event handler of the WebView control.

    let saveButton = document.getElementById(\\\"save-button\\\");saveButton.onclick = async () => {    window.location.href = \\'invoke://CallCSharpFunction\\';    }
  3. In the OnWebViewNavigated event handler, call EvaluateJavaScriptAsync to retrieve the base64 image data from JavaScript and save it to a file.

    private async void OnWebViewNavigated(object sender, WebNavigatingEventArgs e){    if (e.Url.StartsWith(\\\"invoke://callcsharpfunction\\\"))    {        var base64String = await WebView.EvaluateJavaScriptAsync(\\\"getBase64Image()\\\");        CallCSharpFunction(base64String);    }}private void CallCSharpFunction(string base64String){    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base64String))    {        try        {            byte[] imageBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64String);            var filePath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), GenerateFilename());            File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, imageBytes);            DisplayAlert(\\\"Success\\\", \\\"Image saved to: \\\"   filePath, \\\"OK\\\");        }        catch (Exception ex)        {            DisplayAlert(\\\"Error\\\", ex.Message, \\\"OK\\\");        }    }    else    {        DisplayAlert(\\\"Failure\\\", \\\"No image data found\\\", \\\"OK\\\");    }}private string GenerateFilename(){    DateTime now = DateTime.Now;    string timestamp = now.ToString(\\\"yyyyMMdd_HHmmss\\\");    return $\\\"image_{timestamp}.png\\\";}

Note: Do not pass the base64 string directly to the C# function via window.location.href, as the string may be too long and cause an error. Instead, return the base64 string when calling EvaluateJavaScriptAsync from the C# function.

Step 5: Run the .NET MAUI Document Scanner Application

Press F5 in Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code to run the .NET document scanner application on Windows or macOS.


Source Code

首页 > 编程 > 从 .NET MAUI Blazor 切换到 WebView 控件进行文档扫描

从 .NET MAUI Blazor 切换到 WebView 控件进行文档扫描


In .NET MAUI development, both BlazorWebView and WebView are used to display web content, but they serve different purposes and are designed for different scenarios. The BlazorWebView is specifically designed to host Blazor components in a .NET MAUI application, allowing you to reuse Blazor components and share code between web and native applications. The WebView is a general-purpose control for displaying web content, including web pages, HTML strings, and local HTML files. In this article, we will explore how to transition a .NET MAUI Blazor document scanner application to a .NET MAUI application using the WebView control, implementing the document scanning logic in JavaScript and HTML, and enabling interoperation between C# and JavaScript to scan documents and save images.


  1. Install Dynamsoft Service: This service is necessary for communicating with TWAIN, SANE, ICA, ESCL, and WIA scanners on Windows and macOS.
    • Windows: Dynamsoft-Service-Setup.msi
    • macOS: Dynamsoft-Service-Setup.pkg
  2. Request a Free Trial License: Obtain a 30-day free trial license for Dynamic Web TWAIN to get started.

Step 1: Create a New .NET MAUI Project with WebView Control

  1. In Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code, create a new .NET MAUI project.
  2. Open the MainPage.xaml file and replace the existing code with the following XAML to add a WebView control:

  3. Open the MainPage.xaml.cs file and add the following code to set the source of the WebView and handle the Navigating event:

    namespace MauiWebView
        public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
            public MainPage()
            private void LoadHtmlFile()
                WebView.Source = "index.html";
            private async void OnWebViewNavigated(object sender, WebNavigatingEventArgs e)
                if (e.Url.StartsWith("invoke://callcsharpfunction"))
                    // TODO: Implement interop between C# and JavaScript


    • The LoadHtmlFile method sets the Source property of the WebView control to load the index.html file.
    • The OnWebViewNavigated method is triggered when the WebView navigates to a new URL. It checks if the URL starts with invoke://callcsharpfunction and, if so, allows for C# and JavaScript interop.

Step 2: Load Static HTML, JavaScript, and CSS Files into the WebView Control

In a .NET MAUI project, you can load static HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files located in the Resources/Raw folder into the WebView. Ensure that the MauiAsset build action is included in the .csproj file:

Switching from .NET MAUI Blazor to WebView Control for Document Scanning

We create a similar UI layout as the previous Blazor document scanner application in the index.html file.

    Dynamsoft RESTful API Example

Document Scanner

Acquire Image

Image Tools

从 .NET MAUI Blazor 切换到 WebView 控件进行文档扫描

Step 3: Implement Document Scanning in JavaScript

With the environment ready, the next step is to implement the relevant functions in JavaScript.

