"Si un ouvrier veut bien faire son travail, il doit d'abord affûter ses outils." - Confucius, "Les Entretiens de Confucius. Lu Linggong"
Page de garde > Apprendre le chinois > Have you watched this show? How to say it in Chinese? 你有看过这个节目吗?Chinese pronunciation, 你有看过这个节目吗?Chinese learning

Have you watched this show? How to say it in Chinese? 你有看过这个节目吗?Chinese pronunciation, 你有看过这个节目吗?Chinese learning

Publié le 2025-02-07


Learning Chinese: How to Ask "Have You Watched This Show?" in Chinese

Chinese Characters: 你看过这个节目吗?
Pinyin: Nǐ guòle zhège xiémù ma?
Pronunciation: ni3 guo4 le4 zhe4 ge4 xie4 mu4 ma5
English Translation: Have you watched this show?


"你看过这个节目吗?(Nǐ guòle zhège xiémù ma?)" is a common way to ask someone if they have watched a particular TV show, movie, or other program. It can be used in both formal and informal settings.


Chinese: 你看过这个节目吗?
Pinyin: Nǐ guòle zhège xiémù ma?
English: Have you watched this show?

There are a few variations of "你看过这个节目吗?(Nǐ guòle zhège xiémù ma?)" that you may hear:

你看过这个节目吗?(Nǐ kànguo zhège xiémù ma?): A more informal way to ask the same question.
你有没有看过这个节目?(Nǐ yǒu méiyǒu kànguo zhège xiémù?): Another informal way to ask the same question.
Tips for Learning:

Practice saying "你看过这个节目吗?(Nǐ guòle zhège xiémù ma?)" out loud to improve your pronunciation.
Listen to native Chinese speakers asking this question to get a sense of the natural rhythm and intonation.
Use "你看过这个节目吗?(Nǐ guòle zhège xiémù ma?)" in your daily conversations to practice using it in context.
Additional Notes:

The character "吗 (ma)" at the end of the sentence is a question particle that indicates that the sentence is a question.
To respond to this question, you can say "看过 (guòle)" for yes or "没看过 (méi guò)" for no.
For example:
Chinese: 你看过这个节目吗?
Pinyin: Nǐ guòle zhège xiémù ma?
English: Have you watched this show?
Chinese: 看过了。
Pinyin: Guòle.
English: Yes, I have.

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