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NextJS 應用程式的 Docker 和 Docker-Compose 最佳實務。


Best Practices of Docker & Docker-Compose for NextJS application.

Best Practices of Docker & Docker-Compose for NextJS application.

To create an optimized Dockerfile for a Next.js 14 application that supports both development and production environments, you can follow a multi-stage build approach. This method ensures that the development environment has hot-reloading and source maps, while the production environment builds the app for production with optimizations like smaller image sizes and improved runtime performance.

Here's a Dockerfile for both development and production environments:

# Stage 1: Base build environment
FROM node:18-alpine AS base
COPY package.json package-lock.json ./

# Install dependencies
RUN npm ci --legacy-peer-deps
COPY . .
# Install necessary dependencies for sharp (for image optimization)
RUN apk add --no-cache libc6-compat
# Stage 2: Development environment
FROM base AS development
CMD ["npm", "run", "dev"]

# Stage 3: Production build
FROM base AS build
RUN npm run build

# Stage 4: Production runtime environment
FROM node:18-alpine AS production
COPY --from=build /app/.next ./.next
COPY --from=build /app/package.json ./package.json
COPY --from=build /app/package-lock.json ./package-lock.json
COPY --from=build /app/public ./public
COPY --from=build /app/node_modules ./node_modules
CMD ["npm", "run", "start"]

Key Points in the Dockerfile:

Base Image (node:18-alpine): This is a lightweight version of Node.js based on Alpine Linux. It is both fast and optimized for smaller container sizes.

Multi-stage Build:

  • Base Stage: This sets up the basic environment, installs dependencies, and prepares the application. It’s used as the foundation for both the development and production stages.
  • Development Stage: Installs all necessary development dependencies.Runs the Next.js development server (npm run dev) with hot-reloading.
  • Build Stage: Runs the Next.js production build (npm run build), preparing the .next folder for production.
  • Production Runtime Stage: Only copies the built .next folder, public assets, and production dependencies (node_modules). Starts the app using npm run start, which serves the production-optimized app.


  • Alpine Image: Using node:18-alpine ensures a minimal image size.
  • Dependency Caching: Dependencies are cached properly by separating the package.json and package-lock.json copying step before copying the app's source files.
  • Image Layers: Using multi-stage builds minimizes the size of the final production image by keeping the build-related dependencies and files out of the final runtime image.
  • apk add for sharp: Installs necessary dependencies for sharp, a popular library for image optimization that Next.js uses internally.

How to Use the Dockerfile

To build for development, run:

docker build --target development --build-arg ENVIRONMENT=development -t next-app-dev .

To build for production, run:

docker build --target production --build-arg ENVIRONMENT=production -t next-app-prod .

Breakdown of the Command:

  • --target development: This flag tells Docker to build the specific target stage named development in the Dockerfile.

In the multi-stage Dockerfile, each stage has a name (for example, development, build, production). Docker will stop the build process once it reaches the development stage and output an image for that stage.

By specifying --target development, Docker will use this stage as the final image.

  • --build-arg ENVIRONMENT=development: This is a build argument that you are passing to the Docker build process. In your Dockerfile, you've set an argument for the ENVIRONMENT and are using it to set NODE_ENV.
    In the Dockerfile, this is where you use it:
    So, by passing ENVIRONMENT=development, it sets NODE_ENV=development for the development stage.

  • -t next-app-dev: This flag is used to give the resulting Docker image a tag (name). Here, you're tagging the built image as next-app-dev. This makes it easier to refer to the image later when you want to run or push it.

  • . (dot): The dot refers to the current directory as the build context. Docker will look for the Dockerfile in the current directory and include any files and directories in the build process based on the instructions in the Dockerfile.

Once the Docker image has been built and your container is running, you can access your Next.js application in the following steps:

  • Run the Container To start a container from your built Docker image, use the docker run command. For example, assuming your image is tagged next-app-prod and your app is listening on port 3000, you can run the following command:

docker run -p 3000:3000 next-app-prod


  • -p 3000:3000: This flag maps the container's internal port (3000) to your local machine's port (3000). The first 3000 is the port on your machine, and the second 3000 is the port inside the container where the Next.js app is running.
  • next-app-prod: This is the name of the Docker image you built. You are telling Docker to start a container based on this image.

  • Access the App

Once the container is running, you can access your Next.js app by opening your web browser and navigating to:


This is because the -p 3000:3000 flag exposes the app running inside the Docker container on port 3000 of your local machine.

Benefits of a Single Multi-Stage Dockerfile

  • Code Reuse: You avoid duplicating configurations across multiple files by defining different stages (development, build, and production) in a single Dockerfile. You can share common layers between stages, such as base images, dependencies, and configurations.

