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The Casting of Frank Stone is a gruesome game, but there is a way to save everyone and get the best possible ending. There are only a few important moments that decide the difference between life and death for certain characters in The Casting of Frank Stone and a playthrough where everyone survives is actually pretty easy to obtain, but you still need to be careful of a handful of key moments throughout this dangerous game.

Table of contents

  • How to get the Entity Displeased achievement in The Casting of Frank Stone
  • How to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone
    • Chapter 1
    • Chapter 2
    • Chapter 3
    • Chapter 4
    • Chapter 5
    • Chapter 6
    • Chapter 7
    • Chapter 8
    • Chapter 9
    • Chapter 10
    • Chapter 11
    • Chapter 12
    • Chapter 13
    • Chapter 14
  • How to save Jaime
  • How to save Chris
  • How to save Stan
  • How to save Sam
  • How to save Madison
  • How to save Linda

How to get the Entity Displeased achievement in The Casting of Frank Stone

If everyone survives the night in The Casting of Frank Stone, you’ll get the Entity Displeased trophy/achievement and be rewarded with the best possible ending for the game. In order to get this ending, every character from the 80s needs to survive (Jaime, Chris, Linda, Robert, and Sam), and all but one of the characters from 2024 need to survive (Madison, Linda, and Sam).

There is one mandatory death near the end of The Casting of Frank Stone, but it doesn’t count as a death for your playthrough. Without spoiling too much, Frank Stone kills someone when he appears in the final chapter and there’s no way to avoid it. You’ll still get the Entity Displeased achievement with this person dead, however.

How to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone

This guide will show you the major decisions you need to make in every chapter of The Casting of Frank Stone so every character survives. As a general rule of thumb, do not fail any QTEs or skill checks unless this guide specifically says you should. There are some unavoidable deaths in this game, but they don’t count for the Entity Displeased achievement.

Chapter 1

How to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone: Best ending guide

In the first chapter of the game, you play as Sam. There’s no way for Sam to die in Chapter One, but failing skill checks will cause permanent injuries that will make the game much harder down the line and potentially result in Sam’s death. To ensure he survives, just make sure you pass every skill check and QTE in this chapter.

Chapter 2

How to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone: Best ending guide

In Chapter Two of The Casting of Frank Stone, you’re introduced to Madison and the rest of the 2024 cast. There’s no way for anyone to die in this chapter. The major branching point for this chapter is deciding to pick up or pass the hitchhiker who turns out to be Linda, but neither choice affects anything outside of Madi and Linda’s relationship. To get the everyone survives ending, you don’t need to do anything special in Chapter Two.

Chapter 3

How to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone: Best ending guide

Nobody can die in Chapter Three of The Casting of Frank Stone, but there are some important decisions that can have consequences down the line. If you go to the curiosity shop before the pharmacy, Chris can obtain a pocket mirror from the old woman running the store. This mirror turns out to be cursed and can kill Chris in the final chapter of the game if she attempts to enter the movie screen in the present timeline. There’s nothing you need to worry about for now, though, so just play through this chapter normally.

Chapter 4

How to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone: Best ending guide

Nobody can die in Chapter Four of The Casting of Frank Stone, so just explore the manor with Madison and the modern-day crew to progress through the story. Don’t forget to keep an eye out for Trinkets and other collectibles.

Chapter 5

How to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone: Best ending guide

Chapter Five of The Casting of Frank Stone features the first potential character’s death: Jaime. The first half of the chapter involves some relationship drama between Jaime, Chris, and Robert, but those decisions don’t affect anything major.

At the end of the chapter, Frank Stone appears and snatches Chris. As Jaime, you can either flee or try to save her. You need to flee. If you choose to confront Frank Stone, Jaime will get sliced in half. The Cutting Room floor flowchart shows that there’s potentially a way for Jaime to fight and survive, but we have no idea how to trigger this and it’s a seemingly rare outcome. Just flee if you want to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone.

Chapter 6

How to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone: Best ending guide

Chapter Six is a safe one in The Casting of Frank Stone, so just enjoy all the Dead by Daylight references in the manor and get to know Madison, Linda, and Stan a bit more. You don’t need to do anything special in this chapter to get the best ending.

