立志成为 Python 认证入门级程序员 (PCEP) 需要彻底了解 Python 中的基本数据结构,例如列表和元组。
Python 中列表和元组都能够存储对象,但这两种数据结构在用法和语法上存在关键差异。为了帮助您在 PCEP 认证考试中取得好成绩,这里有一些掌握这些数据结构的基本技巧。
Python 中的列表是可变的,这意味着它们可以在创建后进行修改。另一方面,元组是不可变的,这意味着它们一旦创建就无法更改。这意味着元组的内存要求较低,并且在某些情况下比列表更快,但它们提供的灵活性较低。
# creating a list of numbers numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # modifying the list by changing the fourth element numbers[3] = 10 print(numbers) # output: [1, 2, 3, 10, 5]
# creating a tuple of colors colors = ("red", "green", "blue") # trying to modify the tuple by changing the second element colors[1] = "yellow" # this will result in an error as tuples are immutable
列表用方括号 [ ] 表示,而元组则用括号 ( ) 括起来。创建列表或元组就像使用适当的语法向变量声明值一样简单。请记住,元组在初始化后无法修改,因此使用正确的语法至关重要。
# creating a list of fruits fruits = ["apple", "banana", "orange"]
# creating a tuple of colors colors = ("red", "green", "blue")
列表有各种用于添加和删除项目的内置方法,例如append()、extend() 和remove()。另一方面,元组的内置方法较少,并且没有任何添加或删除项目的方法。因此,如果您需要修改一个元组,则必须创建一个新的元组,而不是更改现有的元组。
# adding a new fruit to the end of the list fruits.append("mango") print(fruits) # output: ["apple", "banana", "orange", "mango"] # removing a fruit from the list fruits.remove("banana") print(fruits) # output: ["apple", "orange", "mango"]
# trying to add a fruit to the end of the tuple fruits.append("mango") # this will result in an error as tuples are immutable # trying to remove a fruit from the tuple fruits.remove("banana") # this will also result in an error
您可以使用Python中的timeit模块测试列表和元组之间的性能差异。下面是一个比较迭代列表和包含 10 个元素的元组所需时间的示例:
# importing the timeit module import timeit # creating a list and a tuple with 10 elements numbers_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] numbers_tuple = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) # testing the time it takes to iterate through the list list_time = timeit.timeit('for num in numbers_list: pass', globals=globals(), number=100000) print("Time taken for list: ", list_time) # output: Time taken for list: 0.01176179499915356 seconds # testing the time it takes to iterate through the tuple tuple_time = timeit.timeit('for num in numbers_tuple: pass', globals=globals(), number=100000) print("Time taken for tuple: ", tuple_time) # output: Time taken for tuple: 0.006707087000323646 seconds
# creating a list of groceries grocery_list = ["milk", "bread", "eggs", "chicken"] # adding a new item to the grocery list grocery_list.append("bananas")
# creating a tuple of weekdays weekdays = ("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday") # trying to add a new day to the tuple weekdays.append("Saturday") # this will result in an error as tuples cannot be modified after creation
# importing the sys module import sys # creating a list with one million elements numbers_list = list(range(1000000)) # checking the memory usage of the list list_memory = sys.getsizeof(numbers_list) print("Memory usage for list: ", list_memory) # output: Memory usage for list: 9000112 bytes # creating a tuple with one million elements numbers_tuple = tuple(range(1000000)) # checking the memory usage of the tuple tuple_memory = sys.getsizeof(numbers_tuple) print("Memory usage for tuple: ", tuple_memory) # output: Memory usage for tuple: 4000072 bytes
# creating a list of numbers numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # iterating through the list and checking if a number is present for num in numbers: if num == 3: print("Number 3 is present in the list") # output: Number 3 is present in the list
# creating a tuple of colors colors = ("red", "green", "blue") # iterating through the tuple and checking if a color is present for color in colors: if color == "yellow": print("Yellow is one of the colors in the tuple") # this will not print anything as yellow is not present in the tuple
虽然与元组相比,列表具有更多的内置方法,但这两种数据结构都具有一系列您应该熟悉 PCEP 考试的内置函数和运算符。其中包括 len()、max() 和 min() 等函数,以及用于检查某个项目是否在列表或元组中的 in 和 not in 等运算符。
# creating a list of even numbers numbers = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] # using the len() function to get the length of the list print("Length of the list: ", len(numbers)) # output: Length of the list: 5 # using the in and not in operators to check if a number is present in the list print(12 in numbers) # output: False print(5 not in numbers) # output: True
# creating a tuple of colors colors = ("red", "green", "blue") # using the max() function to get the maximum element in the tuple print("Maximum color: ", max(colors)) # output: Maximum color: red # using the in and not in operators to check if a color is present in the tuple print("yellow" in colors) # output: False print("green" not in colors) # output: False
通过了解列表和元组的差异、适当的用例以及语法,您将为 PCEP 考试做好充分准备。请记住在不同场景中练习使用这些数据结构,以巩固您的知识并增加通过考试的机会。请记住,熟能生巧!
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