  • Consistency: Having everything in one file ensures that your environments are consistent. The same base setup (like Node.js version, dependencies, and build tools) is used for both development and production.

  • Image Size Optimization: Multi-stage builds allow you to define a build process in one stage and then use only the necessary output in the production stage, resulting in smaller and more optimized production images.

  • Maintainability: Maintaining one Dockerfile is easier than managing separate files. You can easily update the common parts (like dependencies or configurations) without worrying about syncing changes across multiple files.

  • Simplicity: By using a multi-stage Dockerfile, you simplify your project structure by not needing extra files for different environments.

Use Case for Separate Dockerfiles

In some cases, however, you might want to define separate Dockerfiles for development and production. Here are a few reasons why you might choose this approach:

  • Specialized Development Setup: If the development environment needs significantly different tooling or services (e.g., testing frameworks, live reload tools), and you don't want to clutter the production Dockerfile with them.

  • Faster Iteration in Development: If the development Dockerfile needs to be streamlined for faster iteration (e.g., skipping certain optimizations or using different tooling).

  • Complex Setup: In some complex cases, the production setup might be very different from the development one, and combining them in a single file can be cumbersome.


When to Use Separate Dockerfiles
If you have very different setups, you might do something like this:

Dockerfile.dev for development

Dockerfile.prod for production

You would then specify which file to use when building the image:

# Build for development
docker build -f Dockerfile.dev -t next-app-dev .

# Build for production
docker build -f Dockerfile.prod -t next-app-prod .


For most cases, especially in typical Next.js apps, the single multi-stage Dockerfile is the best practice. It promotes:

  • Reusability of layers
  • Consistency
  • A smaller image size for production
  • Easier maintenance

However, if your development and production environments are drastically different, separate Dockerfiles might be a better choice, though this is less common.


Here is a Docker Compose file to run a Next.js 14 application along with MongoDB. This setup follows best practices, including using environment variables from a .env file and setting up multi-service configuration.


  • Create a .env file to store your environment variables.
  • Create a docker-compose.yml file for defining your services. .env File: Make sure this file is in the root of your project. This will contain your environment variables for both Next.js and MongoDB.

# .env
# Next.js Environment Variables

# MongoDB Variables

docker-compose.yml File:

This file defines both your Next.js app and the MongoDB service. The Next.js service depends on MongoDB, and they are both configured to communicate within the same Docker network.

version: "3.8"

    image: mongo:6.0
    container_name: mongodb
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "27017:27017" # Exposing MongoDB port
      - app-network
      - mongo-data:/data/db # Persist MongoDB data in a Docker volume

    image: digipros-prod
    container_name: digipros-app
      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "4000:3000" # Exposing Next.js app on port 5000
      - mongo # Ensures MongoDB starts before Next.js
      - .env
      DB_NAME: ${DB_NAME}
      - ./public/uploads:/app/public/uploads # Only persist the uploads folder
    command: "npm run start" # Running the Next.js app in production mode
      - app-network
  mongo-data: # Named volume to persist MongoDB data
    driver: bridge

Explanation of docker-compose.yml:

  • version: '3.8': The Compose file version, supporting more features.

  • services:


image: mongo:6.0:
Specifies the MongoDB image and version.

container_name: mongodb: Names the MongoDB container.

restart: unless-stopped: Restarts the container unless you explicitly stop it.

ports: "27017:27017": Exposes MongoDB on port 27017 so it can be accessed locally.

environment: Reads environment variables from the .env file.

volumes: Mounts a Docker volume for persistent data storage, even if the container is removed.

nextjs-app: image: next-app-prod: The name of the image to be used (assumes the image is built already).

build: Specifies the build context and the Dockerfile to use for building the Next.js app.

depends_on: mongo: Ensures that MongoDB is started before the Next.js app.

env_file: .env: Loads environment variables from the .env file.

volumes: - ./public/uploads:/app/public/uploads # Only persist the uploads folder

command: "npm run start": Runs the Next.js app in production mode.

  • volumes:

mongo-data: Named volume to persist MongoDB data.

How to Run:

Build the Docker Image for your Next.js application:

docker build -t next-app-prod .

Start the Docker Compose services:

docker-compose up -d

Access the Next.js application at http://localhost:3000.

MongoDB will be available locally on port 27017, or within the Docker network as mongo (for your Next.js app).

Best Practices Followed:

  • Environment variables are managed via a .env file.
  • MongoDB data persistence using Docker volumes.
  • Multi-stage Dockerfile (assumed) for optimized builds.
  • depends_on ensures services are started in the correct order.
  • Restart policy to ensure services remain running.

This setup allows for easy management of the Next.js and MongoDB containers while keeping everything modular and maintainable.


  • @medAmine


For support, email [email protected]



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