Get Devices

Enumerate the available scanners.

const ScannerType = {
    // TWAIN scanner type, represented by the value 0x10

    // WIA scanner type, represented by the value 0x20
    WIASCANNER: 0x20,

    // 64-bit TWAIN scanner type, represented by the value 0x40
    TWAINX64SCANNER: 0x40,

    // ICA scanner type, represented by the value 0x80
    ICASCANNER: 0x80,

    // SANE scanner type, represented by the value 0x100
    SANESCANNER: 0x100,

    // eSCL scanner type, represented by the value 0x200
    ESCLSCANNER: 0x200,

    // WiFi Direct scanner type, represented by the value 0x400

    // WIA-TWAIN scanner type, represented by the value 0x800

let queryDevicesButton = document.getElementById("query-devices-button");
queryDevicesButton.onclick = async () => {
    let scannerType = ScannerType.TWAINSCANNER | ScannerType.TWAINX64SCANNER;
    let devices = await getDevices(host, scannerType);
    let select = document.getElementById("sources");
    select.innerHTML = '';
    for (let i = 0; i 


  • The getDevices function sends a GET request to the RESTful API endpoint /DWTAPI/Scanners to fetch the available scanners. The scanner type is specified by the scannerType parameter.

Acquire Image

Scan documents from the selected scanner by specifying the pixel type, resolution, and other settings.

let scanButton = document.getElementById("scan-button");
scanButton.onclick = async () => {
    let select = document.getElementById("sources");
    let device = select.value;

    if (device == null || device.length == 0) {
        alert('Please select a scanner.');

    let inputText = document.getElementById("inputText").value;
    let license = inputText.trim();

    if (license == null || license.length == 0) {
        alert('Please input a valid license key.');

    let parameters = {
        license: license,
        device: JSON.parse(device)['device'],

    let showUICheck = document.getElementById("showUICheckId");

    let pixelTypeSelect = document.getElementById("pixelTypeSelectId");

    let resolutionSelect = document.getElementById("resolutionSelectId");

    let adfCheck = document.getElementById("adfCheckId");

    let duplexCheck = document.getElementById("duplexCheckId");

    parameters.config = {
        IfShowUI: showUICheck.checked,
        PixelType: pixelTypeSelect.selectedIndex,
        Resolution: parseInt(resolutionSelect.value),
        IfFeederEnabled: adfCheck.checked,
        IfDuplexEnabled: duplexCheck.checked,

    let jobId = await scanDocument(host, parameters);
    let images = await getImages(host, jobId);

    for (let i = 0; i  {
                if (e != null && != null) {
                    let target =;
                    img.src = target.src;
                    selectedThumbnail = target;

        selectedThumbnail = newImage;


async function scanDocument(host, parameters, timeout = 30) {
    let url = host   '/DWTAPI/ScanJobs?timeout='   timeout;

    try {
        let response = await fetch(url, {
            method: 'POST',
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            body: JSON.stringify(parameters)

        if (response.ok) {
            let jobId = await response.text();
            return jobId;
        else {
            return '';
    } catch (error) {
        return '';

async function getImages(host, jobId) {
    let images = [];
    let url = host   '/DWTAPI/ScanJobs/'   jobId   '/NextDocument';

    while (true) {
        try {

            let response = await fetch(url);

            if (response.status == 200) {
                const arrayBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer();
                const blob = new Blob([arrayBuffer], { type: response.type });
                const imageUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

            else {

        } catch (error) {
            console.error('No more images.');

    return images;


  • The scanDocument function sends a POST request to the RESTful API endpoint /DWTAPI/ScanJobs to start a scanning job. The parameters include the license key, device name, and scanning settings.
  • The getImages function sends a GET request to the RESTful API endpoint /DWTAPI/ScanJobs/{jobId}/NextDocument to fetch scanned images. The images are stored in a blob object and displayed in the image display area.

Rotate Image

Rotate the scanned image by -90 or 90 degrees.

let rotateLeftButton = document.getElementById("rotate-left-button");
rotateLeftButton.onclick = () => {
    let img = document.getElementById('document-image');
    img.src = rotateImage('document-image', -90);
    selectedThumbnail.src = img.src;

let rotateRightButton = document.getElementById("rotate-right-button");
rotateRightButton.onclick = () => {
    let img = document.getElementById('document-image');
    img.src = rotateImage('document-image', 90);
    selectedThumbnail.src = img.src;

    function rotateImage (imageId, angle) {
    const image = document.getElementById(imageId);
    const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
    const imageWidth = image.naturalWidth;
    const imageHeight = image.naturalHeight;

    // Calculate the new rotation
    let rotation = 0;
    rotation = (rotation   angle) % 360;

    // Adjust canvas size for rotation
    if (rotation === 90 || rotation === -270 || rotation === 270) {
        canvas.width = imageHeight;
        canvas.height = imageWidth;
    } else if (rotation === 180 || rotation === -180) {
        canvas.width = imageWidth;
        canvas.height = imageHeight;
    } else if (rotation === 270 || rotation === -90) {
        canvas.width = imageHeight;
        canvas.height = imageWidth;
    } else {
        canvas.width = imageWidth;
        canvas.height = imageHeight;

    // Clear the canvas
    context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

    // Draw the rotated image on the canvas;
    if (rotation === 90 || rotation === -270) {
        context.translate(canvas.width, 0);
        context.rotate(90 * Math.PI / 180);
    } else if (rotation === 180 || rotation === -180) {
        context.translate(canvas.width, canvas.height);
        context.rotate(180 * Math.PI / 180);
    } else if (rotation === 270 || rotation === -90) {
        context.translate(0, canvas.height);
        context.rotate(270 * Math.PI / 180);
    context.drawImage(image, 0, 0);

    return canvas.toDataURL();

