In index.html, create an input element for the license key and a button to activate the SDK:
Implement the activation logic in main.js:
async function activate(license) { try { Dynamsoft.DDV.Core.license = license; Dynamsoft.DDV.Core.engineResourcePath = \\\"[email protected]/dist/engine\\\"; await Dynamsoft.DDV.Core.init(); Dynamsoft.DDV.setProcessingHandler(\\\"imageFilter\\\", new Dynamsoft.DDV.ImageFilter()); docManager = Dynamsoft.DDV.documentManager; } catch (error) { console.error(error); toggleLoading(false); }}
The Dynamsoft Document Viewer SDK provides a built-in document editor that requires minimal code to construct a web PDF viewer application.
Create a container element for the document viewer in index.html:
","image":"","datePublished":"2024-11-19T13:47:08+08:00","dateModified":"2024-11-19T13:47:08+08:00","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"","url":""}}Initialize the document viewer in main.js:
async function showViewer() { if (!docManager) return; let editContainer = document.getElementById(\\\"edit-viewer\\\"); = \\\"block\\\"; editViewer = new Dynamsoft.DDV.EditViewer({ container: editContainer, uiConfig: DDV.getDefaultUiConfig(\\\"editViewer\\\", { includeAnnotationSet: true }) });}The uiConfig parameter specifies the default UI configuration for the document viewer, including annotation tools.
Step 4: Add a Custom Button to Insert Barcodes into the PDF Document
Dynamsoft Document Viewer allows for customization of UI elements and event handlers. According to the official documentation, you can add custom buttons.
A Custom Barcode Button with Google\\'s Material Icons
Define a custom button object in main.js:
const qrButton = { type: Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Button, className: \\\"material-icons icon-qr_code\\\", tooltip: \\\"Add a QR code. Ctrl Q\\\", events: { click: \\\"addQr\\\", },};The className points to Google fonts. Use the material-icons class to display the qr_code icon in the button.
Add the Barcode Button to the Toolbar
To add the button to the toolbar, modify the uiConfig parameter in the showViewer function:
const pcEditViewerUiConfig = { type: Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Layout, flexDirection: \\\"column\\\", className: \\\"ddv-edit-viewer-desktop\\\", children: [ { type: Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Layout, className: \\\"ddv-edit-viewer-header-desktop\\\", children: [ { type: Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Layout, children: [ Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.ThumbnailSwitch, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Zoom, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.FitMode, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.DisplayMode, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.RotateLeft, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.RotateRight, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Crop, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Filter, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Undo, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Redo, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.DeleteCurrent, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.DeleteAll, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Pan, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.AnnotationSet, qrButton, ], }, { type: Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Layout, children: [ { type: Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Pagination, className: \\\"ddv-edit-viewer-pagination-desktop\\\", }, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Load, { type: Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Button, className: \\\"ddv-button ddv-button-download\\\", events: { click: \\\"download\\\", } } ], }, ], }, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.MainView, ],};editViewer = new Dynamsoft.DDV.EditViewer({ container: editContainer, uiConfig: pcEditViewerUiConfig});Press the Button to Pop Up a Barcode Generation Dialog
When the barcode button is clicked, a pop-up dialog will appear for users to input the barcode content and select the barcode type:
editViewer.on(\\\"addQr\\\", addQr);The dialog contains the following elements:
- A dropdown list for selecting barcode types.
- An input field for entering barcode content.
- An OK button to submit the data.
- A Cancel button to close the pop-up without submitting.
Here\\'s the full code:
Step 5: Generate a Barcode and Insert it as Annotation to PDF Document
Include the bwip-js library in index.html. This library is used to generate barcodes in various formats, such as QR Code, PDF417, and DataMatrix.
After retrieving the barcode content and type, use bwipjs to draw the generated barcode on a canvas. Then, convert the canvas to a blob and insert it as an annotation to the PDF document.
if (barcodeContent !== null) { try { bwipjs.toCanvas(tempCanvas, { bcid: barcodeType, text: barcodeContent, scale: 3, includetext: false, }); tempCanvas.toBlob(async (blob) => { if (blob) { let currentPageId = docs[0].pages[editViewer.getCurrentPageIndex()]; let pageData = await docs[0].getPageData(currentPageId); const option = { stamp: blob, x: pageData.mediaBox.width - 110, y: 10, width: 100, height: 100, opacity: 1.0, flags: { print: false, noView: false, readOnly: false, } } if (applyToAllPages) { for (let i = 0; i < docs[0].pages.length; i ) { await Dynamsoft.DDV.annotationManager.createAnnotation(docs[0].pages[i], \\\"stamp\\\", option) } } else { await Dynamsoft.DDV.annotationManager.createAnnotation(currentPageId, \\\"stamp\\\", option) } } }, \\'image/png\\'); } catch (e) { console.log(e); }}Step 6: Save the PDF Document with Barcodes to Local Disk
Create a download() function and bind it to the download button in the toolbar:
editViewer.on(\\\"download\\\", download);async function download() { try { const pdfSettings = { saveAnnotation: \\\"flatten\\\", }; let blob = await editViewer.currentDocument.saveToPdf(pdfSettings); saveBlob(blob, `document_${}.pdf`); } catch (error) { console.log(error); }}function saveBlob(blob, fileName) { const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const a = document.createElement(\\'a\\'); a.href = url; = fileName; document.body.appendChild(a);; document.body.removeChild(a); URL.revokeObjectURL(url);}When saving the PDF document, the saveAnnotation option is set to flatten, ensuring that annotations, including the barcodes, are embedded in the document.
