In Ara: History Untold, all that matters is how much Prestige you own. At the end of each era, Nations with the lowest Prestige will get culled. You c...
廣闊的沙漠、山脈、峽谷、偏遠島嶼和大量的謎團在《薩爾達傳說:王國之淚》中等待著玩家。其中一個秘密是廷格爾島,雖然您在那裡找不到古怪的“仙女”廷格爾本人,但以下是收集風之帽和隱藏的科洛克種子的方法。 目錄如何在ToTK 前往廷格爾島廷格爾島Korok 種子位置在廷格爾島可以做什麼— Cap of ...
Waging war and fighting battles in Ara: History Untold is a rather complicated endeavor, with many things to keep track of. If you want to keep your N...