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प्रतिक्रिया: प्रतिक्रिया की घटना प्रणाली को समझना

2024-11-05 को प्रकाशित
ब्राउज़ करें:762

React: Understanding React

Overview of React's Event System

What is a Synthetic Event?

Synthetic events are an event-handling mechanism designed by React to achieve cross-browser compatibility, optimize performance, and simplify event handling. It encapsulates native browser events, providing a unified API and event handling approach, ensuring consistent event behavior across different browsers.

Working Principle of Synthetic Events

Event Delegation

React handles events through an event delegation mechanism. Event delegation means that React doesn't directly bind event listeners to each DOM element. Instead, it binds all event listeners to a single root node (usually the document or the root container of the application). When a user interacts with the page and triggers an event, the event bubbles up the DOM tree to the root node, where React captures the event and wraps it as a synthetic event.

Advantages of Event Delegation:

  • Performance Optimization: It reduces the number of event handlers that need to be bound, thereby lowering memory usage.

  • Simplified Event Management: By managing all events at the root node, React can more efficiently handle event propagation, prevent default behaviors, and perform other event-related operations.

Event Pooling

A key mechanism behind synthetic events is event pooling. Event pooling means that React reuses event objects instead of creating a new event object each time an event is triggered. When an event occurs, React takes an event object from the event pool, initializes it, and passes it to the event handler. After the event handling is complete, the event object is cleaned up and returned to the event pool for reuse in the next event.

Advantages of Event Pooling:

  • Reduced Memory Allocation: By reusing event objects, React avoids frequent memory allocation and garbage collection operations, which can significantly improve performance, especially for high-frequency events like mouse movements or scrolling.

Lifecycle of Synthetic Events

Due to event pooling, the lifecycle of synthetic events differs from that of native events. Typically, after the event handler function has finished executing, the properties of the synthetic event object are reset to null so that it can be returned to the pool for reuse.

Points to Note:

Asynchronous Operations: If you need to access the event object within an asynchronous operation, you must call the event.persist() method. This will prevent the event object from being returned to the pool, ensuring that it doesn't get reset during the asynchronous operation.

API and Usage of Synthetic Events

The React Synthetic Event API provides a set of interfaces similar to native browser events, which are commonly used in React. Below is a detailed introduction to some frequently used methods and properties, along with examples illustrating their usage scenarios.

a. preventDefault()

The preventDefault() method is used to prevent the default behavior of an event. Default behavior refers to the actions that the browser usually performs when an event occurs, such as refreshing the page when a form is submitted or navigating to a new page when a link is clicked.

Example: Preventing the default form submission behavior

function MyForm() {
  const handleSubmit = e => {
    e.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default form submission behavior
    console.log('Form submission prevented');

  return (
); }

In this example, if preventDefault() is not called, clicking the submit button will trigger the form submission, causing the page to refresh. By calling preventDefault(), the default behavior is prevented, allowing you to customize the form handling logic instead.

b. stopPropagation()
The stopPropagation() method is used to stop the further propagation of an event. Events typically propagate from the target element where the event was triggered up to its parent elements (event bubbling). By calling stopPropagation(), you can prevent this propagation.

Example: Stopping the propagation of a click event

function Parent() {
  const handleParentClick = () => {
    console.log('Parent clicked');

  return (
Parent Div
); } function Child() { const handleChildClick = e => { e.stopPropagation(); // Stop the event from bubbling up to the parent element console.log('Child clicked'); }; return ; }

In this example, clicking the button triggers the click event handler in the Child component. By default, the event would bubble up to the Parent component and trigger its click handler as well. However, by calling stopPropagation() in the Child component, the event bubbling to the Parent is prevented.

c. target
The target property refers to the actual DOM element that triggered the event. It is commonly used to access the element that initiated the event and to handle logic related to that element.

*Example: Accessing the element that triggered the event *

function MyComponent() {
  const handleClick = e => {
    console.log('Clicked element:', e.target);

  return (
); }

In this example, when either button is clicked, the e.target in the handleClick function will point to the button element that was clicked. The target property is used to identify which specific element was clicked.

d. currentTarget
The currentTarget property refers to the DOM element to which the event handler is bound. During event handling, regardless of which child element the event bubbles to, currentTarget always points to the element that the event handler is attached to.

Example: Distinguishing between target and currentTarget

function MyComponent() {
  const handleClick = e => {
    console.log('Clicked element:', e.target);
    console.log('Event handler bound to:', e.currentTarget);

  return (
); }

In this example, when any button is clicked, event.target will point to the button that was clicked, while event.currentTarget will always point to the parent div element where the event handler is bound.

e. persist()
The persist() method is used to retain the event object, preventing React from reusing it. This method is typically needed in asynchronous operations.

