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MongoDB 聚合管道


MongoDB Aggregation Pipelines

Hi, aliens! I am Pavan. So in this repository, I will explain all the aggregation stages in depth with basic examples. I will also include links to resources for further learning.

So this repository contains JSON files for various MongoDB aggregation pipelines. These pipelines demonstrate how to use different aggregation stages and operations to process and analyze data.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • CRUD Operations
  • Aggregation Stages
    • $match
    • $group
    • $project
    • $sort
    • $limit
    • $skip
    • $lookup
    • $unwind
    • $addFields
    • $replaceRoot
  • Aggregation Operations
    • $sum
    • $avg
    • $min
    • $max
    • $first
    • $last
  • Example Datasets
  • Resources for Further Learning


Aggregation in MongoDB is a powerful way to process and analyze data stored in collections. It allows you to perform operations like filtering, grouping, sorting, and transforming data.

CRUD Operations


  "order_id": 26,
  "cust_id": 1006,
  "status": "A",
  "amount": 275,
  "items": ["apple", "banana"],
  "date": "2023-01-26"




  { "order_id": 2 },
    $set: { "status": "C", "amount": 500 },
    $currentDate: { "lastModified": true }


db.orders.deleteOne({ "order_id": 1 });

Aggregation Stages


Filters the documents to pass only the documents that match the specified condition(s) to the next pipeline stage.

  { $match: { "status": "A" } }


Groups input documents by the specified _id expression and for each distinct grouping, outputs a document. The _id field contains the unique group by value.

    $group: {
      _id: "$cust_id",
      totalSpent: { $sum: "$amount" }


Passes along the documents with the requested fields to the next stage in the pipeline.

  { $project: { "order_id": 1, "items": 1, "_id": 0 } }


Sorts all input documents and returns them to the pipeline in sorted order.

  { $sort: { "amount": -1 } }


Limits the number of documents passed to the next stage in the pipeline.

  { $limit: 5 }


Skips the first n documents and passes the remaining documents to the next stage in the pipeline.

  { $skip: 5 }


Performs a left outer join to another collection in the same database to filter in documents from the "joined" collection for processing.

    $lookup: {
      from: "orderDetails",
      localField: "order_id",
      foreignField: "order_id",
      as: "details"


Deconstructs an array field from the input documents to output a document for each element.

  { $unwind: "$items" }


Adds new fields to documents.

  { $addFields: { totalWithTax: { $multiply: ["$amount", 1.1] } } }


Replaces the input document with the specified document.

  { $replaceRoot: { newRoot: "$items" } }

Aggregation Operations


Calculates and returns the sum of numeric values. $sum ignores non-numeric values.

    $group: {
      _id: "$cust_id",
      totalSpent: { $sum: "$amount" }


Calculates and returns the average value of the numeric values.

    $group: {
      _id: "$cust_id",
      averageSpent: { $avg: "$amount" }


Returns the minimum value from the numeric values.

    $group: {
      _id: "$cust_id",
      minSpent: { $min: "$amount" }


Returns the maximum value from the numeric values.

    $group: {
      _id: "$cust_id",
      maxSpent: { $max: "$amount" }


Returns the first value from the documents for each group.

    $group: {
      _id: "$cust_id",
      firstOrder: { $first: "$amount" }


Returns the last value from the documents for each group.

    $group: {
      _id: "$cust_id",
      lastOrder: { $last: "$amount" }

Example Datasets

Example documents used for performing CRUD and aggregation operations:

  { "order_id": 1, "cust_id": 1001, "status": "A", "amount": 250, "items": ["apple", "banana"], "date": "2023-01-01" },
  { "order_id": 2, "cust_id": 1002, "status": "B", "amount": 450, "items": ["orange", "grape"], "date": "2023-01-02" },
  { "order_id": 3, "cust_id": 1001, "status": "A", "amount": 300, "items": ["apple", "orange"], "date": "2023-01-03" },
  { "order_id": 4, "cust_id": 1003, "status": "A", "amount": 150, "items": ["banana", "grape"], "date": "2023-01-04" },
  { "order_id": 5, "cust_id": 1002, "status": "C", "amount": 500, "items": ["apple", "banana"], "date": "2023-01-05" },
  { "order_id": 6, "cust_id": 1004, "status": "A", "amount": 350, "items": ["orange", "banana"], "date": "2023-01-06" },
  { "order_id": 7, "cust_id": 1005, "status": "B", "amount": 200, "items": ["grape", "banana"], "date": "2023-01-07" },
  { "order_id": 8, "cust_id": 1003, "status": "A", "amount": 100, "items": ["apple", "orange"], "date": "2023-01-08" },
  { "order_id": 9, "cust_id": 1004, "status": "C", "amount": 400, "items": ["banana", "grape"], "date": "2023-01-09" },
  { "order_id": 10, "cust_id": 1001, "status": "A", "amount": 250, "items": ["apple", "grape"], "date": "2023-01-10" },
  { "order_id": 11, "cust_id": 1002, "status": "B", "amount": 350, "items": ["orange", "banana"], "date": "2023-01-11" },
  { "order_id": 12, "cust_id": 1003, "status": "A", "amount": 450, "items": ["apple", "orange"], "date": "2023-01-12" },
  { "order_id": 13, "cust_id": 1005, "status": "A", "amount": 150, "items": ["banana", "grape"], "date": "2023-01-13" },
  { "order_id": 14, "cust_id": 1004, "status": "C

