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What do you say in Chinese tomorrow? 明天见Chinese pronunciation,明天见Chinese learning



Learning Chinese: How to Say "See You Tomorrow" in Chinese

Chinese Characters: 明天见
Pinyin: míng tiān jiàn
Pronunciation: ming2 tian1 jian4
English Translation: See you tomorrow


"明天见 (míng tiān jiàn)" is a common way to say "see you tomorrow" in Chinese. It can be used in both formal and informal settings.


Chinese: 明天见,老师。
Pinyin: Míng tiān jiàn, lǎoshī.
English: See you tomorrow, teacher.


There are a few variations of "明天见 (míng tiān jiàn)" that you may hear:

后会有期 (hòu huì yǒu qī): A more formal way to say "see you tomorrow", literally meaning "until we meet again."
明天聊 (míng tiān liao): A more informal way to say "see you tomorrow", literally meaning "chat tomorrow."
Tips for Learning:

Practice saying "明天见 (míng tiān jiàn)" out loud to improve your pronunciation.
Listen to native Chinese speakers saying "see you tomorrow" to get a sense of the natural rhythm and intonation.
Use "明天见 (míng tiān jiàn)" in your daily conversations to practice using it in context.

Additional Notes:

"明天见 (míng tiān jiàn)" is typically used when parting ways with someone in the evening or at night.
If you are parting ways with someone in the morning or afternoon, you can say "下午见 (xià wǔ jiàn)", which means "see you this afternoon."
In some regions of China, people may also use "拜拜 (bài bài)" to say "see you tomorrow" in informal settings.

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