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Pionia 通用服務終極指南。


The Ultimate Guide to Pionia Generic Services.

Pionia framework is a PHP Rest framework that is changing how we used to develop Rest platforms. Unlike all the existing frameworks, it gives the entire process a whole new look, making the development of APIs much simpler and less boring. This is because it runs on a different and rather 'new' pattern called moonlight.

Per se, moonlight is not a new architecture/pattern, most institutions/companies/developers have been using it but just unnamed. But today, we aren't talking about moonlight, you can read about it in my other article here and even leave your comments.

To bootstrap a new Pionia project, you need to run the following command assuming you already have composer set up.

Let's create a todo_app.

composer create-project pionia/pionia-app todo_app

You can also run the same project using the pionia command like below:

php pionia serve

To watch you logs as they happen in real time, open a second terminal and run the following command:

tail -f server.log

Background on services.

Services in the Pionia framework are the heart, probably the only part you will spend most of your time while developing your APIs. All normal services in Pionia extend Pionia\Request\BaseRestService. A normal service in Pionia may look like this.

namespace application\services;

use Exception;
use Pionia\Request\BaseRestService;
use Pionia\Response\BaseResponse;
use Porm\Porm;

class UserService extends BaseRestService
     * @throws Exception
    protected function login(array $data): BaseResponse
        // password and username are required, without them we won't proceed even
        $this->requires(["username", "password"]);

        $username = $data["username"];
        $password = password_hash($data['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT);

        $user = Porm::from('user')->get(['username' => $username, 'password' => $password]);
        //You can do more here, maybe generate a JWT token or add more checks
        // for example if the user is an active or not
        if ($user) {
            return BaseResponse::JsonResponse(0, "Login successful", $user);
        throw new Exception("User with the given username and password not found");


After building your service, you need to register it in the switch that shall be handling it from now on. If you are not aware of switches in Pionia, you can read about them here in the docs. So, head over to our switches folder, probably in the MainAppSwitch.php if you have not yet created another one, and register the above service as below in the registerServices method

     * Register your services here.
     * @return array
    public function registerServices(): array
        return [
            'user' => new UserService(),
            'todo' => new TodoService()

This is how you get your service to be auto-discovered by the kernel from now on. In typical settings, you would have added a router, and a controller to map to this service, but Pionia approaches things differently. Remember, you can have the same service registered in multiple switches. This is how we achieve the concept of API versioning since every switch is handled by its API endpoint. By default, MainAppSwitch can be accessed on /api/v1/.

In your requests, you can point to this service by sending the following.

// POST http://localhost:8000/api/v1/
    "SERVICE": "user",
    "ACTION": "login",
    "username": "pionia",
    "password": "pionia1234"

If you notice, ACTION is the name on the action/method we created in our SERVICE/service/class which we baptised the name user upon registration.

This is how normal services work in Pionia.

Below is a complete service that performs CRUD in Piona. It is based on the following simple table called todos in a MySQL database called todo_db.

create table todo_db.todos
    id          int auto_increment primary key,
    title       varchar(200)                        not null,
    description text                                null,
    created_at  timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP null
) engine = InnoDB;
use Exception;
use Pionia\Request\BaseRestService;
use Pionia\Request\PaginationCore;
use Pionia\Response\BaseResponse;
use Porm\exceptions\BaseDatabaseException;
use Porm\Porm;

class TodoService extends BaseRestService
     * Returns all todos
     * @throws Exception
    public function list(): BaseResponse
        $result = Porm::table('todos')
            ->columns(['id', 'title', 'description', 'created_at'])

        return BaseResponse::JsonResponse(0, null, $result);

     * Returns a single todo
     * @throws Exception
    public function details(array $data): BaseResponse
        $id = $data['id'];

        $result = Porm::table('todos')
            ->columns(['id', 'title', 'description', 'created_at'])
            ->get(['id' => $id]);

        return BaseResponse::JsonResponse(0, null, $result);

     * Creates a new todo
     * @throws Exception
    public function create(array $data): BaseResponse
        $this->requires(['title', 'description']);
        $title = $data['title'];
        $description = $data['description'];

        $result = Porm::table('todos')
            ->save(['title' => $title, 'description' => $description]);

        return BaseResponse::JsonResponse(0, 'Todo created successfully', $result);

     * Updates a todo
     * @throws Exception
    public function update(array $data): BaseResponse

        $id = $data['id'];

