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使用failsafe-go 庫實現微服務之間通訊的彈性


Resilience in communication between microservices using the failsafe-go lib

Let's start at the beginning. What is resilience? I like the definition in this post:

The intrinsic ability of a system to adjust its functioning prior to, during, or following changes and disturbances, so that it can sustain required operations under both expected and unexpected conditions

As it is a broad term, I will focus on communication between microservices in this post. To do this, I created two services using Go: serviceA and serviceB (my creativity was not high when writing this post).

The initial code for both was as follows:

package main

// serviceA
import (

    slogchi "github.com/samber/slog-chi"

func main() {
    logger := slog.New(slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout, nil))
    r := chi.NewRouter()
    r.Get("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        type response struct {
            Message string `json:"message"`
        resp, err := http.Get("http://localhost:3001")
        if err != nil {
        body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
        if err != nil {
        defer resp.Body.Close()
        var data response
        err = json.Unmarshal(body, &data)
        if err != nil {
        w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
        w.Write([]byte(`{"messageA": "hello from service A","messageB": "`   data.Message   `"}`))
    http.ListenAndServe(":3000", r)

package main

import (


func main() {
    r := chi.NewRouter()
    r.Get("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
        w.Write([]byte(`{"message": "hello from service B"}`))
    http.ListenAndServe(":3001", r)

As you can see in the code, if serviceB has a problem, it will affect the functioning of serviceA, as it does not handle any communication failure. We will improve this by using lib failsafe-go.

According to the documentation on the official website:

Failsafe-go is a library for building resilient, fault tolerant Go applications. It works by wrapping functions with one or more resilience policies, which can be combined and composed as needed.

Let's start by applying some available policies and testing their composition.


The first policy we will test is the simplest, including a timeout to ensure that the connection is interrupted if serviceB takes too long to respond and the client knows why.

The first step was to change the serviceB so that it includes a delay to make it easier to demonstrate the scenario:

package main
import (


func main() {
    r := chi.NewRouter()
    r.Get("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) //add a delay to simulate a slow service
        w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
        w.Write([]byte(`{"message": "hello from service B"}`))
    http.ListenAndServe(":3001", r)

After installing failsafe-go, using the commands:

❯ cd serviceA
❯ go get github.com/failsafe-go/failsafe-go

The code of serviceA/main.go is:

package main

import (

    slogchi "github.com/samber/slog-chi"

func main() {
    logger := slog.New(slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout, nil))
    r := chi.NewRouter()
    r.Get("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        type response struct {
            Message string `json:"message"`
        // Create a Timeout for 1 second
        timeout := newTimeout(logger)

        // Use the Timeout with a failsafe RoundTripper
        roundTripper := failsafehttp.NewRoundTripper(nil, timeout)
        client := &http.Client{Transport: roundTripper}
        resp, err := client.Get("http://localhost:3001")
        if err != nil {
        body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
        if err != nil {
        defer resp.Body.Close()
        var data response
        err = json.Unmarshal(body, &data)
        if err != nil {
        w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
        w.Write([]byte(`{"messageA": "hello from service A","messageB": "`   data.Message   `"}`))
    http.ListenAndServe(":3000", r)

func newTimeout(logger *slog.Logger) timeout.Timeout[*http.Response] {
    return timeout.Builder[*http.Response](1 * time.Second).
        OnTimeoutExceeded(func(e failsafe.ExecutionDoneEvent[*http.Response]) {
            logger.Info("Connection timed out")

To test how it works, I used curl to access the serviceA:

❯ curl -v http://localhost:3000
* Host localhost:3000 was resolved.
* IPv6: ::1
* IPv4:
*   Trying [::1]:3000...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 3000
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:3000
> User-Agent: curl/8.7.1
> Accept: */*
* Request completely sent off

And the following output is generated by serviceA:

go run main.go
{"time":"2024-08-20T08:37:36.852886-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Connection timed out"}
{"time":"2024-08-20T08:37:36.856079-03:00","level":"ERROR","msg":"500: Internal Server Error","request":{"time":"2024-08-20T08:37:35.851262-03:00","method":"GET","host":"localhost:3000","path":"/","query":"","params":{},"route":"/","ip":"[::1]:63409","referer":"","length":0},"response":{"time":"2024-08-20T08:37:36.856046-03:00","latency":1004819000,"status":500,"length":45},"id":""}

This way, it is possible to see that the client (curl in this case) had an effective response and that serviceA was no significant impact.

