首頁 > 程式設計 > ``STD :: LANEDER'如何解決工會中的const成員的編譯器優化問題?

``STD :: LANEDER'如何解決工會中的const成員的編譯器優化問題?


How Does `std::launder` Solve Compiler Optimization Issues with Const Members in Unions?

Unveiling the Essence of Memory Laundering: A Deeper Dive into std::launder

In the realm of C standardization, P0137 introduces std::launder, a function template that addresses a subtle issue concerning unions, lifetime, and pointers.為了理解其目的,讓我們深入研究本文解決的特定問題以及我們需要確認的後續語言調整。




有直覺上很高。 The compiler, based on its assumption that const variables are immutable, optimizes the code, rendering the new value of u.x.n inaccessible.
struct X { const int n; };
union U { X x; float f; };

U u = {{ 1 }};

Enter std::launder: Memory Laundering

To circumvent this optimization, we need to "launder" our memory using std::launder.這是一個說明性的示例: assert(*std :: landere(&u.x.n)== 2); //Will be true.

Memory laundering prevents the compiler from tracing the origin of our object, allowing us to access the new value despite the const member.

struct X { const int n; };
union U { X x; float f; };

U u = {{ 1 }};
Additional Use Cases

std::launder can also aid in other situations where data type changes or storage allocation semantics hinder direct訪問。 [&&&&&& &&&&&&華,sTD ::洗劫是一種強大的工具,它允許我們繞過某些可以阻礙我們正確訪問內存的能力的編譯器優化。通過洗滌內存,我們防止編譯器對其內容進行假設,以確保我們具有準確可靠的數據訪問。

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