        $todo = Porm::table('todos')
            ->get($id); // similar to `get(['id' => $id])`

        // if the todo is not found, we throw an exception
        if (!$todo) {
            throw new BaseDatabaseException('Todo not found');

        $description = $data['description'] ?? $todo->description;
        $title = $data['title'] ?? $todo->title;

        // we update in a transaction as below
        $result= null;
            ->inTransaction(function () use ($description, $title, $id, &$result) {
                    ->update(['description' => $description, 'title' => $title], $id);

                $result = Porm::table('todos')

        return BaseResponse::JsonResponse(0, "Todo $id updated successfully", $result);

     * Deletes a todo
     * @throws Exception
    public function delete(array $data): BaseResponse
        $id = $data['id'];

        $todo = Porm::table('todos')

        if (!$todo) {
            throw new BaseDatabaseException('Todo not found');

        $deleted = false;
            ->inTransaction(function () use ($id, &$deleted) {
                $deleted = true;
        if (!$deleted) {
            throw new BaseDatabaseException('Todo not deleted');
        return BaseResponse::JsonResponse(0, "Todo $id deleted successfully");

     * Returns a random todo object if the size is not defined or 1,
     * else returns an array of random todos
     * @throws Exception
    public function random($data): BaseResponse
        $size = $data['size'] ?? 1;

        $result = Porm::table('todos')

        return BaseResponse::JsonResponse(0, null, $result);

     * Returns a paginated list of todos
     * @throws Exception
    public function paginatedList(array $data): BaseResponse
        $offset = $data['offset'] ?? 0;
        $limit = $data['limit'] ?? 3;

        $paginator = new PaginationCore($data, 'todos', $limit, $offset, 'db');
        $result = $paginator->paginate();

        return BaseResponse::JsonResponse(0, null, $result);

And since our TodoService is already registered, that's all we need to do, no adding extra routes, no adding controllers, just start hitting the actions in your requests and you should get uniform responses from all the above actions.

However much this is not alot to do, and the only thing to do in Pionia(building services), all the above actions in our TodoService can be omitted and we still get the same functionality, This is where our Generic Services come in!

Todo Service, The Generic Way.

If your logic is not more than create, delete, paginate, list, update, delete, or retrieve then Generic Services might be all you need.

Pionia provides both generic services and mixins to use. Mixins can be put together to put up your entire new Generic Service.

Provided mixins include ListMixin, CreateMixin, DeleteMixin, UpdateMixin, RandomMixin and RetrieveMixin. Under the hood, even Generic services are just combining these Mixins while extending GenericService.

Provided Generic Services include RetrieveCreateUpdateService, RetrieveListCreateService, RetrieveListCreateUpdateDeleteService, RetrieveListDeleteService, RetrieveListRandomService, RetrieveListUpdateDeleteService, RetrieveListUpdateService and UniversalGenericService.

If the above Generics don't combine the mixins in the way you want, you can extend GenericService and call all the mixins you want to use thus creating your custom generic service.

Remember, to use mixins, you must be extending Pionia\Generics\Base\GenericService not the normal BaseRestService we extended before. Also, remember that mixins are just PHP traits and should be used that way.

To refactor our TodoService, we shall need the last mentioned generic service, UniversalGenericService as it uses all the defined mixins.

Let's start by changing the class we extend. Refactor this as below

use Pionia\Generics\UniversalGenericService;
// ... rest of the imports

class TodoService extends UniversalGenericService
// ... rest of your actions

Before we do anything, let's first define the table we want to target in the database. We use the $table property for this. This is a compulsory feature and must be defined for all generic views.

use Pionia\Generics\UniversalGenericService;
// ... rest of the imports

class TodoService extends UniversalGenericService
   public string $table = "todo";
// ... rest of your actions

Secondly, from our list action, we are defining columns we want to return, however, we are defining all. If you want to return a certain range of columns only, we define the $listColumns(which defaults to all) and pass the columns we want to return. Let's just still pass all though it is the default behavior of the service.

use Pionia\Generics\UniversalGenericService;
// ... rest of the imports

class TodoService extends UniversalGenericService
    public string $table = "todo";
    public ?array $listColumns = ['id', 'title', 'description', 'created_at'];

// ... rest of your actions

At this point, we can delete the list action from our service. That's complete!

