Defining Variables in Laravel Blade Templates with Elegance
Understanding how to assign variables in Blade templates is crucial for storing data for later use. While assigning variables using "{{ }}" is straightforward, it may not always be the most elegant solution.
Elegant Assignment with Blade Directives
Fortunately, Blade provides a more elegant approach through the @php directive:
@php $old_section = "whatever"; @endphp
Alternatively, for assigning a single variable:
@php($old_section = "whatever")
Advanced Technique: Customizing with Define Tag
To facilitate custom tag usage, you can extend Blade's functionality by creating a define tag:
\Blade::extend(function($value) { return preg_replace('/\@define(.+)/', '<?php ${1}; ?>', $value); });
This allows you to define variables with:
@define $i = 1
Quick Solution vs. Nicer Solution
For convenience, you can place the extended code in the boot() function of AppServiceProvider.php. However, a more robust approach is to create a custom service provider. By registering the extended code there, you gain control over the initialization process and enhance your provider handling skills.
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