Upload File



Now let’s go through the code in this file.

First, we have defined the template with the name upload, this is the name we will use to reference it later in our route handlers.

We then have some boilerplate HTML code in the head section, but I have included two important libraries here (well, just one is really important, the other is just for CSS vibes).

The HTMX library has been included with the

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HTMX 및 Golang을 사용한 파일 업로드

2024-11-04에 게시됨

Ofcourse you have already heard about the awesomeness of HTMX (you haven’t? well, good thing you’re here ?)

Today, we will be combining the simplicity of HTMX with the power of Golang to upload files to our server. Yeah, we are going to be building another exciting web feature with HTMX and Go.

By the way, if you really want a practical project-based guide on building fullstack apps with HTMX, check out my HTMX Go: Build Fullstack Applications with Golang and HTMX course [Discount Included].

So, let’s begin.

Setting Up the Go Project

The first step is to setup a simple Go project. We can do that by creating a folder, going into it and initialising it as a Go project using the commands below:

mkdir go-htmx-file-uploads
cd go-htmx-file-uploads
go mod init go-htmx-file-uploads

Once we have the project initialized, let’s now install some dependencies we will be requiring within our project.

This will be a simple server that will contain a single page with our upload form and also an endpoint that will be used to upload the file.

For routing, we will be using the Gorilla Mux routing library, but feel free to use any routing solution of your choice. We will also be using Google’s UUID library for Go to generate random names for our files when we upload them. This is a personal preference as you can generate file names in different ways.

Install these two with the commands below:

Gorillla Mux

go get -u github.com/gorilla/mux 

Google UUID

go get github.com/google/uuid

With these two installed, our project is fully set up, and we can move to the next step.

Creating our Templates

We will be creating two HTML templates for this little project.

The first template will be an HTML fragment that simply takes a slice of string messages that we can send from the server to the client.

This fragment will take this slice of messages and loop through it to create an HTML list to be returned to the client (remember how HTMX works with Hypermedia APIs, pretty cool huh ?).

So, let’s create that first.

At the root of the Go project, first create a templates folder inside which we will be storing all our templates.

Next, create a file messages.html inside the templates folder and add the following code to it:

{{define "messages"}}
    {{range .}}
  • {{ . }}
  • {{end}}

This defines a messages template and loops through the incoming slice of string messages to form an HTML list.

For our next template, we will be creating the file upload page itself.

Inside the templates folder, create a new file upload.html and paste in the code below:

{{define "upload"}}

    Upload File

Upload File



Now let’s go through the code in this file.

First, we have defined the template with the name upload, this is the name we will use to reference it later in our route handlers.

We then have some boilerplate HTML code in the head section, but I have included two important libraries here (well, just one is really important, the other is just for CSS vibes).

The HTMX library has been included with the

Then I have also brought in the Bootstrap CSS library, this is just to give our page elements some nice styling. It is not compulsory for this demo.

In the page itself, we have a form that does the upload. Let’s break down what is within the


First we have a

with an id of messages , this is the container where we will be loading all our server messages that come in as HTML. Remember the messages template, yeah, this is where the list of messages will be going into.

After that, we have the form input element that is set to file to ensure that it displays a file upload widget. We have given it the name avatar to reference it at the backend, but you can give this any name you want. I gave it avatar because i was using it to upload profile images.

Finally, we have the button which has been supercharged with HTMX. I have displayed it again below so we can go through it

First, I have added hx-post="/upload" , this tells it to submit the form to the /upload endpoint that we will be creating very soon and will handle the file upload.

Next is hx-encoding="multipart/form-data", this is compulsory for uploading files with HTMX to let the server know you’re sending along a file with the request.

Then we have hx-target="#messages" which tells the button to insert any response from the server into the

with an id of messages.

These three define our configuration for uploading the file to our backend.

Below is a preview of what our page looks like:

File Uploads with HTMX and Golang

Processing the File Upload

Now that we have our templates, it’s time to write the code that will display our upload page and also handle our file uploads.

To begin, at the root of the Go project, create a uploads folder. This is the folder where all our uploaded files will be stored.

With that in place, let’s write our main file.

Create the file main.go at the root of your project and add the following code:

package main

import (

var tmpl *template.Template

func init(){
    tmpl, _ = template.ParseGlob("templates/*.html")

func main() {

    router := mux.NewRouter()

    router.HandleFunc("/", homeHandler).Methods("GET")

    router.HandleFunc("/upload", UploadHandler).Methods("POST")

    log.Println("Server starting on :8080")
    log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", router))

func homeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

    tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, "upload", nil)


func UploadHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

        // Initialize error messages slice
        var serverMessages []string

        // Parse the multipart form, 10 MB max upload size
        r.ParseMultipartForm(10  0 {
                tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, "messages", serverMessages)

        defer file.Close()

        // Generate a unique filename to prevent overwriting and conflicts
        uuid, err := uuid.NewRandom()
        if err != nil {
            serverMessages = append(serverMessages, "Error generating unique identifier")
            tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, "messages", serverMessages)

        filename := uuid.String()   filepath.Ext(handler.Filename) // Append the file extension

        // Create the full path for saving the file
        filePath := filepath.Join("uploads", filename)

        // Save the file to the server
        dst, err := os.Create(filePath)
        if err != nil {
            serverMessages = append(serverMessages, "Error saving the file")
            tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, "messages", serverMessages)

        defer dst.Close()
        if _, err = io.Copy(dst, file); err != nil {
            serverMessages = append(serverMessages, "Error saving the file")
            tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, "messages", serverMessages)

        serverMessages = append(serverMessages, "File Successfully Saved")
        tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, "messages", serverMessages)


Yope, that’s a bunch of code. Don’t worry, we’ll go through it all step by step to figure out what this is all doing.