Running the Web PDF Document Editor
Start a web server in the root directory of your project:
python -m http.serverOpen http://localhost:8000 in your web browser.
Load a PDF document.
Insert a barcode as an annotation into the PDF document.
Reading Barcodes from PDF Documents
Once the PDF document is saved to your local disk, you can verify the barcode content by reading it with the Dynamsoft Barcode Reader.
Install barcode4nodejs, a Node.js wrapper built with the Dynamsoft C Barcode Reader SDK.
npm i barcode4nodejsCreate a script file, test.js, to read barcodes from the PDF document:
var dbr = require(\\'barcode4nodejs\\');var barcodeTypes = dbr.formats.ALL;dbr.initLicense(\\\"LICENSE-KEY\\\");let args = process.argv;if (args.includes(\\'-f\\')) { let fIndex = args.indexOf(\\'-f\\'); if (args[fIndex 1]) { (async function () { try { var result = await dbr.decodeFileAsync(args[fIndex 1], barcodeTypes, \\\"\\\"); console.log(result); setTimeout(() => { console.log(\\'terminated\\'); }, 1000); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } })(); } else { console.log(\\'Please add a file.\\'); }}Note: You need to replace the LICENSE-KEY with your own.
Run the script with the path to a PDF file:
node test.js -fThe barcode content will be printed in the console.
Source Code
"Se um trabalhador quiser fazer bem o seu trabalho, ele deve primeiro afiar suas ferramentas." - Confúcio, "Os Analectos de Confúcio. Lu Linggong"Primeira página > Programação > Como inserir códigos de barras em um documento PDF com HTML e JavaScriptComo inserir códigos de barras em um documento PDF com HTML e JavaScript
Publicado em 19/11/2024Navegar:637Inserting barcodes into PDF documents can significantly streamline document management, tracking, and data processing workflows. Barcodes serve as unique identifiers, enabling automated data entry, quick retrieval, and enhanced security. In this article, we'll demonstrate how to leverage HTML5, JavaScript, and the Dynamsoft Document Viewer SDK to generate and embed barcodes into PDF documents.
Web PDF Editor Demo Video
Online Demo
Dynamsoft Document Viewer: This JavaScript SDK allows for seamless viewing and annotation of various document formats, including PDFs and common image files such as JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and BMP. With its robust feature set, you can render PDFs, navigate pages, enhance image quality, and save annotated documents. Install the package from npm to get started.
Dynamsoft Capture Vision Trial License: To access the full capabilities of the Dynamsoft SDKs, sign up for a 30-day free trial license. This trial offers complete access to all features, enabling you to explore the SDKs in-depth.
Steps to Implement a PDF Document Editor in HTML5 and JavaScript
In the following paragraphs, we'll walk you through the process of creating a web-based PDF document editor with barcode insertion capabilities. The editor will enable users to load PDF documents, insert barcodes as annotations, and save the modified PDF files locally.
Step 1: Include the Dynamsoft Document Viewer SDK
In the
section of your HTML file, add the following script tags to include the Dynamsoft Document Viewer SDK:
Step 2: Activate Dynamsoft Document Viewer
In index.html, create an input element for the license key and a button to activate the SDK:
Implement the activation logic in main.js:
async function activate(license) { try { Dynamsoft.DDV.Core.license = license; Dynamsoft.DDV.Core.engineResourcePath = "[email protected]/dist/engine"; await Dynamsoft.DDV.Core.init(); Dynamsoft.DDV.setProcessingHandler("imageFilter", new Dynamsoft.DDV.ImageFilter()); docManager = Dynamsoft.DDV.documentManager; } catch (error) { console.error(error); toggleLoading(false); } }Explanation
- The engineResourcePath must point to the location of the Dynamsoft Document Viewer engine files.
- setProcessingHandler sets the image filter for enhancing image quality.
- The documentManager object is used to manage the document viewer and editor.
Step 3: Create a Web PDF Viewer with Ready-to-Use Components
The Dynamsoft Document Viewer SDK provides a built-in document editor that requires minimal code to construct a web PDF viewer application.
Create a container element for the document viewer in index.html:
Initialize the document viewer in main.js:
async function showViewer() { if (!docManager) return; let editContainer = document.getElementById("edit-viewer"); = "block"; editViewer = new Dynamsoft.DDV.EditViewer({ container: editContainer, uiConfig: DDV.getDefaultUiConfig("editViewer", { includeAnnotationSet: true }) }); }The uiConfig parameter specifies the default UI configuration for the document viewer, including annotation tools.
