"일꾼이 일을 잘하려면 먼저 도구를 갈고 닦아야 한다." - 공자, 『논어』.
첫 장 > 게임 > 완전한 Satisfactory 1.0 하드 드라이브 가이드: 위치 지도, 좌표, 계층 목록 및 재등록 방법

완전한 Satisfactory 1.0 하드 드라이브 가이드: 위치 지도, 좌표, 계층 목록 및 재등록 방법

2024-11-02에 게시됨

Upgrading your technology is a key part of progression in Satisfactory, and Hard Drives are the best source of new recipes. Discovering Hard Drives will reward you with Alternate Recipes, which are much more efficient versions of the standard items that you unlock as you level up the HUB and research new technology.

Hard Drives are hidden all over the world in Satisfactory, so tracking them down can be a hassle. Plus, each Hard Drive contains a random assortment of Alternate Recipes, so you may spend hours trying to get the one item that you need for your dream factory setup. This guide will show you where to find every Hard Drive in Satisfactory, including the coordinates for each of them and how to reroll the Alternate Recipes inside so you have the best chances of getting what you need.

Table of contents

  • Satisfactory Hard Drive locations map
    • Hard Drive coordinates
  • How to reroll Alternate Recipes from Hard Drives
  • Best Satisfactory Alternate Recipe tier list

Satisfactory Hard Drive locations map

Here’s a brief overview of all 118 Crash Site locations in Satisfactory so you can see which Hard Drives are the closest to your base.

Complete Satisfactory 1.0 Hard Drives guide: Location map, coordinates, tier list, and how to reroll

Hard Drive coordinates

These are more detailed coordinates for each of the Hard Drives in Satisfactory. You can input these coordinates in the upper right corner of the in-game map to ping their map location for easy tracking.

This section is still under construction.

Hard Drive CoordinatesAltitudeRequirementes
236,508 / -312,236100mN/A
366,637 /-303,549-73mN/A
174,948 / -276,436212mElectromagnetic Control Rod x43
176,245 / -243,98572mN/A
190,785 / -236,810231mHigh-Speed Connector x35
303,169 / -246,16955mSteel Beam x20
219,146 / -199,88065mScrew x25
360,285 / -217,55939m70 MW Power
295,167 / -173,14081mIron Rod x5
360,115 / -106,614118mComputer x5
190,865 / -127,670160mAlclad Aluminum Sheet x57
159,088 / -145,116232mFused Modular Frame x232
127,216 / -116,867-14m100 MW Power
111,213 / -113,041120m10 MW Power
98,306 / -149,78226mN/A
109,775 / -162,730156m70 MW Power
119,339 / -165,711-2mN/A
84,256 / -171,123-3mQuickwire x38
52,687 / -163,605154mN/A
17,808 / -136,923136mRotor x1
-26,327 / -192,04778mN/A
-56,988 / -144,92822m120 MW Power
-146,044 / -137,04724mModular Frame x5
-247,304 / -142,34845m100 MW Power
-174,495 / -197,135-15mCopper Sheet x10
-123,677 / -167,107297mRotor x4
-55,111 / -204,85878mRubber x35
-50,656 / -259,272-17mN/A
-136 / -237,257-18mEncased Industrial Beam x15
5,302 / -187,091-16mComputer x10
44,549 / -244,344-9mN/A

How to reroll Alternate Recipes from Hard Drives

Each Hard Drive gives you a choice between two random Alternate Recipes. If you don’t like either option, there is a way to reroll the Hard Drive and force it to give you new choices. After the 10-minute scan to reveal the Hard Drive’s contents, you can just press the Escape key to close the Alternate Recipe choice menu and then repeat the research process to get a new pair of blueprints.

This strategy used to be much more effective in the early access version of Satisfactory. The 1.0 update nerfed Hard Drive rerolls, so you can only do this once per Hard Drive. However, the blueprints contained inside a Hard Drive are randomly determined at the start of each 10-minute research period, so you can just save your game before researching and then reload your save file if you don’t like what you get. It sucks to lose progress from reloading a save, but this workaround is an easy way to guarantee that you get something good from each Hard Drive you find.

Best Satisfactory Alternate Recipe tier list

These are the best Alternate Recipes that you can get from Hard Drives in Satisfactory.

TierAlternate Recipes
S-TierHeavy Encased Frame
Pure Aluminum Ingot
Copper Alloy Ingot
Oil-Based Diamonds
Dark Matter Trap
Heavy Flexible Frame
Sloppy Alumina
Turbo Diamonds
Insulated Crystal Oscillator
Uranium Fuel Unit
A-TierCast Screws
Silicon Circuit Board
Crystal Computer
Heat-Fused Frame
Caterium Circuit Board
Super-State Computer
Electrode Aluminum Scrap
Caterium Computer
Steel Screw
Turbo Pressure Motor
Diluted Fuel
Rubber Concrete
Plastic AI Limiter
Steel Rod
Fine Concrete
Rigor Motor
Aluminum Beam
Aluminum Rod
Turbo Electric Motor
Steeled Frame
Infused Uranium Cell
B-TierElectric Motor
Coke Steel Ingot
Automated Speed Wiring
Insulated Cable
Solid Steel Ingot
Wet Concrete
Coated Cable
Silicon High-Speed Connector
Radio Control System
Adhered Iron Plate
Heat Exchanger
Recycled Plastic
Coated Iron Plate
Quickwire Cable
Fused Wire
Stitched Iron Plate
Steel Cast Plate
Copper Rotor
Plastic Smart Plating
Steel Rotor
Tempered Caterium Ingot
Cooling Device
Steamed Copper Sheet
Caterium Wire
Nitro Rocket Fuel
Electromagnetic Connection Rod
Turbo Heavy Fuel
Pure Quartz Crystal
Fine Black Powder
Quickwire Stator
Bolted Iron Plate
OC Supercomputer
Flexible Framework
Iron Alloy Ingot
Heavy Oil Residue
Polyester Fabric
Polymer Resin
C-TierClassic Battery
Iron Wire
Fused Quickwire
Pure Iron Ingot
Leached Iron ingot
Bolted Frame
Cheap Silica
Alclad Casing
Basic Iron Ingot
Molded Beam
Distilled Silica
Fused Quartz Crystal
Molded Steel Pipe
Turbo Blend Fuel
Leached Caterium Ingot
Electrode Circuit Board
Pure Caterium Ingot
Encased Industrial Pipe
Recycled Rubber
Pink Diamonds
D-TierCompacted Steel Ingot
Quartz Purification
Plutonium Fuel Unit
Iron Pipe
Instant Plutonium Cell
Instant Scrap
Pure Copper Ingot
F-TierFertile Uranium
Radio Connection Unit
Dark-Ion Fuel
Cloudy Diamonds
Petroleum Diamonds
Dark Matter Crystallization
Leached Copper Ingot
Tempered Copper Ingot
Automated Miner
릴리스 선언문 이 기사는 https://www.pcinvasion.com/complete-satisfactory-hard-drives-guide-location-map-coordinates-tier-list-and-how-to-reroll/에서 복제됩니다. 침해가 있는 경우, 문의주세요[email protected]삭제됨
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