Example: Using the event object in an asynchronous operation

function MyComponent() {
  const handleClick = e => {
    e.persist(); // Retain the event object

    setTimeout(() => {
      console.log('Button clicked:', event.target);
    }, 1000);

  return ;

In this example, because the event object might be reused in asynchronous operations, persist() is called to retain the event object, ensuring that the event properties can be safely accessed in the setTimeout callback.

React Synthetic Event Types

React provides various types of synthetic events that cover common user interaction scenarios. Below are some commonly used synthetic event types along with examples:

a. Mouse Events

  • onClick: Triggered when an element is clicked.

  • onDoubleClick: Triggered when an element is double-clicked.

  • onMouseDown: Triggered when a mouse button is pressed down on an element.

  • onMouseUp: Triggered when a mouse button is released on an element.

  • onMouseMove: Triggered when the mouse is moved over an element.

  • onMouseEnter: Triggered when the mouse pointer enters the element's area; does not bubble.

  • onMouseLeave: Triggered when the mouse pointer leaves the element's area; does not bubble.

Example: Using onClick and onMouseMove

function MouseTracker() {
  const handleMouseMove = e => {
    console.log(`Mouse position: (${e.clientX}, ${e.clientY})`);

  return (
Move your mouse here
); } function MyApp() { return (
); }

In this example, the MouseTracker component logs the mouse position whenever it moves within the div area, while the button in the MyApp component logs a message when clicked.

b. Keyboard Events

  • onKeyDown: Triggered when a key is pressed down on the keyboard.

  • onKeyUp: Triggered when a key is released on the keyboard.

  • onKeyPress: Triggered when a key is pressed and held down (deprecated; it is recommended to use onKeyDown instead).

Example: Handling the onKeyDown Event

function KeyHandler() {
  const handleKeyDown = e => {
    console.log('Key pressed:', e.key);

  return ;

In this example, when the user presses any key while focused on the input field, the handleKeyDown function logs the name of the pressed key.

c. Focus Events

  • onFocus: Triggered when an element gains focus.

  • onBlur: Triggered when an element loses focus.

Example: Handling onFocus and onBlur Events

function FocusExample() {
  return (
     console.log('Input focused')}
      onBlur={() => console.log('Input blurred')}
      placeholder="Focus and blur me"

In this example, when the input field gains or loses focus, a corresponding message is logged to the console.

d. Form Events

  • onChange: Triggered when the value of a form control changes.

  • onSubmit: Triggered when a form is submitted.

  • onInput: Triggered when the user inputs data (including actions like deleting or pasting).

Example: Handling onChange and onSubmit Events

function MyForm() {
  const [value, setValue] = React.useState('');

  const handleChange = e => {

  const handleSubmit = e => {
    console.log('Form submitted with value:', value);

  return (
); }

In this example, as the user types into the input field, the handleChange function updates the component's state. When the form is submitted, the handleSubmit function logs the current value of the input field.

Differences Between React Events and Regular HTML Events

a. Event Naming

  • Native: All lowercase (e.g., onclick).

  • React: CamelCase (e.g., onClick).

b. Event Handler Syntax

  • Native events use strings to specify event handlers.

  • React events use functions as event handlers.

c. Preventing Default Browser Behavior

  • Native: can use 'return false' to prevent the browser's default behavior.

  • React: Instead, you must explicitly call preventDefault() to achieve this.

d. Order of Event Execution
Native events execute first, followed by synthetic events. Synthetic events bubble up and are bound to the document. Therefore, it's advisable to avoid mixing native and synthetic events. If a native event stops propagation, it may prevent the synthetic event from executing because synthetic events rely on bubbling up to the document to execute.

Why does React Choose Synthetic Events

The reasons React chooses synthetic events include:

  • Cross-Browser Consistency: Synthetic events abstract away the differences in event handling across various browsers, ensuring consistent behavior across all browsers.

  • Performance Optimization: Event delegation and event pooling significantly reduce the overhead of event handling, improving the application's performance.

  • Better Event Management: With synthetic events, React can more effectively control event propagation, prevent default behaviors, and closely integrate with React's batch update mechanism for more efficient event handling.

विज्ञप्ति वक्तव्य यह आलेख यहां पुन: प्रस्तुत किया गया है: https://dev.to/lukewanghanxiang/react-understand-reacts-event-system-dm7?1 यदि कोई उल्लंघन है, तो कृपया इसे हटाने के लिए स्टडी_गोलंग@163.com से संपर्क करें।
नवीनतम ट्यूटोरियल अधिक>

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