"일꾼이 일을 잘하려면 먼저 도구를 갈고 닦아야 한다." - 공자, 『논어』.
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인간 수준의 자연어 이해(NLU) 시스템을 만드는 방법

2024-11-05에 게시됨

How to create a Human-Level Natural Language Understanding (NLU) System

Scope: Creating an NLU system that fully understands and processes human languages in a wide range of contexts, from conversations to literature.


  • Natural language is highly ambiguous, so creating models that resolve meaning in context is complex.
  • Developing models for multiple languages and dialects.
  • Ensuring systems understand cultural nuances, idiomatic expressions, and emotions.
  • Training on massive datasets and ensuring high accuracy.

To create a Natural Language Understanding (NLU) system that fully comprehends and processes human languages across contexts, the design process needs to tackle both the theoretical and practical challenges of language, context, and computing. Here's a thinking process that can guide the development of such a system:

1. Understanding the Problem: Scope and Requirements

  • Define Objectives: Break down what "understanding" means in various contexts. Does the system need to understand conversation, literature, legal text, etc.?
  • Identify Use Cases: Specify where the NLU will be applied (e.g., conversational agents, content analysis, or text-based decision-making).
  • Establish Constraints: Determine what resources are available, what level of accuracy is required, and what trade-offs will be acceptable (speed vs. accuracy, for instance).

    2. Data Collection: Building the Knowledge Base

  • Multilingual and Multidomain Corpora: Collect vast amounts of text from multiple languages and various domains like literature, technical writing, legal documents, informal text (e.g., tweets), and conversational transcripts.

  • Contextual Data: Language is understood in context. Collect meta-data such as the speaker's background, time period, cultural markers, sentiment, and tone.

  • Annotations: Manually annotate datasets with syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic information to train the system on ambiguity, idioms, and context.

    3. Developing a Theoretical Framework

  • Contextual Language Models: Leverage transformer models like GPT, BERT, or even specialized models like mBERT (multilingual BERT) for handling context-specific word embeddings. Incorporate memory networks or long-term dependencies so the system can remember previous conversations or earlier parts of a text.

  • Language and Culture Modeling: Transfer Learning: Use transfer learning to apply models trained on one language or context to another. For instance, a model trained on English literature can help understand the structure of French literature with proper fine-tuning.

  • Cross-Language Embeddings: Utilize models that map words and phrases into a shared semantic space, enabling the system to handle multiple languages at once.

  • Cultural and Emotional Sensitivity: Create sub-models or specialized attention layers to detect cultural references, emotions, and sentiment from specific regions or contexts.

4. Addressing Ambiguity and Pragmatic Understanding

  • Disambiguation Mechanisms: Supervised Learning: Train the model on ambiguous sentences (e.g., "bank" meaning a financial institution vs. a riverbank) and provide annotated resolutions.
  • Contextual Resolution: Use attention mechanisms to give more weight to recent conversational or textual context when interpreting ambiguous words.
  • Pragmatics and Speech Acts: Build a framework for pragmatic understanding (i.e., not just what is said but what is meant). Speech acts, like promises, requests, or questions, can be modeled using reinforcement learning to better understand intentions.

    5. Dealing with Idioms and Complex Expressions

  • Idiom Recognition: Collect idiomatic expressions from multiple languages and cultures. Train the model to recognize idioms not as compositional phrases but as whole entities with specific meanings. Apply pattern-matching techniques to identify idiomatic usage in real-time.

  • Metaphor and Humor Detection: Create sub-networks trained on metaphors and humor. Use unsupervised learning to detect non-literal language and assign alternative interpretations.

    6. Handling Large Datasets and Model Training

  • Data Augmentation: Leverage techniques like back-translation (translating data to another language and back) or paraphrasing to increase the size and diversity of datasets.

  • Multi-task Learning: Train the model on related tasks (like sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, and question answering) to help the system generalize better across various contexts.

  • Efficiency and Scalability: Use distributed computing and specialized hardware (GPUs, TPUs) for large-scale training. Leverage pruning, quantization, and model distillation to reduce model size while maintaining performance.

    7. Incorporating External Knowledge

  • Knowledge Graphs: Integrate external knowledge bases like Wikipedia, WordNet, or custom databases to provide the model with real-world context.

  • Commonsense Reasoning: Use models like COMET (Commonsense Transformers) to integrate reasoning about cause-and-effect, everyday events, and general knowledge.

    8. Real-World Contextual Adaptation

  • Fine-Tuning and Continuous Learning: Implement techniques for continuous learning so that the model can evolve with time and adapt to new languages, cultural changes, and evolving linguistic expressions. Fine-tune models on user-specific or region-specific data to make the system more culturally aware and contextually relevant.

  • Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Learning: Develop zero-shot learning capabilities, allowing the system to make educated guesses on tasks or languages it hasn’t been explicitly trained on. Few-shot learning can be used to rapidly adapt to new dialects, idioms, or cultural nuances with minimal new training data.

    9. Evaluation and Iteration

  • Cross-Language Accuracy Metrics: Create benchmarks that test the system's ability to handle multiple languages and dialects, including edge cases (idioms, rare phrases, obscure language use).

  • Error Analysis: Systematically track and analyze errors related to ambiguity, sentiment misclassification, idiomatic misinterpretation, and context loss. Constantly refine models to improve understanding.

  • Human-in-the-Loop Systems: Include mechanisms for humans to intervene when the system encounters difficult-to-interpret text or when it fails. This feedback will guide iterative improvements.

