當使用subprocess.call()時,可以指定檔案描述符作為outf 和errf 將stdout 和stderr 重定向到特定檔案。但是,這些結果不會同時顯示在終端機中。
使用Popen 和線程的解決方案:
為了克服這個問題,我們可以直接利用Popen 並利用stdout=PIPE 從子程序的stdout 讀取的參數。具體方法如下:
import subprocess
from threading import Thread
def tee(infile, *files):
# Forward output from `infile` to `files` in a separate thread
def fanout(infile, *files):
for line in iter(infile.readline, ""):
for f in files:
t = Thread(target=fanout, args=(infile,) files)
t.daemon = True
return t
def teed_call(cmd_args, **kwargs):
# Override `stdout` and `stderr` arguments with PIPE to capture standard outputs
stdout, stderr = [kwargs.pop(s, None) for s in ["stdout", "stderr"]]
p = subprocess.Popen(
stdout=subprocess.PIPE if stdout is not None else None,
stderr=subprocess.PIPE if stderr is not None else None,
# Create threads to simultaneously write to files and terminal
threads = []
if stdout is not None:
threads.append(tee(p.stdout, stdout, sys.stdout))
if stderr is not None:
threads.append(tee(p.stderr, stderr, sys.stderr))
# Join the threads to ensure IO completion before proceeding
for t in threads:
return p.wait()
outf, errf = open("out.txt", "wb"), open("err.txt", "wb")
teed_call(["cat", __file__], stdout=None, stderr=errf)
teed_call(["echo", "abc"], stdout=outf, stderr=errf, bufsize=0)
teed_call(["gcc", "a b"], close_fds=True, stdout=outf, stderr=errf)
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