"Si un trabajador quiere hacer bien su trabajo, primero debe afilar sus herramientas." - Confucio, "Las Analectas de Confucio. Lu Linggong"
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Publicado el 2024-10-08


Learning Chinese: How to Say "See You Tomorrow" in Chinese

Chinese Characters: 明天见
Pinyin: míngtiān jiàn
Pronunciation: ming2 tian1 jian4
English Translation: See you tomorrow


"明天见 (míngtiān jiàn)" is the most common way to say "see you tomorrow" in Chinese. It can be used in both formal and informal settings.


Chinese: 明天见,李老师。
Pinyin: Míngtiān jiàn, Lǐ lǎoshī.
English: See you tomorrow, Teacher Li.


There are a few variations of "明天见 (míngtiān jiàn)" that you may hear:

  • 再见明天 (zài jiàn míngtiān): Literally means "goodbye tomorrow," but it also conveys the meaning of "see you tomorrow."
  • 明儿见 (míng'er jiàn): A more informal way to say "see you tomorrow," often used among friends or family.

Tips for Learning:

  • Practice saying "明天见 (míngtiān jiàn)" out loud to improve your pronunciation.
  • Listen to native Chinese speakers saying "see you tomorrow" to get a sense of the natural rhythm and intonation.
  • Use "明天见 (míngtiān jiàn)" in your daily conversations to practice using it in context.

Additional Notes:

  • "明天见 (míngtiān jiàn)" is typically used when parting ways with someone at the end of the day or evening.
  • To say "see you tomorrow morning," you can say "明天早上见 (míngtiān zǎoshang jiàn)."
  • To say "see you tomorrow afternoon," you can say "明天下午见 (míngtiān xiàwǔ jiàn)."
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