使用新的FlexBox properties 試圖將全新的FlexBox屬性應用於全高和可滾動的設計引入限制。使用高度的解決方法:0px; on a wrapper element is unreliable and creates additional issues.
Solution: Setting Height for Vertical Scrolling Element
A robust solution involves setting a specific height for the element where vertical scrolling is desired.這允許Flexbox算法計算適當的高度並根據需要渲染滾動條。例如,使用以下CSS:#容器文章{ 彈性:1 1自動; 溢出Y:自動; 身高:0px; }
確定最小高度如果需要最小高度,請替換高度:0px;帶有最高的高度:期望的價值; to ensure the element displays a scrollbar even when its content does not exceed the specified minimum.
Final Example
In summary, the most effective solution to combine flexbox and vertical scrolling in a full-height layout is to set a height (or min-height) for the vertically scrollable element.這允許最佳的渲染和滾動欄行為,從而帶來無縫的用戶體驗。免責聲明: 提供的所有資源部分來自互聯網,如果有侵犯您的版權或其他權益,請說明詳細緣由並提供版權或權益證明然後發到郵箱:[email protected] 我們會在第一時間內為您處理。
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