Chapter 7

How to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone: Best ending guide

The events of Chapter Seven can lead to a character’s death later down the line, so you need to be careful. This chapter introduces the camera mechanic that allows you to fend off Frank Stone by filming him. As Linda, all you need to do is film Frank Stone whenever he appears in order to survive.

When Frank appears, the camera will glow green and the music will swell. Just film him until he disappears if he tries to bother you during the generator repair sequence. If Linda doesn’t fend off Frank, she’ll get hooked. It doesn’t kill her outright, but it complicates things later on. Just make sure she makes it out of this chapter unscathed if you want the best shot at getting the everyone survives ending.

Chapter 8

How to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone: Best ending guide

Chapter Eight of The Casting of Frank Stone is one of the shortest in the game, but you can lose multiple characters very easily here. If you fail to solve the puzzle or mess up any of the QTEs as Madison, she’ll end up dead. You play as Linda in the next part of the chapter, but there’s nothing you can do that will kill her so just play through her section normally.

Chapter 9

How to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone: Best ending guide

Chapter Nine places you back in Linda’s shoes after her encounter with Frank Stone in the 80s. She can’t die here and it’s an entirely exploration-based chapter. Take your time, find all the Relliks and collectibles, and move on.

Chapter 10

How to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone: Best ending guide

Chapter 10 takes you back to the modern-day with Madison, but Chris has now been pulled to the present timeline. In order to get the best ending where everyone survives, you need to send Chris back to her timeline by choosing the “Hopeful” dialogue option when prompted. Do not fail the QTE or this will go horribly wrong and you’ll lose characters.

Chapter 11

How to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone: Best ending guide

With Chris back in the 80s, Chapter 11 of The Casting of Frank Stone begins. This is one of the shortest chapters in the game and there’s no way for her to die. Just grab any collectibles you see and continue on.

Chapter 12

How to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone: Best ending guide

Chapter 12 of The Casting of Frank Stone sends you back to the modern day for more manor exploration with Madi and Stan. Nobody can die in this chapter, but there is a major decision that will kill Madison later on.

When you discover the locket in the middle of the chapter, you can give it to Madison or Stan. Do not give it to Madison. Make sure Stan takes the charm. If Madison takes the charm and wears it in the final chapter, Augustine will be able to control and ultimately kill her.

Chapter 13

How to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone: Best ending guide

Chapter 13 of The Casting of Frank Stone is the finale for the 80s crew, and it’s a deadly one. The first half of the chapter involves Linda, Chris, and Bonnie. Use the camera when prompted to save Chris from Frank Stone or else she’ll meet a grisly demise. No matter what you do, Bonnie will get hooked and killed by Frank. There’s no way to avoid this death, but it won’t tarnish your record for the achievement and best ending.

In the next scene, you take control of Sam as he searches the storm drain for the film crew. Use the camera to defend yourself from Frank Stone when he appears or else Sam will be killed. While you’re exploring the storm drain as Sam, mantle over the ledge lit with an orange light to find an injured Jaime awaiting rescue. There’s also a Rellik on the way, so snag that too. Be ready with the camera to fend off Frank Stone as you approach Jaime.

How to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone: Best ending guide

After you save Jaime, continue through the storm drain as Sam to find Chris. Frank Stone will appear again shortly after, but you already know the drill. Just shoot him with the camera. After that, continue along the main path until you reach Linda. It’s now time for the final battle with ghostly green Frank Stone. Defeat him with the camera. Do not fail any QTEs or else Sam and Linda will die. If you successfully fend off Frank with the camera, everyone will survive.

Chapter 14

How to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone: Best ending guide

The final chapter of The Casting of Frank Stone is its deadliest, and there’s one unavoidable fatality coming up, too. The Murder Mill film is now screening and Frank Stone emerges from the screen to grab Stan. Do not press any buttons and purposefully fail the QTE. Then, choose to back away so that Stan dies.

No matter what, someone always has to die when Frank Stone enters the scene. It’s best that it’s Stan. If you save Stan, then Frank will just grab Linda instead and Sam will still need to choose to back away or sacrifice himself. Just let Stan die, it’s the easiest way forward. His death does not count toward the Entity Displeased achievement or the best ending.