Let's improve the resilience of our application by investigating another beneficial policy: retry.


Again, it was necessary to make a change to serviceB to add random errors:

package main

import (


func main() {
    r := chi.NewRouter()
    r.Get("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        retryAfterDelay := 1 * time.Second
        if fail() {
            w.Header().Add("Retry-After", strconv.Itoa(int(retryAfterDelay.Seconds())))
        w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
        w.Write([]byte(`{"message": "hello from service B"}`))
    http.ListenAndServe(":3001", r)

func fail() bool {
    if flipint := rand.Intn(2); flipint == 0 {
        return true
    return false

To make it easier to understand, I am showing one policy at a time, which is why serviceA was changed to the original version and not to the version with a timeout. Later, we will examine how to compose several policies to make the application more resilient.

The code serviceA/main.go looked like this:

package main

import (

    slogchi "github.com/samber/slog-chi"

func main() {
    logger := slog.New(slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout, nil))
    r := chi.NewRouter()
    r.Get("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        type response struct {
            Message string `json:"message"`
        // Create a RetryPolicy that only handles 500 responses, with backoff delays between retries
        retryPolicy := newRetryPolicy(logger)

        // Use the RetryPolicy with a failsafe RoundTripper
        roundTripper := failsafehttp.NewRoundTripper(nil, retryPolicy)
        client := &http.Client{Transport: roundTripper}

        resp, err := client.Get("http://localhost:3001")
        if err != nil {
        body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
        if err != nil {
        defer resp.Body.Close()
        var data response
        err = json.Unmarshal(body, &data)
        if err != nil {
        w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
        w.Write([]byte(`{"messageA": "hello from service A","messageB": "`   data.Message   `"}`))
    http.ListenAndServe(":3000", r)

func newRetryPolicy(logger *slog.Logger) retrypolicy.RetryPolicy[*http.Response] {
    return retrypolicy.Builder[*http.Response]().
        HandleIf(func(response *http.Response, _ error) bool {
            return response != nil && response.StatusCode == http.StatusServiceUnavailable
        WithBackoff(time.Second, 10*time.Second).
        OnRetryScheduled(func(e failsafe.ExecutionScheduledEvent[*http.Response]) {
            logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Retry %d after delay of %d", e.Attempts(), e.Delay))

This way, if serviceB returns the status StatusServiceUnavailable (code 503), the connection will be attempted again at progressive intervals, thanks to the function configuration WithBackoff. The output of serviceA, when accessed via curl, should be something similar to:

go run main.go
{"time":"2024-08-20T08:43:38.297621-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"200: OK","request":{"time":"2024-08-20T08:43:38.283715-03:00","method":"GET","host":"localhost:3000","path":"/","query":"","params":{},"route":"/","ip":"[::1]:63542","referer":"","length":0},"response":{"time":"2024-08-20T08:43:38.297556-03:00","latency":13840708,"status":200,"length":71},"id":""}
{"time":"2024-08-20T08:43:39.946562-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"200: OK","request":{"time":"2024-08-20T08:43:39.943394-03:00","method":"GET","host":"localhost:3000","path":"/","query":"","params":{},"route":"/","ip":"[::1]:63544","referer":"","length":0},"response":{"time":"2024-08-20T08:43:39.946545-03:00","latency":3151000,"status":200,"length":71},"id":""}
{"time":"2024-08-20T08:43:40.845862-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Retry 1 after delay of 1000000000"}
{"time":"2024-08-20T08:43:41.85287-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Retry 2 after delay of 2000000000"}
{"time":"2024-08-20T08:43:43.860694-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"200: OK","request":{"time":"2024-08-20T08:43:40.841468-03:00","method":"GET","host":"localhost:3000","path":"/","query":"","params":{},"route":"/","ip":"[::1]:63545","referer":"","length":0},"response":{"time":"2024-08-20T08:43:43.860651-03:00","latency":3019287458,"status":200,"length":71},"id":""}

In this example, it is possible to see that errors occurred when accessing the serviceB, and the lib executed the connection again until it was successful. If the connection continues to give an error, the client will receive an error message ”http://localhost:3001": retries exceeded.

