在这篇文章中,我们将揭开 Spring 中面向方面编程(AOP)的内部机制的神秘面纱。重点将放在理解 AOP 如何实现日志记录等功能,这些功能通常被认为是一种“魔法”。通过浏览核心 Java 实现,我们将看到它是如何与 Java 的反射、代理模式和注释相关的,而不是任何真正神奇的东西。
这些都是 java.lang.reflect、java.lang.annotation 和 javassist.util.proxy 包的一部分。
Spring AOP 的核心在于代理对象、方法拦截器和反射的概念。此模式中的关键角色是 MethodHandler(或调用处理程序)。该处理程序通过拦截方法调用来控制代理对象的行为。当在代理上调用方法时,它会通过处理程序传递,其中可以通过反射对注释进行内省。根据所应用的注释,可以在异常之前、之后或异常时执行必要的逻辑(例如日志记录)。
示例: 假设我们要在某些方法执行之前和之后添加日志记录。我们可以使用 @BeforeMethod 和 @AfterMethod 注释方法,而不是到处硬编码日志记录。我们的处理程序检查此注释的方法并动态添加适当的日志记录逻辑。
package edu.pk.poc.aop.controller; import edu.pk.poc.aop.annotation.AfterMethod; import edu.pk.poc.aop.annotation.All; import edu.pk.poc.aop.annotation.BeforeMethod; import edu.pk.poc.aop.helper.ProxyFactory; import edu.pk.poc.aop.service.Worker; import edu.pk.poc.aop.service.WorkerService; import edu.pk.poc.aop.service.WorkerServiceImpl; public class WorkerController { WorkerService workerService = ProxyFactory.createProxy(WorkerServiceImpl.class); /** * This Method 1s annotated with @BeforeMethod and @AfterMethod, So the log statements * will be generated before and after method call. */ @BeforeMethod @AfterMethod public void engageFullTimeWorker() throws Exception { Worker fullTimeWorker = new Worker(); fullTimeWorker.setName("FullTime-Worker"); fullTimeWorker.setPartTime(false); fullTimeWorker.setDuration(9); workerService.doWork(fullTimeWorker); } /** * This Method is annotated with @All, So the log statements will be generated before and after method call * along with exception if raised. */ @All public void engagePartTimeWorker() throws Exception { Worker partTimeWorker = new Worker(); partTimeWorker.setName("PartTime-Worker"); partTimeWorker.setPartTime(true); partTimeWorker.setDuration(4); workerService.doWork(partTimeWorker); } }
package edu.pk.poc.aop.service; import edu.pk.poc.aop.annotation.AfterMethod; public class WorkerServiceImpl implements WorkerService { /** * Here this method is annotated with only @AfterMethod, So only log statement * will be generated after method call */ @AfterMethod @Override public void doWork(Worker worker) throws Exception { if (worker.isPartTime()) { throw new Exception("Part time workers are not permitted to work."); } System.out.print("A full time worker is working for " worker.getDuration() " hours :: "); for (int i = 1; iMain.java测试类
package edu.pk.poc.aop.test; import edu.pk.poc.aop.controller.WorkerController; import edu.pk.poc.aop.helper.ProxyFactory; import edu.pk.util.Logger; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { WorkerController controller = ProxyFactory.createProxy(WorkerController.class); Logger logger = new Logger(); try { System.out.println("Testing @BeforeMethod and @AfterMethod"); System.out.println("-----------------------------------------"); controller.engageFullTimeWorker(); System.out.println("Testing @All"); System.out.println("-----------------------------------------"); controller.engagePartTimeWorker(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception caught in Main class"); } } }输出
Testing @BeforeMethod and @AfterMethod ----------------------------------------- >>> Entering into edu.pk.poc.aop.controller.WorkerController.engageFullTimeWorker() A full time worker is working for 9 hours :: * * * * * * * * >>> Exiting from edu.pk.poc.aop.service.WorkerServiceImpl.doWork() >>> Exiting from edu.pk.poc.aop.controller.WorkerController.engageFullTimeWorker() Testing @All ----------------------------------------- >>> Entering into edu.pk.poc.aop.controller.WorkerController.engagePartTimeWorker() >>> Exception in edu.pk.poc.aop.controller.WorkerController.engagePartTimeWorker() Exception caught in Main class它是如何运作的
package edu.pk.poc.aop.annotation; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.METHOD) public @interface AfterMethod { }
package edu.pk.poc.aop.annotation; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.METHOD) public @interface BeforeMethod { }
package edu.pk.poc.aop.annotation; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.METHOD) public @interface All { }
package edu.pk.poc.aop.helper; /** * The {@code ProxyFactory} class is responsible for creating proxy objects using the Javassist library. * It allows for dynamic generation of proxies for classes or interfaces, with support for method interception. */ public class ProxyFactory { /** * A Javassist ProxyFactory instance used to generate proxy classes. */ private static final javassist.util.proxy.ProxyFactory factory = new javassist.util.proxy.ProxyFactory(); /** * Creates a proxy object for the given class or interface. * If the class is an interface, the proxy implements the interface. * If it's a concrete class, the proxy extends the class. * * @paramthe type of the class or interface for which the proxy is to be created * @param klass the {@code Class} object representing the class or interface to proxy * @return a proxy instance of the specified class or interface, or {@code null} if proxy creation fails */ public static T createProxy(Class klass) { if (klass.isInterface()) factory.setInterfaces(new Class[]{klass}); else factory.setSuperclass(klass); try { return (T) factory.create(new Class>[0], new Object[0], new AOPLoggingMethodHandler()); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } return null; } }
定义 MethodHandler
package edu.pk.poc.aop.helper; import edu.pk.poc.aop.annotation.AfterMethod; import edu.pk.poc.aop.annotation.All; import edu.pk.poc.aop.annotation.BeforeMethod; import edu.pk.poc.aop.annotation.OnException; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import edu.pk.util.Logger; import javassist.util.proxy.MethodHandler; public class AOPLoggingMethodHandler implements MethodHandler { private static final Logger logger = new Logger(); public Object invoke(Object self, Method thisMethod, Method proceed, Object[] args) throws Throwable { if (proceed != null) { // Concrete Method Object result = null; String className = resolveClassName(self); try { if (isAnnotationPresent(thisMethod, BeforeMethod.class) || isAnnotationPresent(thisMethod, All.class)) { logger.info(">>> Entering into " className "." thisMethod.getName() "()"); } result = proceed.invoke(self, args); if (isAnnotationPresent(thisMethod, AfterMethod.class) || isAnnotationPresent(thisMethod, All.class)) { logger.info(">>> Exiting from " className "." thisMethod.getName() "()"); } } catch (Throwable t) { if (isAnnotationPresent(thisMethod, OnException.class) || isAnnotationPresent(thisMethod, All.class)) { logger.error(">>> Exception in " className "." thisMethod.getName() "()"); } throw t; } return result; } throw new RuntimeException("Method is Abstract"); } private boolean isAnnotationPresent(Method method, Class klass) { Annotation[] declaredAnnotationsByType = method.getAnnotationsByType(klass); return declaredAnnotationsByType != null && declaredAnnotationsByType.length > 0; } private String resolveClassName(Object self) { String className = self.getClass().getName(); if (className.contains("_$$")) { className = className.substring(0, className.indexOf("_$$")); } return className; } }
Spring AOP 是一个用于横切关注点的强大工具,但它并没有做出任何革命性的事情。它建立在反射和代理等核心 Java 概念之上,这些概念在语言本身中可用。通过理解这一点,您可以更好地理解 Spring 如何简化这些底层机制以方便开发人员。
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