After Stan’s death, you take control of Linda. Head into the nearby room and repair the generator quickly. If you fail the skill checks or take too long, Linda will die. When Linda and Madison make it into the hallway after the generator scene, they get cut off by Frank. Choose to help Madison. Whoever was consumed by Frank Stone earlier (Stan in this case) will stop him from killing the girls. Choosing to run for the elevator instead will get both women killed.

How to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone: Best ending guide

After the elevator scene, Madison escapes into the Horologium and meets Augustine. Choose the “Furious” dialogue option to reject her offer. If Madison took the necklace in Chapter 12, Augustine can take control of her and kill her. If you gave the necklace to Stan, then Madison will escape alive.

Leaving the Horologium, there are several QTEs and skill checks ahead of you. Do not fail any of them or Frank Stone will kill Madison. During the chase sequence, Madison will encounter Sam. Choose to flee instead of helping. Trying to help will result in Madison’s death. Once Madison escapes, there’s one final set of QTEs as Sam. Don’t fail any or Sam will die.

How to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone: Best ending guide

At this point, you’ve successfully reached the end of The Casting of Frank Stone with everyone still alive! The final section of the game sees Madison walking through the woods and learning what happened to the Murder Mill film pieces in the 80s after the Frank Stone incident. She arrives at the campfire (sick Dead by Daylight reference, by the way) to find Sam and Linda waiting for her. That’s the end of the game! Congratulations! The Entity Displeased trophy/achievement should pop after the credits roll.

How to save Jaime

How to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone: Best ending guide

To save Jaime in The Casting of Frank Stone, there are only a few key decisions you need to make.

  • Chapter Five: Flee and do not save Chris
  • Chapter 13: Rescue Jaime from the storm drain as Sam

How to save Chris

How to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone: Best ending guide

There are multiple ways to save Chris in The Casting of Frank Stone, but following this sequence of decisions is the easiest way to ensure she makes it through the night alive.

  • Chapter 10: Choose “Hopeful” as Madison to send Chris back to the 80s
  • Chapter 13: Use the camera to save Chris from Frank Stone

How to save Stan

How to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone: Best ending guide

You can’t save Stan in The Casting of Frank Stone. Stan meets a grisly fate in Chapter 14 regardless of your choices. He either gets consumed by Frank Stone if you fail the QTE when he’s summoned through the film screen, or he gets sliced by Frank Stone as the other characters escape into the manor hallway shortly after. If you want to keep Stan alive until this point, just don’t fail any QTEs when he’s on screen.

How to save Sam

How to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone: Best ending guide

Sam is one of the easiest characters to save in The Casting of Frank Stone since there is only one decision that results in his death. The majority of his potential deaths come from failed QTEs and camera sections. These are the main points to keep in mind to keep Sam alive.

  • Chapter One: Pull Sam off the hook by successfully completing the QTE
  • Chapter 13: Fend off Frank Stone with the camera
  • Chapter 14: Choose to back away instead of sacrificing Sam to save Stan or Linda

How to save Madison

How to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone: Best ending guide

Madison is one of the easiest characters to save in The Casting of Frank Stone, but as the story’s leading lady, she also has the most potential death scenes. Make these key choices to save Madison.

  • Chapter Eight: Successfully solve the puzzle and do not fail any QTEs
  • Chapter 12: Give the locket to Stan
  • Chapter 14: Choose “Furious” to reject Augustine’s offer, do not fail any QTEs, and choose to flee instead of helping Sam

How to save Linda

How to save everyone in The Casting of Frank Stone: Best ending guide

Linda has plot armor for most of The Casting of Frank Stone, but she can still die very easily in the game’s finale. Make these choices to keep Linda alive for the ending.

  • Chapter 13: Fend off Frank Stone with the camera
  • Chapter 14: Let Stan get killed by Frank Stone by failing the QTE, fix the generator in time, and choose to help Madi instead of going for the elevator

If you follow all of these steps, you shouldn’t have any problems keeping every character alive in The Casting of Frank Stone. Once you’ve earned the Entity Displeased achievement and completed your first run of the game, you can explore the Cutting Room Floor to view other potential endings and branching paths. All the skulls on the Cutting Room Floor flowchart denote potential deaths, so you can see just how lucky you were to have everyone survive the night.

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