Let's go deeper into resilience by adding a circuit breaker to our project.

Circuit breaker

The circuit breaker concept is a more advanced policy that provides greater control over access to services. The pattern circuit breaker works in three states: closed (no errors), open (with errors, interrupts transmission), and semi-open (sends a limited number of requests to the service in difficulty to test its recovery).

To use this policy, I made a new version of serviceB so that it could generate more error scenarios and delays:

package main

import (


func main() {
    r := chi.NewRouter()
    r.Get("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        retryAfterDelay := 1 * time.Second
        if fail() {
            w.Header().Add("Retry-After", strconv.Itoa(int(retryAfterDelay.Seconds())))
        if sleep() {
            time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
        w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
        w.Write([]byte(`{"message": "hello from service B"}`))
    http.ListenAndServe(":3001", r)

func fail() bool {
    if flipint := rand.Intn(2); flipint == 0 {
        return true
    return false

func sleep() bool {
    if flipint := rand.Intn(2); flipint == 0 {
        return true
    return false

And the code of serviceA:

package main

import (

    slogchi "github.com/samber/slog-chi"

func main() {
    logger := slog.New(slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout, nil))
    r := chi.NewRouter()
    r.Get("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        type response struct {
            Message string `json:"message"`
        // Create a CircuitBreaker that handles 503 responses and uses a half-open delay based on the Retry-After header
        circuitBreaker := newCircuitBreaker(logger)

        // Use the RetryPolicy with a failsafe RoundTripper
        roundTripper := failsafehttp.NewRoundTripper(nil, circuitBreaker)
        client := &http.Client{Transport: roundTripper}

        sendGet := func() (*http.Response, error) {
            resp, err := client.Get("http://localhost:3001")
            return resp, err
        maxRetries := 3
        resp, err := sendGet()
        for i := 0; i 

As we can see in the output of serviceA, the circuit breaker is working:

❯ go run main.go
{"time":"2024-08-20T08:51:37.770611-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"circuit breaker state changed from closed to open"}
{"time":"2024-08-20T08:51:38.771682-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"circuit breaker state changed from open to half-open"}
{"time":"2024-08-20T08:51:38.776743-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"circuit breaker state changed from half-open to open"}
{"time":"2024-08-20T08:51:39.777821-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"circuit breaker state changed from open to half-open"}
{"time":"2024-08-20T08:51:39.784897-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"circuit breaker state changed from half-open to open"}
{"time":"2024-08-20T08:51:40.786209-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"circuit breaker state changed from open to half-open"}
{"time":"2024-08-20T08:51:40.792457-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"circuit breaker state changed from half-open to closed"}
{"time":"2024-08-20T08:51:40.792733-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"200: OK","request":{"time":"2024-08-20T08:51:37.756947-03:00","method":"GET","host":"localhost:3000","path":"/","query":"","params":{},"route":"/","ip":"[::1]:63699","referer":"","length":0},"response":{"time":"2024-08-20T08:51:40.792709-03:00","latency":3036065875,"status":200,"length":71},"id":""}

This policy allows greater control over errors, allowing serviceB to recover if it is experiencing a problem.

But what do you do when serviceB can no longer return, for whatever reason? In these cases, we can use a fallback.


The idea of ​​this policy is to have an alternative if the desired service has a more severe problem and takes a long time to return. To do this, we will change the code serviceA:

package main

import (

    slogchi "github.com/samber/slog-chi"

func main() {
    logger := slog.New(slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout, nil))
    r := chi.NewRouter()
    r.Get("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        fallback := newFallback(logger)

        roundTripper := failsafehttp.NewRoundTripper(nil, fallback)
        client := &http.Client{Transport: roundTripper}

        resp, err := client.Get("http://localhost:3001")
        if err != nil {
        body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
        if err != nil {
        defer resp.Body.Close()
        type response struct {
            Message string `json:"message"`
        var data response
        err = json.Unmarshal(body, &data)
        if err != nil {
        w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
        w.Write([]byte(`{"messageA": "hello from service A","messageB": "`   data.Message   `"}`))
    http.ListenAndServe(":3000", r)

