"Si un trabajador quiere hacer bien su trabajo, primero debe afilar sus herramientas." - Confucio, "Las Analectas de Confucio. Lu Linggong"
Página delantera > Aprender chino > What do you think of your Chinese? How to say it in Chinese? 你觉得自己的中文怎么样?Chinese pronunciation, 你觉得自己的中文怎么样?Chinese learning

What do you think of your Chinese? How to say it in Chinese? 你觉得自己的中文怎么样?Chinese pronunciation, 你觉得自己的中文怎么样?Chinese learning

Publicado el 2025-02-07


Learning Chinese: How to Ask "How's Your Chinese?"

Chinese Characters: 你觉得自己的中文怎么样?
Pinyin: Nǐ juédé zìjǐ de zhōngwén zěnme yàng?
Pronunciation: ni3 jue2 de4 zi4 ji3 de4 zhong1 wen2 zen3 me5 yang4
English Translation: How do you feel about your Chinese?


"你觉得自己的中文怎么样? (Nǐ juédé zìjǐ de zhōngwén zěnme yàng?)" is a polite way to ask someone how they feel about their Chinese language skills. It can be used in both formal and informal settings.


Chinese: 你觉得自己的中文怎么样?
Pinyin: Nǐ juédé zìjǐ de zhōngwén zěnme yàng?
English: How do you feel about your Chinese?

There are a few variations of this question that you may hear:

你的中文说得怎么样?(Nǐ de zhōngwén shuō dé zěnme yàng?) - This variation focuses specifically on speaking skills.
你的中文水平怎么样?(Nǐ de zhōngwén shuǐpíng zěnme yàng?) - This variation focuses on overall Chinese proficiency, including both speaking and listening skills.
Tips for Learning:

Practice saying "你觉得自己的中文怎么样? (Nǐ juédé zìjǐ de zhōngwén zěnme yàng?)" out loud to improve your pronunciation.
Listen to native Chinese speakers asking this question to get a sense of the natural rhythm and intonation.
Use "你觉得自己的中文怎么样? (Nǐ juédé zìjǐ de zhōngwén zěnme yàng?)" in your daily conversations to practice using it in context.
Additional Notes:

This question is typically used to show interest in someone's Chinese language learning progress.
You can respond to this question by giving a self-assessment of your Chinese skills, such as "我的中文说得还行。(Wǒ de zhōngwén shuō dé hái xíng.)" (My Chinese is okay.)
Asking this question can also be a way to offer help or support to someone who is learning Chinese.

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