以下 JavaScript 程式碼是一個腳本,旨在對「喜歡你」部分中的 Tinder 照片進行取消模糊處理。它的工作原理是從 Tinder 的 API 獲取預告圖像並動態更新 DOM 以用清晰的圖像替換模糊的圖像。
async function unblur() { // Fetch the teasers (users who liked your profile) from Tinder API const teasers = await fetch("https://api.gotinder.com/v2/fast-match/teasers", { headers: { // Uses the Tinder API token stored in the browser's localStorage "X-Auth-Token": localStorage.getItem("TinderWeb/APIToken"), platform: "android", }, }) // Parse the response as JSON and extract the results .then((res) => res.json()) .then((res) => res.data.results); // Select all blurred teaser elements from the Tinder page's DOM const teaserEls = document.querySelectorAll( ".Expand.enterAnimationContainer > div:nth-child(1)" ); // Loop through each teaser and replace the blurred image with the clear one teasers.forEach((teaser, index) => { const teaserEl = teaserEls[index]; const teaserImage = `https://preview.gotinder.com/${teaser.user._id}/original_${teaser.user.photos[0].id}.jpeg`; // Set the background image to the clear image URL teaserEl.style.backgroundImage = `url(${teaserImage})`; }); } // Call the unblur function unblur();
選擇 DOM 元素:
此腳本利用瀏覽器開發人員工具和 Tinder API 的強大功能,讓您無需付費訂閱即可查看喜歡您的人,從而增強用戶體驗。
? GitHub 儲存庫:Tinder Unblur - 顯示您的 Tinder 喜歡
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