
One of the unique aspects of this park is that it’s an abandoned site, and your goal is to restore it to the glory of Viking heritage. The park starts with no guests or attractions, meaning your park rating will be extremely low. The bronze objectives, however, are quite easy and shouldn’t give you much trouble, though increasing the scenery rating may take some time.

Own Two Plots Of Land


One of the most interesting features of the park is that it consists of 13 land plots. Start with this simple objective by purchasing two additional plots. You need to go for Verdenfjorden and Bergogdalbanefjorden. However, note that you cannot build any flat rides in Bergogdalbanefjorden, so plan accordingly.

Increase Scenery Rating


Another objective is to increase your scenery rating to one and a quarter. Before tackling this, it’s a good idea to purchase some attractions for your park so you can place scenery around them. Using custom scenery may take a long time, so opting for blueprints can save you significant effort.

While reaching this scenery rate might seem straightforward, the park’s large size and the high scenery rating required can make this a time-consuming task. Don’t forget to manage your park’s other needs during this process.

Keep Guests In A Good Mood


For this objective, at least 70 percent of your guests need to be in a good mood. Use the heat map and guest section in Park Management to closely monitor their needs. Additionally, you’ll need a minimum of 1,000 guests in your park, so running advertising campaigns to attract visitors will be crucial for meeting this requirement.

Fabled Fjord Silver Objectives

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The Silver objectives will require you to acquire more plots of land, build a coaster, and raise your park rating to two. These tasks won\\'t be too challenging.

Own Five Plots Of Land


You need to increase your land count from three to five. The two available plots are Ikkenfjord and Kongeligfjord. While building flat rides is prohibited in Ikkenfjord, you cannot build pools in Kongeligfjord. Plan your expansions accordingly.

Have A Coaster


For this objective, you must build a custom coaster. Make sure you have enough funds before starting—around $30,000 should suffice. If you\\'re short on cash, consider taking a loan. The coaster needs to include three inversions, so ensure the coaster\\'s stats indicate \\'Can Invert.\\'

Your goal is to flip your guests upside down three times, which can be achieved using loops or other special tracks. Since flat rides are restricted in Bergogdalbanefjorden and Ikkenfjord, these areas are ideal for building your coaster.

Increase Your Park Rating To Two


Finally, you need to raise your park rating to two. Most likely, your Scenery Rating and Unique Attraction values will be the lowest, so focus on improving these areas. Add more scenery around your new coaster and existing attractions. Also, increase the number of attractions while maintaining a high Park Reputation.

Fabled Fjord Gold Objectives

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The Gold objectives aren’t particularly difficult, but reaching 4,000 guests will take some time. During this process, focus on enhancing your park with plenty of scenery and prepare for the Platinum objectives. You’ll need to build a massive pool, acquire more plots of land, and satisfy your guests. If you strategically place the pool, the rest will be a breeze.

Own Eight Plots Of Land


You already own five plots; now, you need to expand to eight. Four additional plots are available: Ikkenfjord, Entotrefjord, Mystikfjord, and Jegheterfjord. Keep in mind that you cannot build a pool in Entotrefjord, and since it costs $20,000, it’s best to avoid it for now.

The combined cost of the other three plots is $19,500, so speed up the game to generate the needed funds. Additionally, note that flat rides cannot be built in Ikkenfjord or Jegheterfjord.

Build A Pool


You’ll need to build a pool for your expanding park, with a minimum area of 3,500 square meters. Jegheterfjord is a good location for this pool. Keep in mind that blueprint pools won’t meet the requirements, so you’ll need to create a custom pool. Use the stamp builder and scale it up to meet the size criteria.

Keep Guests In A Good Mood


As in one of the Bronze objectives, again and still, at least 70 percent of your guests must be in a good mood. Ensure your growing park has enough food and drink facilities, and hire sufficient janitors to keep it clean. Make sure there are enough restrooms and an abundance of trash bins. Additionally, check that your busiest pathways aren’t too narrow to accommodate the crowd.

Not only that, but you’ll also need to attract 4,000 guests to the park. To reach this goal, make sure to run advertisements and meet the conditions for their success. For advertisements to be effective, your park rating must be high.

Improve your park to attract more guests by focusing on scenery rating, which is likely to be low. Adding scenery and making the park more appealing will help you reach your goals.

Fabled Fjord Platinum Objectives


The Platinum objectives in Fabled Fjord won’t be too challenging. Most of them are straightforward, requiring you to purchase all the land and, as with all scenarios, increase your park rating. You’ll likely complete these without much trouble in a reasonable amount of time.

Have A Flume

Owning a flume is relatively easy, though it comes with a specific requirement that isn’t too difficult to meet. Your flume must have a fear rating of at least three. If you’re using blueprints, the \\'Raft Trap\\' flume is an excellent choice for meeting this objective.

If you prefer to design your own flume, aim for a fast ride with plenty of turns and action while adhering to G-Force limits. A well-designed flume will allow you to clear this objective effortlessly.

