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मुखपृष्ठ > प्रोग्रामिंग > What\'s the difference between Datetime and Timestamp in SQL Server?

What\'s the difference between Datetime and Timestamp in SQL Server?

2024-11-08 को प्रकाशित
ब्राउज़ करें:753

What\'s the difference between Datetime and Timestamp in SQL Server?

Understanding the Distinction between Datetime and Timestamp in SQL Server

While both Datetime and Timestamp data types in SQL Server handle dates and times, they exhibit a fundamental difference.

Datetime is a data type specifically designed for storing date and time information. It supports a wide range of formats and date/time calculations. On the other hand, Timestamp is not intended to store date and time values but rather serves as a rowversion data type.

Rowversion vs. Datetime

Rowversion is a unique value automatically generated by SQL Server to track changes to a row. When a row is modified or inserted, the rowversion value associated with that row is incremented. By leveraging rowversion, SQL Server can efficiently detect and manage data changes within a database.

Timestamp is an alias for rowversion, meaning it inherits the same properties. It is primarily used in concurrency control and versioning scenarios, where it guarantees that each row has a unique identity.

Key Distinctions

  • Purpose: Datetime is used for storing date and time data, while Timestamp (rowversion) is used for managing row-level concurrency.
  • Generation: Datetime values can be explicitly set or derived from input data, while Timestamp values are automatically generated and incremented by SQL Server.
  • Constraints: Datetime values can be constrained to ensure data integrity, whereas Timestamp values are constrained to be unique for each row within a table.

In summary, Datetime and Timestamp in SQL Server serve distinct roles. Datetime is a general-purpose data type for representing dates and times, while Timestamp (rowversion) is optimized for managing row-level concurrency and versioning.

नवीनतम ट्यूटोरियल अधिक>

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