    10. Ethical Considerations and Bias Mitigation

  • Bias Detection: Regularly check for biases related to gender, race, and cultural issues. Biases in data can result in skewed NLU interpretations.

  • Ethical Language Usage: Ensure that the system can identify and address ethically sensitive topics, such as hate speech or misinformation.

  • Explainability: Incorporate models that offer transparent decision-making to ensure the NLU’s reasoning can be explained and corrected if necessary.

    11. Deployment and Continuous Maintenance

  • Integration: Seamlessly integrate the NLU into various applications (chatbots, content analysis tools, sentiment analysis engines).

  • Monitoring: Implement monitoring tools to measure the system's performance over time and in new linguistic environments.

  • Continuous Data Input: Set up feedback loops where the system can learn from interactions in the wild and improve its understanding through active learning.

This step-by-step process is an iterative, evolving approach that balances linguistic theory, computational power, and practical constraints. Building a system of this scale will require extensive collaboration across linguistics, machine learning, and computational infrastructure.

Creating a complete Natural Language Understanding (NLU) system that works in the way described would require thousands of lines of code and a complex architecture. However, I can give you a simplified framework for building a basic NLU system in Python that incorporates some of the key elements. For this, we’ll break it down into smaller components that could be expanded upon over time.

Here is a basic code structure using popular machine learning and NLP libraries such as transformers, spaCy, and nltk. This will provide a foundation for the larger system.

1. Installing Dependencies

First, you’ll need to install some dependencies:

pip install transformers torch spacy nltk
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

2. Basic Structure of NLU System

We'll start with:

  • Loading Pre-trained Models for language understanding (e.g., BERT).
  • Contextual Analysis using spaCy and nltk for parsing sentences.
  • Sentiment Analysis as an example task.
import torch
from transformers import BertTokenizer, BertForSequenceClassification
import spacy
import nltk
from nltk.sentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer

# Load pre-trained models
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
model = BertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')

# Load spaCy for NLP
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')

# NLTK for sentiment analysis
sia = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()

# Function to analyze text with BERT
def analyze_text_with_bert(text):
    inputs = tokenizer(text, return_tensors='pt', padding=True, truncation=True, max_length=512)
    outputs = model(**inputs)
    predictions = torch.nn.functional.softmax(outputs.logits, dim=-1)
    return predictions

# Function for syntactic analysis using spaCy
def syntactic_analysis(text):
    doc = nlp(text)
    for token in doc:
        print(f'{token.text}: {token.dep_} ({token.head.text})')

# Function for sentiment analysis using NLTK
def sentiment_analysis(text):
    sentiment_scores = sia.polarity_scores(text)
    print(f"Sentiment: {sentiment_scores}")

# Basic function to combine different analyses
def nlu_system(text):
    print(f"Analyzing: {text}\n")

    # Syntactic Analysis
    print("Syntactic Analysis (spaCy):")

    # Sentiment Analysis
    print("\nSentiment Analysis (NLTK):")

    # BERT Analysis (classification)
    print("\nBERT-based Text Analysis:")
    predictions = analyze_text_with_bert(text)
    print(f"Predictions: {predictions}")

# Example usage
if __name__ == "__main__":
    sample_text = "The movie was fantastic, but the ending was a bit disappointing."

3. Explanation of the Code


  1. BERT-based Analysis:

    • The analyze_text_with_bert function uses a pre-trained BERT model for sequence classification (e.g., sentiment analysis, question answering, or general text classification).
    • It tokenizes the input text and uses a BERT model to analyze it, returning the output predictions.
  2. Syntactic Analysis with spaCy:

    • The syntactic_analysis function uses spaCy to parse the input text and provide a dependency tree, identifying syntactic relationships between words (subject, object, verb, etc.).
  3. Sentiment Analysis with NLTK:

    • The sentiment_analysis function uses NLTK’s VADER model for basic sentiment analysis (positive, negative, neutral).
  4. NLU System:

    • The nlu_system function combines these components and outputs the analysis for a given piece of text.

4. Scaling Up the System

To build the system as described in your earlier inquiry, you would need to:

  • Expand the BERT model to handle multi-task learning, such as Named Entity Recognition (NER), Question Answering, and Text Summarization.
  • Fine-tune models on specific datasets to handle domain-specific text and multi-lingual contexts.
  • Add Pragmatics: Implement specific logic for cultural nuances and idiomatic expressions. This may involve custom datasets or specific attention mechanisms in your transformer models.
  • Integrate Knowledge Graphs to provide real-world context to the NLU system. This could be done by adding knowledge retrieval functions from external sources like Wikidata or custom-built knowledge graphs.
  • Continuous Learning: Incorporate reinforcement learning techniques to allow the system to adapt to new text as it interacts with users.

This basic framework provides the backbone for larger, more complex NLU tasks, and you can grow it by implementing more specific models, handling additional languages, and introducing components like contextual memory or dialogue systems.

Advanced NLU at Advanced NLU Integration

릴리스 선언문 이 글은 https://dev.to/kavya-sahai-god/how-to-create-a-human-level-natural-언어-understanding-nlu-system-3gmp?1 에서 재현됩니다. 침해가 있는 경우 , [email protected]로 문의해주세요.
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부인 성명: 제공된 모든 리소스는 부분적으로 인터넷에서 가져온 것입니다. 귀하의 저작권이나 기타 권리 및 이익이 침해된 경우 자세한 이유를 설명하고 저작권 또는 권리 및 이익에 대한 증거를 제공한 후 이메일([email protected])로 보내주십시오. 최대한 빨리 처리해 드리겠습니다.

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