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S - 單一職責原則(SRP)


S - Single Responsibility Principle(SRP)

Single Responsibility Principle(SRP)

The Single Responsibility Principle(SRP) is the first of the SOLID principles, which plays an important role in object-oriented programming.

The main point of this principle is: A class or module should have only one responsibility. In other words, a class, module, or function should be used or modified for only one reason.

Detailed Explanation:

  1. Definition of Responsibility:
    Responsibility refers to the specific task or functionality that a class or module performs or manages.

  2. Importance of Single Responsibility:

  • Easy Maintenance: When a class or function has a single responsibility, it's easier to update or modify because the impact of changes is limited.

  • Reusability: Classes or functions with a single responsibility are easier to reuse in other projects or modules.

  • Reduced Complexity: Code complexity is reduced because each class or function has clear and limited tasks.

  • Easy Testing: Small and well-defined classes are easier to test.

For example, let's say we have a class that handles both data processing and file management tasks. This violates the Single Responsibility Principle. In this case, we can create separate classes for data processing and file management. This way, if we need to make changes related to file management in the future, it won't affect the data processing functionality.

Example 1:

Let's say we have a User class that both stores user information and prints that information to the console.

// Java code

public class User {
    private String name;
    private String email;

    // Constructor, Getter, Setter

    public void printUserDetails() {
        System.out.println("Name: "   name);
        System.out.println("Email: "   email);

Here, the User class is handling two responsibilities:

  • Storing user information.
  • Printing user information to the console.

According to the Single Responsibility Principle, this class should be divided into two separate classes:

// Java code

// For storing user information
public class User {
    private String name;
    private String email;

    // Constructor, Getter, Setter

// For printing user information
public class UserPrinter {
    public void printUserDetails(User user) {
        System.out.println("Name: "   user.getName());
        System.out.println("Email: "   user.getEmail());

This way, the responsibility of each class becomes clear and distinct. If we need to change the way information is printed in the future, only the UserPrinter class needs to be modified, while the User class remains unchanged.

Example 2:

Let's say we are building a task management system where a Task class is responsible for creating tasks, updating them, and checking if a task is completed.

// JavaScript code:

class Task {
    constructor(name, completed = false) {
        this.name = name;
        this.completed = completed;
    completeTask() {
        this.completed = true;
    updateTask(name) {
        this.name = name;
    notifyUser() {
        console.log(`Task "${this.name}" is completed!`);

const task = new Task('Learn JavaScript');

Here, the Task class is handling three different responsibilities:

  • Creating and updating tasks.
  • Completing tasks.
  • Notifying the user when a task is completed.

This violates the Single Responsibility Principle because multiple responsibilities are handled within one class.

Refactoring the code to follow SRP:

Now, we will split these responsibilities into separate classes so that each class has only one responsibility.

// JavaScript code:

// For creating and updating tasks
class Task {
    constructor(name, completed = false) {
        this.name = name;
        this.completed = completed;

    updateTask(name) {
        this.name = name;

    completeTask() {
        this.completed = true;

// For notifying the user about task completion
class TaskNotifier {
    notifyUser(task) {
        if (task.completed) {
            console.log(`Task "${task.name}" is completed!`);
        } else {
            console.log(`Task "${task.name}" is not yet completed.`);

const task = new Task('Learn JavaScript');

const notifier = new TaskNotifier();

How does this follow the SRP?

  • The Task class is now only responsible for creating and updating tasks. It handles changing the task's name or marking it as completed.

  • The TaskNotifier class is solely responsible for notifying the user about the task's status.


  • If in the future, we need to perform additional actions when a task is completed (e.g., sending an email), only the TaskNotifier class will need to be changed. The Task class remains unchanged.

  • The code is now cleaner, more modular, and easier to maintain.

By following the Single Responsibility Principle, this example shows how breaking the code into smaller, specialized classes can make maintenance easier and improve clarity.

Single Responsibility Principle in React.

Applying the SOLID principles while building a React application can bring significant changes. These principles are fundamental concepts of object-oriented design that provide a strong foundation for writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code. As a result, our React components will not only be functional but also easier to manage and extend.

According to the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP), a class or component should only change for one reason, meaning it should have only one responsibility or task.

How to Apply SRP in React:

To follow the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) in React:

  • Each Component Should Have a Specific Task or Functionality:
    Each component should serve a single purpose. For example, a component might only display form data, show a user profile, or render a list of items.