Delete Image

Delete all scanned images, including the main image and thumbnails, and reset the data array.

let deleteButton = document.getElementById("delete-button");
deleteButton.onclick = async () => {
    let img = document.getElementById('document-image');
    img.src = 'images/default.png';
    data = [];
    let thumbnails = document.getElementById("thumb-box");
    thumbnails.innerHTML = '';

Step 4: Interop Between C# and JavaScript for Saving Images

Saving images directly in JavaScript is restricted due to security concerns. Therefore, we need to interoperate between C# and JavaScript to accomplish this task.

  1. Create a JavaScript function to convert the scanned image to a base64 string.

    function getBase64Image() {
        var img = document.getElementById('document-image');
        var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
        canvas.width = img.naturalWidth;
        canvas.height = img.naturalHeight;
        var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
        ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
        var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL('image/png'); 
        var base64 = dataURL.split(',')[1]; 
        return base64;
  2. When clicking the save button, set window.location.href to trigger the OnWebViewNavigated event handler of the WebView control.

    let saveButton = document.getElementById("save-button");
    saveButton.onclick = async () => {
        window.location.href = 'invoke://CallCSharpFunction';    
  3. In the OnWebViewNavigated event handler, call EvaluateJavaScriptAsync to retrieve the base64 image data from JavaScript and save it to a file.

    private async void OnWebViewNavigated(object sender, WebNavigatingEventArgs e)
        if (e.Url.StartsWith("invoke://callcsharpfunction"))
            var base64String = await WebView.EvaluateJavaScriptAsync("getBase64Image()");
    private void CallCSharpFunction(string base64String)
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base64String))
                byte[] imageBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64String);
                var filePath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), GenerateFilename());
                File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, imageBytes);
                DisplayAlert("Success", "Image saved to: "   filePath, "OK");
            catch (Exception ex)
                DisplayAlert("Error", ex.Message, "OK");
            DisplayAlert("Failure", "No image data found", "OK");
    private string GenerateFilename()
        DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
        string timestamp = now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss");
        return $"image_{timestamp}.png";

Note: Do not pass the base64 string directly to the C# function via window.location.href, as the string may be too long and cause an error. Instead, return the base64 string when calling EvaluateJavaScriptAsync from the C# function.

Step 5: Run the .NET MAUI Document Scanner Application

Press F5 in Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code to run the .NET document scanner application on Windows or macOS.

Switching from .NET MAUI Blazor to WebView Control for Document Scanning

Source Code

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    编程 发布于2024-11-05
  • 简化 TypeScript 中的类型缩小和防护
    简化 TypeScript 中的类型缩小和防护
    Introduction to Narrowing Concept Typescript documentation explains this topic really well. I am not going to copy and paste the same descrip...
    编程 发布于2024-11-05
  • 何时应该使用 session_unset() 而不是 session_destroy() ,反之亦然?
    何时应该使用 session_unset() 而不是 session_destroy() ,反之亦然?
    理解 PHP 中 session_unset() 和 session_destroy() 的区别PHP 函数 session_unset() 和 session_destroy() 有不同的用途管理会话数据。尽管它们在清除会话变量方面有明显相似之处,但它们具有不同的效果。session_unset(...
    编程 发布于2024-11-05
  • 如何选择在 C++ 中解析 INI 文件的最佳方法?
    如何选择在 C++ 中解析 INI 文件的最佳方法?
    在 C 中解析 INI 文件:各种方法指南在 C 中处理初始化 (INI) 文件时,开发人员经常遇到有效解析这些文件以提取所需信息的挑战。本文探讨了用 C 解析 INI 文件的不同方法,讨论了它们的优点和注意事项。本机 Windows API 函数一种方法是利用 Windows API 函数INI ...
    编程 发布于2024-11-05
  • 代码日:重新聚焦
    2024 年 8 月 19 日星期一 今天是我 100 天编程之旅的一半! ?除了记录我的进步之外,我还喜欢分享学习技巧。我最喜欢的新方法之一是番茄工作法,它需要专注于一项任务 25 分钟,然后休息 5 分钟。四个周期后,您会休息更长的时间。这有助于保持注意力并防止倦怠。 我尝试过 App Stor...
    编程 发布于2024-11-05
  • 为什么我在 Visual Studio 2015 中收到编译器错误 C2280“尝试引用已删除的函数”?
    为什么我在 Visual Studio 2015 中收到编译器错误 C2280“尝试引用已删除的函数”?
    Visual Studio 2015 中编译器错误 C2280“尝试引用已删除的函数”Visual Studio 2015 编译器与其 2013 的前身不同,自动为定义移动构造函数或移动赋值运算符的类生成删除的复制构造函数。 C 标准强制执行此行为,以防止在首选移动的情况下发生意外复制。在您的代码片...
    编程 发布于2024-11-05

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