func newFallback(logger *slog.Logger) fallback.Fallback[*http.Response] {
    resp := &http.Response{
        StatusCode: http.StatusOK,
        Header:     map[string][]string{"Content-Type": {"application/json"}},
        Body:       io.NopCloser(bytes.NewBufferString(`{"message": "error accessing service B"}`)),
    return fallback.BuilderWithResult[*http.Response](resp).
        HandleIf(func(response *http.Response, err error) bool {
            return response != nil && response.StatusCode == http.StatusServiceUnavailable
        OnFallbackExecuted(func(e failsafe.ExecutionDoneEvent[*http.Response]) {
            logger.Info("Fallback executed result")

In the function newFallback, we can see the creation of one http.Response that the lib will use if the user serviceB does not respond.

This feature allows us to respond to the client while the team responsible for serviceB have time to get the service up and running again.

The output of serviceA is something similar to this:

❯ go run main.go
{"time":"2024-08-20T08:55:27.326475-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"200: OK","request":{"time":"2024-08-20T08:55:27.31306-03:00","method":"GET","host":"localhost:3000","path":"/","query":"","params":{},"route":"/","ip":"[::1]:63772","referer":"","length":0},"response":{"time":"2024-08-20T08:55:27.326402-03:00","latency":13343208,"status":200,"length":71},"id":""}
{"time":"2024-08-20T08:55:31.756765-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"200: OK","request":{"time":"2024-08-20T08:55:31.754348-03:00","method":"GET","host":"localhost:3000","path":"/","query":"","params":{},"route":"/","ip":"[::1]:63774","referer":"","length":0},"response":{"time":"2024-08-20T08:55:31.756753-03:00","latency":2404750,"status":200,"length":71},"id":""}
{"time":"2024-08-20T08:55:34.091845-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"200: OK","request":{"time":"2024-08-20T08:55:33.086273-03:00","method":"GET","host":"localhost:3000","path":"/","query":"","params":{},"route":"/","ip":"[::1]:63775","referer":"","length":0},"response":{"time":"2024-08-20T08:55:34.091812-03:00","latency":1005580625,"status":200,"length":71},"id":""}
{"time":"2024-08-20T08:55:37.386512-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Fallback executed result"}
{"time":"2024-08-20T08:55:37.386553-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"200: OK","request":{"time":"2024-08-20T08:55:37.38415-03:00","method":"GET","host":"localhost:3000","path":"/","query":"","params":{},"route":"/","ip":"[::1]:63777","referer":"","length":0},"response":{"time":"2024-08-20T08:55:37.386544-03:00","latency":2393916,"status":200,"length":76},"id":""}

In the next step, we will combine the concepts we've seen to create a more resilient application.

Policy composition

To do this, we need to change the code of serviceA so that it makes use of the policies we have seen so far:

package main

import (

    slogchi "github.com/samber/slog-chi"

func main() {
    logger := slog.New(slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout, nil))
    r := chi.NewRouter()
    r.Get("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        type response struct {
            Message string `json:"message"`
        retryPolicy := newRetryPolicy(logger)
        fallback := newFallback(logger)
        circuitBreaker := newCircuitBreaker(logger)
        timeout := newTimeout(logger)

        roundTripper := failsafehttp.NewRoundTripper(nil, fallback, retryPolicy, circuitBreaker, timeout)
        client := &http.Client{Transport: roundTripper}

        sendGet := func() (*http.Response, error) {
            resp, err := client.Get("http://localhost:3001")
            return resp, err
        maxRetries := 3
        resp, err := sendGet()
        for i := 0; i 

In the code:

roundTripper := failsafehttp.NewRoundTripper(nil, fallback, retryPolicy, circuitBreaker, timeout)