  • Keep Components Small and Specialized:
    This makes it easier to test and update each component individually. Smaller, more focused components can be reused across the application, leading to better maintainability and clarity.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can create a more organized and manageable codebase in your React applications.

Example 1:

Let's say we are building a todo application where one component displays a list of tasks, and another component handles the form for adding new tasks.

Good Design According to SRP:

TaskList Component:

function TaskList({ tasks }) {
    return (
    {tasks.map(task => (
  • {task.name}
  • ))}
); }
  • This component is responsible solely for displaying the list of tasks.

AddTaskForm Component:

// JavaScript Code:

function AddTaskForm({ onAdd }) {
    const [taskName, setTaskName] = useState("");

    const handleSubmit = (e) => {

    return (
setTaskName(e.target.value)} placeholder="Add a new task" />
); }
  • This component is solely responsible for managing a form to add new tasks.

Why Following SRP is Beneficial?

  1. Increased Reusability of Components:
    If we want to change only the task list, we can simply update the TaskList component. If we need to modify the form for adding new tasks, we only need to update the AddTaskForm component. This separation makes components more reusable across different parts of the application.

  2. Easier Debugging and Maintenance:
    Instead of handling multiple responsibilities, each component performs a single task. This makes it easier to find and fix bugs, as the scope of potential issues is limited to one component.

  3. Improved Code Understandability for Other Developers:
    Components with clearly defined responsibilities are easier to understand. Smaller, focused components make the codebase more approachable for other developers who might work on the project.

By applying the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP), our React application becomes clearer, more modular, and easier to maintain.

Example 2:

In this example, we have created two separate components: UserProfile and AuthManager, each with a specific task or responsibility.


// JavaScript code

const UserProfile = ({ user }) => (




Responsibility of the UserProfile Component:

  • The UserProfile component is solely responsible for displaying the user's profile. It shows the user's name and bio.


// JavaScript code 
const AuthManager = () => (
{/* Authentication logic here */} Login Form

Responsibility of the AuthManager Component:

  • The AuthManager component is created to handle authentication. It displays the login form and manages the logic required for authentication.

Why This Follows the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)?

  • Each Component Has a Specific Responsibility:
  • The UserProfile component focuses solely on displaying profile information.

  • The AuthManager component is dedicated to handling authentication logic.

  • Components Are Separate, Manageable, and Testable:
  • If we need to make changes related to displaying profile information, we only need to modify the UserProfile component.

  • Similarly, any updates regarding authentication can be made exclusively within the AuthManager component.

  • Increased Code Reusability:
  • We can reuse the UserProfile and AuthManager components in various parts of our application since they perform specific responsibilities.

By adhering to the Single Responsibility Principle, each component is assigned a single responsibility, which makes the code clean, modular, and easier to maintain.

Disadvantages of the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

Disadvantages of the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
While the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) offers numerous advantages, there are also some limitations and challenges that developers may need to consider. Here are some of the key drawbacks:

  1. Increased Number of Components or Classes:
    Following SRP requires creating separate components or classes for each task or responsibility, which can lead to a rapid increase in the number of components or classes in the application. This can make the codebase harder to manage.

  2. Increased Complexity:
    The proliferation of small components or classes can complicate their coordination. Passing data and facilitating communication between various components may become challenging.

  3. Excessive Abstraction:
    Overzealous application of SRP can sometimes result in unnecessary abstraction. Creating too many small components or classes may make the code harder to read and understand, especially if each component's role is trivial.

  4. Learning Curve:
    New developers may find it difficult to fully understand and apply SRP. It requires experience and a clear understanding of how to break down an application into smaller, reusable components.

  5. Overhead in Testing:
    With many small components being created, there is a need to write separate tests for each one. This can increase the time and complexity involved in writing test code.

  6. Balance in Applying SRP:
    It may not always be practical to apply SRP strictly. Sometimes, it can be more effective for a component or class to handle a few closely related responsibilities. Applying SRP excessively can unnecessarily complicate the code, making it more difficult to read and maintain.

By considering these disadvantages, developers can make informed decisions about when and how to apply the Single Responsibility Principle in their projects.

In summary, SRP (Single Responsibility Principle) is a powerful principle that helps keep code clean, modular, and maintainable. However, it should be applied with its limitations in mind. Sometimes, excessive use of the principle can have the opposite effect, so it is important to maintain balance according to the specific needs of the code.

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