在一个完美的世界 代码库中,不需要操作全局对象,但是世界 代码库很混乱 - 所以正在测试。
describe("override properties of local objects", () => { it("works and is harmless", () => { const myArray = [1]; myArray.length = 0; expect(myArray).toHaveLength(0); }); it("does not affect the next test", () => { const myArray = [1]; expect(myArray).toHaveLength(1); }); });
describe("don't override properties of global objects", () => { it("works before the property is overridden", () => { expect(window.innerWidth).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); it("works, but is evil", () => { window.innerWidth = 0; expect(window.innerWidth).toBe(0); }); it("fails in the test after the property was overridden", () => { expect(() => { expect(window.innerWidth).toBeGreaterThan(0); //这就是 jest.replaceProperty() 的用途:
describe("use jest.replaceProperty() to override properties of global objects", () => { afterEach(() => { jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); it("works before the property is overridden", () => { expect(window.innerWidth).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); it("works and is harmless", () => { jest.replaceProperty(window, "innerWidth", 0); expect(window.innerWidth).toBe(0); }); it("does not affect the next test", () => { expect(window.innerWidth).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); });模拟方法
describe("override methods of local objects using jest.fn()", () => { it("works and is harmless", () => { const mySet = new Set([1]); mySet.has = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(false); expect(mySet.has(1)).toBeFalsy(); }); it("does not affect the next test", () => { const mySet = new Set([1]); expect(mySet.has(1)).toBeTruthy(); }); });如果您在全局对象上使用 myObject.someFunction = jest.fn() ,您的测试可能会相互依赖并失去其意义:
describe("don't override methods of global objects using jest.fn()", () => { it("works before the method is overridden", () => { expect(document.getElementById("foo")).toBeNull(); }); it("works, but is evil", () => { const el = document.createElement("div"); document.getElementById = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(el); expect(document.getElementById("foo")).toBe(el); }); it("fails in the test after the property was overridden", () => { expect(() => { expect(document.getElementById("foo")).toBeNull(); //我们应该如何模拟全局对象中的方法?这就是 jest.spyOn() 的优点:
describe("use jest.spyOn() to override methods of global objects", () => { afterEach(() => { jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); it("works before the method is overridden", () => { expect(document.getElementById("foo")).toBeNull(); }); it("works and is harmless", () => { const el = document.createElement("div"); jest.spyOn(document, "getElementById").mockReturnValue(el); expect(document.getElementById("foo")).toBe(el); }); it("does not affect the next test", () => { expect(document.getElementById("foo")).toBeNull(); }); });你必须清理
最直接的选择是在 afterEach()
中调用 jest.restoreAllMocks()如何为所有测试模拟某些内容
在顶层,您可以安全地重写属性和方法,无需 jest.spyOn() 和 jest.replaceProperty()。
如果您只想为describe() 块模拟事物,则需要在beforeEach() 挂钩中进行这些调用。
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