Step 4: Add a Custom Button to Insert Barcodes into the PDF Document
Dynamsoft Document Viewer allows for customization of UI elements and event handlers. According to the official documentation, you can add custom buttons.
A Custom Barcode Button with Google's Material Icons
Define a custom button object in main.js:
const qrButton = { type: Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Button, className: "material-icons icon-qr_code", tooltip: "Add a QR code. Ctrl Q", events: { click: "addQr", }, };The className points to Google fonts. Use the material-icons class to display the qr_code icon in the button.
Add the Barcode Button to the Toolbar
To add the button to the toolbar, modify the uiConfig parameter in the showViewer function:
const pcEditViewerUiConfig = { type: Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Layout, flexDirection: "column", className: "ddv-edit-viewer-desktop", children: [ { type: Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Layout, className: "ddv-edit-viewer-header-desktop", children: [ { type: Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Layout, children: [ Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.ThumbnailSwitch, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Zoom, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.FitMode, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.DisplayMode, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.RotateLeft, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.RotateRight, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Crop, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Filter, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Undo, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Redo, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.DeleteCurrent, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.DeleteAll, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Pan, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.AnnotationSet, qrButton, ], }, { type: Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Layout, children: [ { type: Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Pagination, className: "ddv-edit-viewer-pagination-desktop", }, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Load, { type: Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.Button, className: "ddv-button ddv-button-download", events: { click: "download", } } ], }, ], }, Dynamsoft.DDV.Elements.MainView, ], }; editViewer = new Dynamsoft.DDV.EditViewer({ container: editContainer, uiConfig: pcEditViewerUiConfig });Press the Button to Pop Up a Barcode Generation Dialog
When the barcode button is clicked, a pop-up dialog will appear for users to input the barcode content and select the barcode type:
editViewer.on("addQr", addQr);The dialog contains the following elements:
- A dropdown list for selecting barcode types.
- An input field for entering barcode content.
- An OK button to submit the data.
- A Cancel button to close the pop-up without submitting.
Here's the full code:
Step 5: Generate a Barcode and Insert it as Annotation to PDF Document
Include the bwip-js library in index.html. This library is used to generate barcodes in various formats, such as QR Code, PDF417, and DataMatrix.
After retrieving the barcode content and type, use bwipjs to draw the generated barcode on a canvas. Then, convert the canvas to a blob and insert it as an annotation to the PDF document.
if (barcodeContent !== null) { try { bwipjs.toCanvas(tempCanvas, { bcid: barcodeType, text: barcodeContent, scale: 3, includetext: false, }); tempCanvas.toBlob(async (blob) => { if (blob) { let currentPageId = docs[0].pages[editViewer.getCurrentPageIndex()]; let pageData = await docs[0].getPageData(currentPageId); const option = { stamp: blob, x: pageData.mediaBox.width - 110, y: 10, width: 100, height: 100, opacity: 1.0, flags: { print: false, noView: false, readOnly: false, } } if (applyToAllPages) { for (let i = 0; iStep 6: Save the PDF Document with Barcodes to Local Disk
Create a download() function and bind it to the download button in the toolbar:
editViewer.on("download", download); async function download() { try { const pdfSettings = { saveAnnotation: "flatten", }; let blob = await editViewer.currentDocument.saveToPdf(pdfSettings); saveBlob(blob, `document_${}.pdf`); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } } function saveBlob(blob, fileName) { const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; = fileName; document.body.appendChild(a);; document.body.removeChild(a); URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }When saving the PDF document, the saveAnnotation option is set to flatten, ensuring that annotations, including the barcodes, are embedded in the document.
Running the Web PDF Document Editor
Start a web server in the root directory of your project:
python -m http.serverOpen http://localhost:8000 in your web browser.
Load a PDF document.
Insert a barcode as an annotation into the PDF document.
Reading Barcodes from PDF Documents
Once the PDF document is saved to your local disk, you can verify the barcode content by reading it with the Dynamsoft Barcode Reader.
Install barcode4nodejs, a Node.js wrapper built with the Dynamsoft C Barcode Reader SDK.
npm i barcode4nodejsCreate a script file, test.js, to read barcodes from the PDF document:
var dbr = require('barcode4nodejs'); var barcodeTypes = dbr.formats.ALL; dbr.initLicense("LICENSE-KEY"); let args = process.argv; if (args.includes('-f')) { let fIndex = args.indexOf('-f'); if (args[fIndex 1]) { (async function () { try { var result = await dbr.decodeFileAsync(args[fIndex 1], barcodeTypes, ""); console.log(result); setTimeout(() => { console.log('terminated'); }, 1000); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } })(); } else { console.log('Please add a file.'); } }Note: You need to replace the LICENSE-KEY with your own.
Run the script with the path to a PDF file:
node test.js -fThe barcode content will be printed in the console.
Source Code
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