", "amount": 500, "items": ["apple", "banana"], "date": "2023-01-14" },
  { "order_id": 15, "cust_id": 1002, "status": "A", "amount": 300, "items": ["orange", "grape"], "date": "2023-01-15" },
  { "order_id": 16, "cust_id": 1003, "status": "B", "amount": 200, "items": ["apple", "banana"], "date": "2023-01-16" },
  { "order_id": 17, "cust_id": 1001, "status": "A", "amount": 250, "items": ["orange", "grape"], "date": "2023-01-17" },
  { "order_id": 18, "cust_id": 1005, "status": "A", "amount": 350, "items": ["apple", "banana"], "date": "2023-01-18" },
  { "order_id": 19, "cust_id": 1004, "status": "C", "amount": 400, "items": ["orange", "grape"], "date": "2023-01-19" },
  { "order_id": 20, "cust_id": 1001, "status": "B", "amount": 150, "items": ["apple", "orange"], "date": "2023-01-20" },
  { "order_id": 21, "cust_id": 1002, "status": "A", "amount": 500, "items": ["banana", "grape"], "date": "2023-01-21" },
  { "order_id": 22, "cust_id": 1003, "status": "A", "amount": 450, "items": ["apple", "banana"], "date": "2023-01-22" },
  { "order_id": 23, "cust_id": 1004, "status": "B", "amount": 350, "items": ["orange", "banana"], "date": "2023-01-23" },
  { "order_id": 24, "cust_id": 1005, "status": "A", "amount": 200, "items": ["grape", "banana"], "date": "2023-01-24" },
  { "order_id": 25, "cust_id": 1001, "status": "A", "amount": 300, "items": ["apple", "orange"], "date": "2023-01-25" }

Resources for Further Learning

  • MongoDB Aggregation Documentation
  • MongoDB University Courses
  • MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline Builder

Feel free to clone this repository and experiment with the aggregation pipelines provided. If you have any questions or suggestions, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


Groups orders by status and calculates the total amount and average amount for each status.

    $group: {
      _id: "$status",
      totalAmount: { $sum: "$amount" },
      averageAmount: { $avg: "$amount" }


Projects the order ID, customer ID, and a calculated field for the total amount with tax (assuming 10% tax).

    $project: {
      "order_id": 1,
      "cust_id": 1,
      "totalWithTax": { $multiply: ["$amount", 1.1] }


Sorts orders first by status in ascending order and then by amount in descending order.

  { $sort: { "status": 1, "amount": -1 } }


Limits the result to the top 3 orders with the highest amount.

  { $sort: { "amount": -1 } },
  { $limit: 3 }


Skips the first 5 orders and returns the rest.

  { $skip: 5 }


Joins the orders collection with an orderDetails collection to add order details.

    $lookup: {
      from: "orderDetails",
      localField: "order_id",
      foreignField: "order_id",
      as: "details"


Deconstructs the items array in each order to output a document for each item.

  { $unwind: "$items" }


Adds a new field discountedAmount which is 90% of the original amount.

  { $addFields: { discountedAmount: { $multiply: ["$amount", 0.9] } } }


Replaces the root document with the items array.

  { $replaceRoot: { newRoot: "$items" } }


Calculates the total amount for all orders.

    $group: {
      _id: null,
      totalAmount: { $sum: "$amount" }


Calculates the average amount spent per order.

    $group: {
      _id: null,
      averageAmount: { $avg: "$amount" }


Finds the minimum amount spent on an order.

    $group: {
      _id: null,
      minAmount: { $min: "$amount" }


Finds the maximum amount spent on an order.

    $group: {
      _id: null,
      maxAmount: { $max: "$amount" }


Gets the first order placed (by date).

  { $sort: { "date": 1 } },
    $group: {
      _id: null,
      firstOrder: { $first: "$$ROOT" }


Gets the last order placed (by date).

  { $sort: { "date": -1 } },
    $group: {
      _id: null,
      lastOrder: { $last: "$$ROOT" }

So, we have covered basic CRUD operations, all major aggregation stages, and operations, and looked into resources for further learning.

版本声明 本文转载于:https://dev.to/bpk45_0670a02e0f3a6839b3a/mongodb-aggregation-pipelines-25mc?1如有侵犯,请联系[email protected]删除
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