Own Thirteen Plots Of Land


Another task involves purchasing all the land plots. If you’ve spent enough time attracting 4,000 visitors during the Gold objectives, you should have saved up plenty of money. This will allow you to buy the remaining plots and reach the required total of 13. Purchasing all remaining land will cost you around $50,000.

Have Three Coasters


You’ll also need at least three coasters, each with a minimum excitement rating of six. Since you’ll have all the land at your disposal, space won’t be an issue. Several pre-made blueprints exceed the six-excitement threshold, such as:

If you prefer to build custom coasters, aim for high-speed designs with tight turns and close-proximity tracks to maximize excitement.

Increase Your Park Rating


As with all scenarios\\' Platinum objectives, you’ll need to raise your park rating to four and a half stars. Since this scenario heavily relies on scenery, you may lag behind in your Scenery Rating. Focus on placing scenery that provides the highest rating boosts around your rides.

If your Park Reputation is low, focus guest needs to improve it. Place scenery while pausing the game to avoid dealing with unexpected issues in the park. With such a large park filled with attractions, your Unique Attraction score is likely high.

Additionally, well-placed scenery will boost your Attraction Prestige, so focusing on scenery alone should be enough to complete the Platinum objectives with ease. If you have extra funds, place expensive scenery blueprints across the park to quickly achieve this goal.

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\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ","image":"http://www.luping.net/uploads/20250323/174272472867dfde78d9904.jpg174272472867dfde78d990b.jpg","datePublished":"2025-03-23T22:35:51+08:00","dateModified":"2025-03-23T22:35:51+08:00","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"luping.net","url":"https://www.luping.net/articlelist/0_1.html"}}
「労働者が自分の仕事をうまくやりたいなら、まず自分の道具を研ぎ澄まさなければなりません。」 - 孔子、「論語。陸霊公」
表紙 > ゲーム > Planet Coaster 2:Fabled Fjord Walkthrough

Planet Coaster 2:Fabled Fjord Walkthrough


The Fabled Fjord scenario in Planet Coaster 2 gives you a massive park made up of 13 plots of land. This park is not only vast but also blessed with stunning natural beauty. However, its sheer size might become a challenge, as you'll face numerous Scenery Rating requirements that could make placing scenery feel tiresome after a while.

Planet Coaster 2: Fabled Fjord Walkthrough

On the bright side, decorating such a large park is fun, and you'll have plenty of room to build massive coasters that may have been hard to fit in other scenarios. If you're ready, let’s create a park worthy of Viking glory!

Fabled Fjord Bronze Objectives

One of the unique aspects of this park is that it’s an abandoned site, and your goal is to restore it to the glory of Viking heritage. The park starts with no guests or attractions, meaning your park rating will be extremely low. The bronze objectives, however, are quite easy and shouldn’t give you much trouble, though increasing the scenery rating may take some time.

Own Two Plots Of Land

Planet Coaster 2: Fabled Fjord Walkthrough

One of the most interesting features of the park is that it consists of 13 land plots. Start with this simple objective by purchasing two additional plots. You need to go for Verdenfjorden and Bergogdalbanefjorden. However, note that you cannot build any flat rides in Bergogdalbanefjorden, so plan accordingly.

Increase Scenery Rating

Planet Coaster 2: Fabled Fjord Walkthrough

Another objective is to increase your scenery rating to one and a quarter. Before tackling this, it’s a good idea to purchase some attractions for your park so you can place scenery around them. Using custom scenery may take a long time, so opting for blueprints can save you significant effort.

While reaching this scenery rate might seem straightforward, the park’s large size and the high scenery rating required can make this a time-consuming task. Don’t forget to manage your park’s other needs during this process.

Keep Guests In A Good Mood

Planet Coaster 2: Fabled Fjord Walkthrough

For this objective, at least 70 percent of your guests need to be in a good mood. Use the heat map and guest section in Park Management to closely monitor their needs. Additionally, you’ll need a minimum of 1,000 guests in your park, so running advertising campaigns to attract visitors will be crucial for meeting this requirement.

Fabled Fjord Silver Objectives

The Silver objectives will require you to acquire more plots of land, build a coaster, and raise your park rating to two. These tasks won't be too challenging.

Own Five Plots Of Land

Planet Coaster 2: Fabled Fjord Walkthrough

You need to increase your land count from three to five. The two available plots are Ikkenfjord and Kongeligfjord. While building flat rides is prohibited in Ikkenfjord, you cannot build pools in Kongeligfjord. Plan your expansions accordingly.

Have A Coaster

Planet Coaster 2: Fabled Fjord Walkthrough

For this objective, you must build a custom coaster. Make sure you have enough funds before starting—around $30,000 should suffice. If you're short on cash, consider taking a loan. The coaster needs to include three inversions, so ensure the coaster's stats indicate 'Can Invert.'

Your goal is to flip your guests upside down three times, which can be achieved using loops or other special tracks. Since flat rides are restricted in Bergogdalbanefjorden and Ikkenfjord, these areas are ideal for building your coaster.

