理解非數字浮點值:1。 ##iff00,-1。 #ind00和-1。 #ind
IEEE 754浮動點表示定義了幾個非數字值以定義了在浮動過程中的幾個非數字值。 These values include positive and negative infinity, Not-a-Number (NaN), and indeterminate (IND).
Positive Infinity
1.#INF00 on Windowsinf on Linux
- This value represents a positive number that is too large to be represented as有限的浮點數。 It is typically encountered when performing operations like dividing a very large number by a very small number.
- Negative Infinity
-1.#IND00 on Windows-inf on Linux
- This value represents a negative number that is too large (absolute value) to be表示為有限的浮點數。 It can arise from operations like dividing a negative number by a very small number.
- NaN (Not-a-Number)
-1.#IND on Windowsnan on Linux
- NaN indicates that the result of an operation is undefined or 無效的。 This can occur when attempting to perform operations like taking the square root of a negative number or dividing by zero.
- Indeterminate (IND)
This value is not explicitly defined in IEEE 754 but may appear in some implementations.它通常表示不確定的結果,例如0/0或∞/∞。
這些非數值值可用於調試浮點代碼。例如:- 正/負相無限可以通過零問題來識別溢出或分裂。