It is possible to view the use of all defined policies. The lib will execute it in the "rightmost" order, that is:

timeout -> circuitBreaker -> retryPolicy -> fallback

We can see the execution of the policies by observing the serviceA output:

go run main.go
{"time":"2024-08-19T10:15:29.226553-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"circuit breaker state changed from closed to open"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T10:15:29.226841-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Retry 1 after delay of 1000000000"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T10:15:30.227941-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"circuit breaker state changed from open to half-open"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T10:15:30.234182-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"circuit breaker state changed from half-open to open"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T10:15:30.234258-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Retry 2 after delay of 2000000000"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T10:15:32.235282-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"circuit breaker state changed from open to half-open"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T10:15:42.23622-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Connection timed out"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T10:15:42.237942-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"circuit breaker state changed from half-open to closed"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T10:15:42.238043-03:00","level":"ERROR","msg":"500: Internal Server Error","request":{"time":"2024-08-19T10:15:29.215709-03:00","method":"GET","host":"localhost:3000","path":"/","query":"","params":{},"route":"/","ip":"[::1]:52527","referer":"","length":0},"response":{"time":"2024-08-19T10:15:42.238008-03:00","latency":13022704750,"status":500,"length":45},"id":""}
{"time":"2024-08-19T10:15:56.53476-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"circuit breaker state changed from closed to open"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T10:15:56.534803-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Retry 1 after delay of 1000000000"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T10:15:57.535108-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"circuit breaker state changed from open to half-open"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T10:15:57.53889-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"circuit breaker state changed from half-open to open"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T10:15:57.538911-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Retry 2 after delay of 2000000000"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T10:15:59.539948-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"circuit breaker state changed from open to half-open"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T10:15:59.544425-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"circuit breaker state changed from half-open to open"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T10:15:59.544575-03:00","level":"ERROR","msg":"500: Internal Server Error","request":{"time":"2024-08-19T10:15:56.5263-03:00","method":"GET","host":"localhost:3000","path":"/","query":"","params":{},"route":"/","ip":"[::1]:52542","referer":"","length":0},"response":{"time":"2024-08-19T10:15:59.544557-03:00","latency":3018352000,"status":500,"length":245},"id":""}
{"time":"2024-08-19T10:16:11.044207-03:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Connection timed out"}
{"time":"2024-08-19T10:16:11.046026-03:00","level":"ERROR","msg":"500: Internal Server Error","request":{"time":"2024-08-19T10:16:01.043317-03:00","method":"GET","host":"localhost:3000","path":"/","query":"","params":{},"route":"/","ip":"[::1]:52544","referer":"","length":0},"response":{"time":"2024-08-19T10:16:11.045601-03:00","latency":10002596334,"status":500,"length":45},"id":""}


One of the advantages of microservices architecture is that we can break a complex domain into smaller, specialized services that communicate with each other to complete the necessary logic. Ensuring that this communication is resilient and will continue to work even in the face of failures and unforeseen events is fundamental. Using libraries such as failsafe-go makes this process easier.

You can find the codes presented in this post on my Github.

