首頁 > 程式設計 > 為什麼在Android Studio上報告了“無法找到捆綁的Java版本\”的Flutter Doctor \我該如何修復?

為什麼在Android Studio上報告了“無法找到捆綁的Java版本\”的Flutter Doctor \我該如何修復?


Why is Flutter Doctor Reporting \在使用Android Studio版本3.0使用Flutter Doctor 3.0時,您可能會遇到錯誤消息“無法找到Bundled Java版本。”如果您的Java版本是最新的,並且系統上沒有較舊的Android Studio安裝,這可能會特別令人困惑。 To resolve this issue, follow the steps outlined below:

For macOS Users:

JetBrains Runtime "Android Studio Electric Eel":

Set the JAVA_HOME path as per this指南。 運行以下命令:

cd/applications/android \ studio \ studio.app/contents/jbr ln -s ../jbr jdk ln -s“/library/Internet插件/javaappletplugin.plugin” folder and create a new folder called "jre"
  1. Copy the contents of the "JetBrainsRuntime" folder into the "jre" folder
  2. Run "flutter doctor -v" to verify if the issue is resolved.
    cd /Applications/Android\ Studio.app/Contents/jbr
    ln -s ../jbr jdk
    ln -s "/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin" jdk
Other JetBrains Runtime版本:
  • cd/applications/android \ studio.app/contents/jre ln -s ../ jre jdk ln -s“/library/Internet插件/javaappletplugin.plugin” jdk


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