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如何在Pygame Platformer游戏中实现光滑的滚动?


How to Implement Smooth Scrolling in Pygame Platformer Games?

在平台游戏中的平台游戏中,播放器在屏幕上的位置保持在屏幕上时,播放器浏览级别。 This effect is achieved through scrolling, which allows the game world to move independently of the player's position.

Implementing Scrolling:

To implement scrolling in Pygame, use a

Camera class that defines the offset between the game world and the player's position.然后将此偏移量应用于所有游戏实体在屏幕上绘制的所有游戏实体的位置。



class Camera:
    def __init__(self, camera_func, width, height):
        self.camera_func = camera_func
        self.state = Rect(0, 0, width, height)

    def apply(self, target):
        return target.rect.move(self.state.topleft)

    def update(self, target):
        self.state = self.camera_func(self.state, target.rect)
  • def complex_camera(camera, target_rect): x = -target_rect.center [0] win_width/2 y = -target_rect.center [1] win_height/2 camera.topleft =(pygame.vector2(((x,y)) - pygame.vector2(camera.topleft)) * 0.06#添加一些平滑度凉爽 camera.x = max( - (摄像机。width-win_width),min(0,camera.x)) camera.y = max( - (摄像机。 返回摄像机 附加考虑:
  • 处理级别边界以防止玩家偏离屏幕。
  • 通过遵循以下步骤,您可以在pygame Platformer中实现滚动器,并为玩家创建平稳,引人入胜的体验。
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