Increase Your Park Rating To Two

Planet Coaster 2: Fabled Fjord Walkthrough

Finally, you need to raise your park rating to two. Most likely, your Scenery Rating and Unique Attraction values will be the lowest, so focus on improving these areas. Add more scenery around your new coaster and existing attractions. Also, increase the number of attractions while maintaining a high Park Reputation.

Fabled Fjord Gold Objectives

The Gold objectives aren’t particularly difficult, but reaching 4,000 guests will take some time. During this process, focus on enhancing your park with plenty of scenery and prepare for the Platinum objectives. You’ll need to build a massive pool, acquire more plots of land, and satisfy your guests. If you strategically place the pool, the rest will be a breeze.

Own Eight Plots Of Land

Planet Coaster 2: Fabled Fjord Walkthrough

You already own five plots; now, you need to expand to eight. Four additional plots are available: Ikkenfjord, Entotrefjord, Mystikfjord, and Jegheterfjord. Keep in mind that you cannot build a pool in Entotrefjord, and since it costs $20,000, it’s best to avoid it for now.

The combined cost of the other three plots is $19,500, so speed up the game to generate the needed funds. Additionally, note that flat rides cannot be built in Ikkenfjord or Jegheterfjord.

Build A Pool

Planet Coaster 2: Fabled Fjord Walkthrough

You’ll need to build a pool for your expanding park, with a minimum area of 3,500 square meters. Jegheterfjord is a good location for this pool. Keep in mind that blueprint pools won’t meet the requirements, so you’ll need to create a custom pool. Use the stamp builder and scale it up to meet the size criteria.

Keep Guests In A Good Mood

Planet Coaster 2: Fabled Fjord Walkthrough

As in one of the Bronze objectives, again and still, at least 70 percent of your guests must be in a good mood. Ensure your growing park has enough food and drink facilities, and hire sufficient janitors to keep it clean. Make sure there are enough restrooms and an abundance of trash bins. Additionally, check that your busiest pathways aren’t too narrow to accommodate the crowd.

Not only that, but you’ll also need to attract 4,000 guests to the park. To reach this goal, make sure to run advertisements and meet the conditions for their success. For advertisements to be effective, your park rating must be high.

Improve your park to attract more guests by focusing on scenery rating, which is likely to be low. Adding scenery and making the park more appealing will help you reach your goals.

Fabled Fjord Platinum Objectives

Planet Coaster 2: Fabled Fjord Walkthrough

The Platinum objectives in Fabled Fjord won’t be too challenging. Most of them are straightforward, requiring you to purchase all the land and, as with all scenarios, increase your park rating. You’ll likely complete these without much trouble in a reasonable amount of time.

Have A Flume

Owning a flume is relatively easy, though it comes with a specific requirement that isn’t too difficult to meet. Your flume must have a fear rating of at least three. If you’re using blueprints, the 'Raft Trap' flume is an excellent choice for meeting this objective.

If you prefer to design your own flume, aim for a fast ride with plenty of turns and action while adhering to G-Force limits. A well-designed flume will allow you to clear this objective effortlessly.

Own Thirteen Plots Of Land

Planet Coaster 2: Fabled Fjord Walkthrough

Another task involves purchasing all the land plots. If you’ve spent enough time attracting 4,000 visitors during the Gold objectives, you should have saved up plenty of money. This will allow you to buy the remaining plots and reach the required total of 13. Purchasing all remaining land will cost you around $50,000.

Have Three Coasters

Planet Coaster 2: Fabled Fjord Walkthrough

You’ll also need at least three coasters, each with a minimum excitement rating of six. Since you’ll have all the land at your disposal, space won’t be an issue. Several pre-made blueprints exceed the six-excitement threshold, such as:

  • Splintery
  • Conlan
  • Alpine Thunder
  • Loco Lobo
  • Animal
  • Flight of the Condor
  • The Sandworm
  • Glider
  • Artemis
  • Soarer
  • Nozedyve
  • The Driller
  • Ascent
  • Ultimate Speedway

If you prefer to build custom coasters, aim for high-speed designs with tight turns and close-proximity tracks to maximize excitement.

Increase Your Park Rating

Planet Coaster 2: Fabled Fjord Walkthrough

As with all scenarios' Platinum objectives, you’ll need to raise your park rating to four and a half stars. Since this scenario heavily relies on scenery, you may lag behind in your Scenery Rating. Focus on placing scenery that provides the highest rating boosts around your rides.

If your Park Reputation is low, focus guest needs to improve it. Place scenery while pausing the game to avoid dealing with unexpected issues in the park. With such a large park filled with attractions, your Unique Attraction score is likely high.

Additionally, well-placed scenery will boost your Attraction Prestige, so focusing on scenery alone should be enough to complete the Platinum objectives with ease. If you have extra funds, place expensive scenery blueprints across the park to quickly achieve this goal.

Planet Coaster 2: Fabled Fjord Walkthrough

リリースステートメント この記事は、https://www.thegamer.com/planet-coaster--fabled-fabled-faded-scenario-objectives-walkthrough/で再現されています。
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