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How Can I Programmatically Select All Text Within a DIV on Mouse Click?

2025-03-26에 게시되었습니다

How Can I Programmatically Select All Text Within a DIV on Mouse Click?

Programmatically Selecting DIV Text on Mouse Click


Given a DIV element with text content, how can the user programmatically select the entire text within the DIV with a single mouse click? This allows users to easily drag and drop the selected text or copy it directly.


To select the text within a DIV element on a single mouse click, you can utilize the following JavaScript function:

function selectText(containerid) {
    if (document.selection) { // IE
        var range = document.body.createTextRange();
    } else if (window.getSelection) {
        var range = document.createRange();


To implement this functionality:

  1. Include the function above in your JavaScript code.
  2. Add a click event handler to your DIV element, invoking the selectText() function with the DIV's ID as an argument.

With this code, when users click anywhere within the DIV element, the entire text within that DIV will be highlighted and selected, allowing for easy manipulation or copying.

최신 튜토리얼 더>

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