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How to say sorry in Chinese? 对不起Chinese pronunciation, 对不起Chinese learning

2024-08-02에 게시됨


Learning Chinese: How to Say "Sorry" in Chinese

Chinese Characters: 对不起
Pinyin: duì bu qǐ
Pronunciation: dwei4 bu4 qi3
English Translation: Sorry


"对不起 (duì bu qǐ)" is the most common way to say "sorry" in Chinese. It can be used in both formal and informal settings.


Chinese: 对不起,我迟到了。
Pinyin: Duì bu qǐ, wǒ chì dào le.
English: Sorry, I'm late.

There are a few variations of "对不起 (duì bu qǐ)" that you may hear:

抱歉 (bào qiàn): A more formal way to say "sorry."
不好意思 (bù hǎo yì si): A more polite way to say "sorry," literally meaning "I'm embarrassed."
Tips for Learning:

Practice saying "对不起 (duì bu qǐ)" out loud to improve your pronunciation.
Listen to native Chinese speakers saying "sorry" to get a sense of the natural rhythm and intonation.
Use "对不起 (duì bu qǐ)" in your daily conversations to practice using it in context.
Additional Notes:

"对不起 (duì bu qǐ)" is typically used when apologizing for a mistake or inconvenience.
To say "excuse me" in Chinese, you can say "不好意思 (bù hǎo yì si)."
In some regions of China, people may also use "对不起 (duì bu qǐ)" to say "excuse me."

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