Originally published at https://eltonminetto.dev on August 24, 2024

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    通常,我使用經典的入門版。 Expressjs.com const express = require('express') const app = express() const port = 3000 app.set('view engine', 'ejs') app.use(express....
    程式設計 發佈於2024-11-08
  • 如何將自訂字體新增至 Tailwind - 對於網頁和本機下載的字體
    如何將自訂字體新增至 Tailwind - 對於網頁和本機下載的字體
    创建 Web 应用程序时,包含您喜欢的字体就像锦上添花。字体增强文本效果,使网站更具吸引力,并提供更好的用户体验。设计师和开发人员对某些字体又爱又恨,使用默认字体可能会限制他们的创造力。添加自定义字体使开发人员可以自由地将外部字体添加到他们的应用程序中。 先决条件 在本教程中,我强烈...
    程式設計 發佈於2024-11-08
  • JavaScript 柯里化的詳細討論
    JavaScript 柯里化的詳細討論
    Currying হলো একটি ফাংশনাল প্রোগ্রামিং কৌশল যেখানে একটি ফাংশন একাধিক আর্গুমেন্ট নেওয়ার পরিবর্তে একটি একক আর্গুমেন্ট গ্রহণ করে এবং একটি নতুন ফাংশন রিটা...
    程式設計 發佈於2024-11-08
  • 了解 Python 裝飾器:深入探討
    了解 Python 裝飾器:深入探討
    Python 裝飾器是強大的工具,允許我們修改或增強函數或方法的行為。常見用例包括日誌記錄、授權等。 然而,當被要求定義裝飾器時,許多人可能會說, 它是函數的包裝器。 雖然這在技術上是正確的,但幕後還發生了更多事情。 剖析一個簡單的裝飾器 讓我們探討一個簡單的例子: def my_decora...
    程式設計 發佈於2024-11-08
  • 課程計畫:年級學生 Python 基礎知識(初級)
    課程計畫:年級學生 Python 基礎知識(初級)
    客观的: 在本课程结束时,学生将对 Python 编程有基本的了解,包括变量、基本数据类型、循环和函数。他们将使用 Python 创建简单的程序,运用逻辑思维和解决问题的技能。 持续时间:6 节课 第 1 课:Python 简介和设置 目标:让学生熟...
    程式設計 發佈於2024-11-08
  • 如何在 Java 中正確複製二維數組以保留修改?
    如何在 Java 中正確複製二維數組以保留修改?
    透過複製保留二維數組修改在 Java 中,建立物件副本時,了解引用分配行為至關重要。在給定的場景中,定義了兩個名為 current 和 old 的二維數組,以及複製內容的方法。 old() 方法將 current 陣列指派給 old 。然而,這只是將引用傳輸到記憶體中的相同數組。當 current ...
    程式設計 發佈於2024-11-08
  • 使用 JavaScript 創建令人著迷的粒子動畫
    使用 JavaScript 創建令人著迷的粒子動畫
    這就是我們要創建的,將滑鼠移到粒子上即可查看效果。 在本文中,我將引導您完成使用 JavaScript 和 HTML5 畫佈建立迷人粒子動畫的過程。該專案不僅增強了網頁的美觀性,而且還是深入研究一些有趣的編碼概念的絕佳機會。讓我們開始吧! 項目概況 動畫的特點是粒子圍繞中心點以圓...
    程式設計 發佈於2024-11-08
  • 使用 JavaScript 釋放大型語言模型的力量:實際應用程式
    使用 JavaScript 釋放大型語言模型的力量:實際應用程式
    In recent years, Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized how we interact with technology, enabling machines to understand and generate human-...
    程式設計 發佈於2024-11-08
  • Bootstrap 與 Tailwind 整合:Pro 與 Contro | Bootstrap 和 Tailwind:優點和缺點
    Bootstrap 與 Tailwind 整合:Pro 與 Contro | Bootstrap 和 Tailwind:優點和缺點
    简介 |介绍 意大利语: 本文有意大利语和英语版本。向下滚动查看英文版本。 英语: 本文有意大利语和英语版本。向下滚动查看英文版本。 意大利语版 Bootstrap 和 Tailwind 集成简介 近年来,Bootstrap和Tailwind CSS已经成为前端开发最流行的两个框架。 Boot...
    程式設計 發佈於2024-11-08
  • 我們如何使用 Gin 框架來增強 Go 應用程式中的錯誤處理?
    我們如何使用 Gin 框架來增強 Go 應用程式中的錯誤處理?
    更好的錯誤處理問題在Go應用程式中,我們如何透過定義自訂錯誤類型(例如appError和實現自定義處理程序來捕獲錯誤並將其寫入回應中?正常的流程邏輯。 ))建立錯誤中間件:func JSONAppErrorReporter() gin.HandlerFunc { 返回 func(c *gin...
    程式設計 發佈於2024-11-08
  • DOM API 終極指南
    DOM API 終極指南
    // Selecting Elements: document is not the real DOM element. document.documentElement; // Select the entire page document.head; // Select the head doc...
    程式設計 發佈於2024-11-08
  • Python 中的實例方法與類別方法:什麼時候應該使用“self”和“cls”?
    Python 中的實例方法與類別方法:什麼時候應該使用“self”和“cls”?
    深入研究類別和實例方法的細微差別:Beyond Self 與ClsPython 增強提案(PEP) 8 建議使用“self”作為實例方法中的第一個參數,「cls」作為類別方法中的第一個參數。這種差異源自於這些方法在處理實例和類別時所扮演的不同角色。 實例方法:自我優勢實例方法在實例的實例上呼叫班級。...
    程式設計 發佈於2024-11-08

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