First we define our package main and import a bunch of libraries we will be making use of. These imports include the Gorilla mux router and the Google UUID library that we installed earlier.

After that, I create a global tmpl variable to hold all the HTML templates in the project and in the init() function, the templates are all loaded from the templates folder.

The main() Function

Now to the main() function. Here, we have initlialized the Gorilla Mux router and set up two routes.

The GET / base route which will be handled by a homeHandler function and displays our upload form, and the POST /upload route that will be handled by UploadHandler and handles the upload itself.

Finally, we print out a message to indicate that our server is running, and run the server on port 8080.

The Handler Functions

First we have homeHandler . This is the function that handles our base route, and it simply calls ExecuteTemplate on the tmpl variable with the name we gave to our template

tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, "upload", nil)

This call is enough to simply render our upload page to the screen when we visit the base route.

After that is the UploadHandler function. This is where the real magic happens, so let’s walk through the function.

First, we create a slice of strings called serverMessages to hold any message we want to send back to the client.

After that, we call ParseMultipartForm on the request pointer to limit the size of uploaded files to within 20MB.


Next, we get a hold on our file by referencing the name of the file field with FormFile on the request pointer.

With our reference to the file, we check if there is actually a file, and if not, we return a message saying that no file was submitted or an error was encountered when trying to retrieve the file to account for other errors.

file, handler, err := r.FormFile("avatar")
        if err != nil {
            if err == http.ErrMissingFile {
                serverMessages = append(serverMessages, "No file submitted")
            } else {
                serverMessages = append(serverMessages, "Error retrieving the file")

            if len(serverMessages) > 0 {
                tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, "messages", serverMessages)


At this point, if our messages slice is not empty, we return the messages to the client and exit the function.

If a file is found, we keep the file open and move to generating a new name for it with the UUID library and also handle the errors in that process accordingly.

We build a new file name with the generated string and the file extension and set it’s path to the uploads folder.

    uuid, err := uuid.NewRandom()
        if err != nil {
            serverMessages = append(serverMessages, "Error generating unique identifier")
            tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, "messages", serverMessages)

        filename := uuid.String()   filepath.Ext(handler.Filename) 

        // Create the full path for saving the file
        filePath := filepath.Join("uploads", filename)

Once the new file path is constructed, we then use the os library to create the file path

After that, we use the io library to move the file from it’s temporary location to the new location and also handle errors accordingly.

    dst, err := os.Create(filePath)
        if err != nil {
            serverMessages = append(serverMessages, "Error saving the file")
            tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, "messages", serverMessages)

        defer dst.Close()
        if _, err = io.Copy(dst, file); err != nil {
            serverMessages = append(serverMessages, "Error saving the file")
            tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, "messages", serverMessages)

If we get no errors from the file saving process, we then return a successful message to the client using our messages template as we have done with previous messages.

serverMessages = append(serverMessages, "File Successfully Saved")
tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, "messages", serverMessages)

And that’s everything.

Now let’s take this code for a spin.

Testing the File Upload

Save the file and head over to the command line.

At the root of the project, use the command below to run our little file upload application:

go run main.go

Now go to your browser and head over to http://localhost:8080, you should see the upload screen displayed.

Try testing with no file to see the error message displayed. Then test with an actual file and also see that you get a successful message.

Check the uploads folder to confirm that the file is actually being saved there.

File Uploads with HTMX and Golang

And Wholla! You can now upload files to your Go servers using HTMX.


If you have enjoyed this article, and will like to learn more about building projects with HTMX, I’ll like you to check out HTMX Go: Build Fullstack Applications with Golang and HTMX, and The Complete HTMX Course: Zero to Pro with HTMX to further expand your knowledge on building hypermedia-driven applications with HTMX.

릴리스 선언문 이 기사는 https://dev.to/coderonfleek/file-uploads-with-htmx-and-golang-57ad?1에서 복제됩니다.1 침해 내용이 있는 경우, [email protected]에 연락하여 삭제하시기 바랍니다.
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    프로그램 작성 2024-11-05에 게시됨

부인 성명: 제공된 모든 리소스는 부분적으로 인터넷에서 가져온 것입니다. 귀하의 저작권이나 기타 권리 및 이익이 침해된 경우 자세한 이유를 설명하고 저작권 또는 권리 및 이익에 대한 증거를 제공한 후 이메일([email protected])로 보내주십시오. 최대한 빨리 처리해 드리겠습니다.

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