Our second target action is now details. This one can be replaced by defining the $pk_field which defaults to id. Since our primary key field for our todo table is also id, we don't need to define it, we just need to delete it too! Remember, this one also uses the defined $listColumns for columns to return from the DB.
The RetrieveMixin also defines another sister action to this called retrieve, so in your request, you can use ACTION as details or retrieve, the two will perform the same thing.
Since we already have all we need, we can drop the details action too!

Our third action is create. For this, we must define the $createColumns to define those columns we shall be looking for from the request(required) to create a record. Let's add the property now.

use Pionia\Generics\UniversalGenericService;
// ... rest of the imports

class TodoService extends UniversalGenericService
    public string $table = "todo";
    public ?array $listColumns = ['id', 'title', 'description', 'created_at'];
    public ?array $createColumns = ['title', 'description'];

// ... rest of your actions

After adding, go ahead and delete it too!

Our fourth action is update. For this, we require the $pk_field and can also optionally define the $updateColumns. If undefined, the responsible mixin checks if any of the properties were defined in the request, and will update only those.
Let's add the $updateColumns and give it the only properties we intend to update.

use Pionia\Generics\UniversalGenericService;
// ... rest of the imports

class TodoService extends UniversalGenericService
    public string $table = "todo";
    public ?array $listColumns = ['id', 'title', 'description', 'created_at'];
    public ?array $createColumns = ['title', 'description'];
    public ?array $updateColumns = ['title', 'description'];

// ... rest of your actions

We can now drop the update action too!

For our fifth action, delete, we only need the $pk_field which is by default id, so we shall be checking if id was passed in the request, and then we delete the associated record. So, just delete it, we already have all we need!

Now to our sixth action, random, this also uses the $listColumns to determine the columns to fetch from the DB per record. We already have out property defined, so, just drop it too!

For our seventh action, paginatedList, we can drop it, and in any request, we target our list action, but we define any of the following pairs of keys in our request.

  1. limit and offset on the request object level.
   "SERVICE": "todo",
   "ACTION": "list",
   "limit": 3,
   "offset": 0
  1. PAGINATION or pagination object on the request with limit and offset keys.
   "SERVICE": "todo",
   "ACTION": "list",
      "limit": 3,
      "offset": 0,
  1. SEARCH or search object on the request object with limit and offset keys.
   "SERVICE": "todo",
   "ACTION": "list",
   "SEARCH": {
      "limit": 3,
      "offset": 0

Note: Both the limit and offset keys must be defined for pagination to kick in.

And just like that, our service now has been reduced to the following.

use Pionia\Generics\UniversalGenericService;

class TodoService extends UniversalGenericService
    public string $table = "todo";
    public ?array $listColumns = ['id', 'title', 'description', 'created_at'];
    public ?array $createColumns = ['title', 'description'];
    public ?array $updateColumns = ['title', 'description'];

Let's do a little more cleanup. As we had mentioned earlier, if we are listing all columns from our table, then we don't need to define the $listColumns property, let's remove that too.

use Pionia\Generics\UniversalGenericService;

class TodoService extends UniversalGenericService
    public string $table = "todo";
    public ?array $createColumns = ['title', 'description'];
    public ?array $updateColumns = ['title', 'description'];

Also, since our update can also discover the columns to update from the request data, let's remove the $updateColumns too!

And we are left with the following as our new TodoService but still exposing the actions of list(all and paginated), create, update, delete, retrieve or details and random

use Pionia\Generics\UniversalGenericService;

class TodoService extends UniversalGenericService
    public string $table = "todo";
    public ?array $createColumns = ['title', 'description'];

You can also override how we get a single record and multiple records. You might not need it, but sometimes you may need to add where clauses and other conditions as you see fit. For that, you can read about it in this section in the docs.

Also, you may want to add your other actions in the same generic service, this is fully supported and will work as if you're in normal services, however, make sure none of those actions share the names with the provided mixin actions or otherwise you stand a chance of overriding the provided actions.

This also drives to the last point, what if you intend to override the default action? that's also okay! You can also look into it under this section of the docs.

Welcome to Pionia Framework, where we believe in both developer and program performance, writing precise and maintainable codebase with simplicity both at the front end and the back end!

Let me hear what you say about the Pionia Framework specifically about generic services. Happy coding!

版本聲明 本文轉載於:https://dev.to/jet_ezra/the-ultimate-guide-to-pionia-generic-services-id?1如有侵犯,請聯絡[email protected]刪除
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